Our company is looking for 2 freelance programmers (1 iOS, 1 Android Programmer)
- Ability to use and adapt code from GitHub to project
- Familiarity with Firebase (Firestore, Storage)
- Ability to learn iOS and Android features independently and quickly
Please email your CV, photo, with contact no. to mla_management@yahoo.com
Or contact us at 081519044755
Perusahaan kami sedang mencari 2 programmer freelance dengan kriteria sbb:
- Ability to use and adapt code from GitHub to project
- Familiarity with Firebase (Firestore, Storage)
- Ability to learn iOS and Android features independently and quickly
Mohon diemail CV, photo dan nomor hp yang bisa dihubungi ke: mla_management@yahoo.com atau hubungi kami di: 081519044755.
Terima kasih.
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