Senin, 29 Februari 2016

Lowongan Resepsionis, SPG, dan Supir

PT Jasa Trans Abadi, perusahaan baru yang bergerak di bidang konsultan dan jasa membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk posisi :
(Work Location: Casablanca – Jakarta Selatan)

Tugas :
  • Menghandel telpon masuk dan keluar
  • Menghandel surat menyurat
  • Peminjaman Ruang Meeting
  • Tugas administrasi
  • Menerima tamu
  • Wanita, max 28 tahun
  • Pendidikan min D3 semua jurusan
  • Berpenampilan menarik
  • Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris
  • Memiliki kemampuan menggunakan Ms. Office
  • Pekerja keras dan mampu bekerja bersama tim.
Sales Promotion Girl

  • Wanita, max 27 tahun
  • Tinggi Minimal 156cm
  • Pendidikan SMA/SMK
  • Memiliki sikap kerja yang baik, jujur, pekerja keras, bersedia kerja lembur.
(Work Location: Casablanca – Jakarta Selatan)

  • Pria, max 30 tahun
  • Memiliki SIM A
  • Pendidikan SMA/SMK
  • Mampu mengendarai mobil manual dan matic
  • Memiliki pengetahuan area jabodetabek
  • Memiliki sikap kerja yang baik, pekerja keras, bersedia kerja lembur
Silahkan kirim CV dan foto terbaru anda (maks 200Kb) ke tidak lebih dari 2 minggu setelah iklan ini di tayangkan.

Jumat, 26 Februari 2016

Vacancy: Accounting Staff


NUSANTARA INFRASTRUCTURE TBK (NI) is the Leading Infrastructure Investor/Developer in Indonesia. We see great challenges and opportunities in the growth of our country, and aim to accelerate the development of infrastructure in diversified sectors such as Toll Roads, Tower, Sea Ports, Clean Water Supply, and Renewable Energy. Our objective is to provide services of the highest standards in order to improve the quality of life and create the best value for all stakeholders.
Currently, we are seeking strong, self-driven professionals to join our team as:


-          Analyze the daily transaction and prepare General Ledger
-          Prepare the Company’s Financial Statement 

-        Experience min. 1 year / Fresh graduate
-        Bachelor degree Accounting with minimum GPA of 3.00
-        Deep in analytical thinking, problem solving and good communication skills  
-        Vacancy for 2 position which is located in TB Simpatupang and Makassar.

Please submit your full resume and a recent photograph, along as your position "Accounting Staff" to the following link below:

Kamis, 25 Februari 2016

Urgently Required - Project Admin

Dear All,
We are currently seeking qualified candidates for the position of:

Project Admin

Bachelor Degree from Management/ Accounting
Minimum requirement : 1-2 year experience (Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply)
having administration/financial/secretarial/document control experience, having multi-tasking capability.

Should you meet the above qualification, please send your full resume email to:

Please mention the position applied on the subject of email.

Lowongan Logistic Executive

Looking for Logistic Executive to be based at Kawasan Industri Jababeka 3, Cikarang Barat – Bekasi.

Interested party need to send their resume to 


Rabu, 24 Februari 2016

Vacancy: Secretary

PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk
We are a public company which operates in the Oil and gas field services sector. The Company provides onshore and offshore drilling services to oil and gas producers and other related services. The Company operates a fleet of drilling unit comprises submersible swamp barges, jack-up rigs and onshore drilling rigs.
We are looking for qualified candidates for the position below:
Perform efficient secretarial works, correspondences and travel support for Board of Director and Commissioners.
    ·         D3 degree, preferably from Secretary academy
            ·         Having 2 years of working experience as Secretary
            ·        Good command in English, both oral and written
                  ·          Having good communication and interpersonal skill

Please send your CV and related documents to Write the position title as the email subject.



Our client is a Multinational EPC Company of oil & gas project where its head office in Jakarta, is seeking ACCOUNTING & TAX MANAGER position for their projects activity. The condition requirement are as follow :  

General requirement
* Age between 30 – 45 years old
* Bachelor Degree from Accounting from reputable University
* Minimum 8 years in the same field / oil and gas / EPC
* Implementation of MS Office, MYOB program, Brevet A+B, C  
* Familiar with tax matters
* Good communication in English
* Job type : 1 year contract

Please send only CV in MS Word application, Photograph & hand phone number to the email address below :

Selasa, 16 Februari 2016

Vacancy for Accounting Manager


We are an Established Company for Oil and Gas Services, which was rewarded ISO 9001 & 14001 and API 6A, 16A then seeking qualified experienced people with strong interpersonal skill, capability to fill recruitment as follows :

ACCOUNTING MANAGERThe requirements as follow as :

1. Bachelor degree in Accounting 
2. Have a Good communication skills in written and verbal English
Have a good knowledge of Indonesian Tax
4. Having certificates for Brevet A
 , C course completed
5. Willing to work under pressure
6. Minimum 
5 year experience

General Qualification :
1. Male /Female & age max 35 years old
2. Ability to create reports and data on (excel and word)
3Having and Good Command in English both and oral written
4. Good Attitude, Good Personality, High Dedicated & Fully responsible
5. Ability to work both individually and team
6. Domicile in Jakarta  willing to be placed in the BSD Tangerang area

Please send your CV,Application and references not latter than 7 (seven) days to :

Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda 25A, Arteri Pondok Indah-Jakarta 12240

Only short listed candidates will be notified

URGENT NEEDED !! Accounting Manager for Oil & Gas Services


We are an Established Company for Oil and Gas Services, which was rewarded ISO 9001 & 14001 and API 6A, 16A then seeking qualified experienced people with strong interpersonal skill, capability to fill recruitment as follows :

ACCOUNTING MANAGER : The requirements as follow as :

1. Bachelor degree in Accounting 
2. Have a Good communication skills in written and verbal English
Have a good knowledge of Indonesian Tax
4. Having certificates for Brevet A
 , C course completed
5. Willing to work under pressure
6. Minimum 
5 year experience

General Qualification :
1. Male /Female & age max 35 years old
2. Ability to create reports and data on (excel and word)
3Having and Good Command in English both and oral written
4. Good Attitude, Good Personality, High Dedicated & Fully responsible
5. Ability to work both individually and team
6. Domicile in Jakarta  willing to be placed in the BSD Tangerang area

Please send your CV,Application and references not latter than 7 (seven) days to :

Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda 25A, Arteri Pondok Indah-Jakarta 12240

Only short listed candidates will be notified

Lowongan HR STAFF

PT. Dharma Pratama Sejati adalah perusahaan Nasional di bidang industri Hilir gas bumi yang sedang berkembang dengan cepat di pulau Jawa dan Sumatra. Kami memiliki 5 site mulai dari trading sampai dengan power plant yang akan terus bertambah. Saat ini kami sedang membutuhkan professional yang berbakat dan memiliki motivasi tinggi untuk maju bersama kami sebagai :

1.      Corporate HR Staff

a.       Diutamakan Wanita
b.      Minimal D3/S1 Accounting/Management/Tax
c.       Memahami PPH21, Undang-undang ketenagakerjaan, People Development
d.      Pengalaman Kerja Minimal 1 tahun sebagai staff HR 
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
a.       Melaksanakan fungsi dan administrasi Corporate HR.
b.      Bertanggung jawab terhadap proses payroll karyawan DPS Grup.
c.       Menyiapkan data-data kepegawaian yang dibutuhkan terkait kompetensi job profile dan job description untuk semua jabatan
d.      Mendokumentasikan semua data kepegawaian (penggajian, kompetensi, rekrutmen, pelatihan dan data kepegawaian lainnya).
e.       Menyiapkan data rekapitulasi pelatihan karyawan, mulai dari proses adminitrasi pengajuan pelatihan s/d pencarian vendor pelaksana pelatihan
f.       Bertanggung jawab terhadap pelaksanaan internal training/sharing untuk karyawan (pajak, ketenegakerjaan, dan pengetahuan lainnya).
g.      Menjalin hubungan baik dengan pihak ketiga yang berhubungan dengan masalah ketenagakerjaan (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, BPJS Kesehatan, Konsultan HR, Kementrian Ketenagakerjaan, dll)

Bagi yang memenuhi kualifikasi, dapat mengirimkan Surat Lamaran, dan CV ke alamat email  paling lambat 2 minggu setelah iklan tayang.

Kamis, 11 Februari 2016

Lowongan System Administrator

Permisi om Admin, meneruskan info lowongan, dibutuhkan segera posisi "System Administrator" PT. Santa Fe Indonusa lokasi di Bogor, status untuk karyawan permanen. Kualifikasi sbb :
-  D3/S1
- Memahami Jaringan / Networking, Server, desktops Hardware & Trouble Shooting
- menguasai db MSSQL
- pengalaman system backup/restore dan IP-PABX.
- nilai tambah bila ada sertfikasi selevel CCNA
- paham ISMS 27001
Silakan kirim CV ke email paling tgl 17Feb 2016.



Dear All,

Dibutuhkan Segera Network Engineer untuk PT MNC Bank Internasional.tbk

Pengalaman minimal 2-5 tahun di Network Engineer

Keahlian :

– Understanding TCP/IP, LAN, W-LAN, WAN, paham berbagai perangkat network.
- at least CCNA/CNAP
– Full-Time position(s) available.

Email dapat dikirimkan ke : &


Rabu, 10 Februari 2016

Urgently - Finance Manager

Our client is a Coal Mining Company seeking for urgent position with the following qualification :

                                                            1. Finance Manager
                                                            2. Finance SPV

Job Responsibilities :
a.  Bachelor Degree Accounting
b.  Experience  Financial Analyst
c.  Min 5 Years experiences in Coal Mining Company
d.  Experience Cost Control 

Please send your cv to : 

Recruitment Consultant
PT. Humana Internasional Indonesia
Cityloft Sudirman, 9th Floor Unit 905

Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur No. 121- Jakarta Pusat

Rabu, 03 Februari 2016

Lowongan SPG/Delivery


FINS RECIPE merupakan usaha yang bergerak di bidang makanan, salah satu produknya “KUE IJO”, sudah membuka outlet di Plaza Indonesia, Grand Indonesia, PIM 2, Senayan City,Mal Taman Anggrek, saat ini membutuhkan tenaga muda professional untuk ditempatkan di cabang baru sebagai :

1. Sales Promotion Girl / Boy (SPG/B)
    • Penampilan Menarik, usia 17 - 25 th.
    • Tinggi minimal, Pria = 165 cm, Wanita = 155 cm.
    • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik.
    • Jujur dan memiliki penampilan menarik.
    • Sehat dan tidak buta warna.
2. Delivery Man
    • Memiliki SIM C yang masih berlaku.
    • Mengetahui area Jakarta dan sekitarnya.
    • Penempatan PLUIT - Jakarta Utara

Kirimkan lamaran lengkap + pas foto terbaru ke
Training Center FINS RECIPE
Jl. Pantai Indah Selatan Ruko Elang Laut Blok B No. 16
Pantai Indah Kapuk - Jakarta Utara

Atau email ke :

Fasilitas: Gaji menarik + insentif + BPJS Ketenagakerjaan + BPJS Kesehatan