Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

Lowongan Network Engineer

Bagi anda yang berminat berkarir di PT. Henan Putihrai sebagai IT Network Engineer silahkan kirim CV &
lamaran ke wildan@henanputihrai.com
di utamakan memiliki pengalaman di bidang Networking 2 tahun.

Terima Kasih..

Robin A.K

Loker: Network Administrator (repost)

aya repost loker dibawah ini, untuk mencari tambahan kandidat. Untuk
yang sudah interview, mohon ditunggu saja, belum ada keputusan final
dalam hal ini.

Loker berlaku s/d 14 November 2012


Loker sebagai Network Administrator. Untuk yang berminat, silahkan baca
dan pahami kalimat pertama, sampai kalimat terakhir dibawah ini.

Sebuah perusahan logistik, berlokasi di KBN Marunda Cilincing, Jakarta
Utara, membutuhkan Network Administrator full-time dengan syarat sbb:
1) Menguasai troubleshooting Windows XP dan Windows 7.
2) Menguasai Active Directory Windows Server 2003
3) Menguasai troubleshooting jaringan (misalnya cek virus, buat kabel UTP)
4) Nilai plus, jika memiliki pengalaman deploy Wireless point-to-point.
5) Nilai plus, jika bisa berbahasa Inggris aktif.
6) Nilai plus, jika memiliki pengalaman manage Virtual Machine, seperti
produk VMWare atau Microsoft Hyper-V
7) Nilai plus, jika memiliki pengalaman di Windows Server 2008 R2.

Syarat lainnya:
1) Lebih diutamakan yang punya kendaraan (motor) sendiri. Perusahaan ada
di 4 lokasi dengan jarak 500 meter - 1 KM. Jadi lebih flexible dan cepat
jika punya motor.
2) Bersedia untuk kerja shift (shift pagi: jam normal, shift sore: masuk
sore sampai tengah malam, bergantian dengan IT lainnya)

1) Format file CV dalam bentuk DOC/DOCX/PDF/TXT. Tidak perlu attach
sertifikat dari sekolah, kursus, dsb.

2) E-Mail CV ke "asiagian at gmx dot net" (asiagian@gmx.net). Jika anda
tidak percaya dengan email gratisan ini, silahkan cek kredibilitas saya
di arsip milis ITCenter, dan cari nama saya di situ. Jika masih tidak
percaya juga, tidak perlu kirim CV.

3) Lokasi perusahaan di KBN Marunda Jakarta. Tidak perlu tanya detail
nama dan alamat perusahaan. Saya informasikan untuk yang berhasil masuk

4) Net salary sekitar 2 - 4 jt. Angka final tergantung negosiasi.

5) Untuk pertanyaan lainnya, email langsung "asiagian at gmx dot net"
(asiagian@gmx.net), bukan ke milis.

6) Dalam surat lamaran/cover letter anda, tulis "ITCENTER". Ini untuk
membuktikan bahwa anda sudah membaca loker dengan baik. Tanpa kata
tersebut, langsung masuk Trash folder.


LOKER - Web Developer/ Programmer

  Ijin posting lowongan untuk posisi:
   - Web developer / Programmer( 1 orang )
      * min d3/s1 TI/SI
      * Exp 1-2 tahun dalam posisi ini,
      * Familiar dengan PHP/ASP/ASP.NET
      * Mempunyai pengalaman dalam web framework merupakan nilai tambah
      * Bisa bekerja dalam team & individu
      * dapat bekerja di dalam tekanan
      * dibutuhkan Urgent, yang dapat bergabung dalam waktu cepat
      * kirim beberapa contoh portofolio project yang sudah pernah dikerjakan

yang berminat kirim surat lamaran dan cv ke : hrd@ejjv.net

Terima kasih

Lowongan IT Helpdesk

    ijin posting nerusin lowongan untuk posisi:
       - IT Helpdesk ( 8 orang )
          * min D3/S1 TI/ SI/ elektro
          * mempunyai pengalaman dalam support user(technical dan personal)
          * aktif berbicara & menulis B inggris (karena client banyak orang asing, diinterview dengan B inggris)
          * Lebih prefer yang biasa bekerja dalam team
          * dapat bekerja dalam shift
          * ditempatkan di daerah TB Simatupang / Gatot Subroto
          * dibutuhkan urgent yang bisa bergabung dalam waktu cepat
yang berminat kirim surat lamaran dan cv ke : hrd@ejjv.net

Terima kasih

Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

Lowongan Junior network engineer / Voice specialist

Dear All, 

Urgently needed,  we are IT solution company looking for IP Telephony / Voice specialist based on Cisco product

Junior Network Engineer
* S-1, 1-2 years experience in voice is preferable
* Complete CNAP, CCNA certified is preferable
* Strong analytics
* Good communications skill

Anyone interesting with the vacancy please send your CV to my personal email mrtewel01@yahoo.com

Any additional information better communicate through private email, not mailing list. 

To admin : Thanks for the bandwidth .. 




PT. RSP; sebuah perusahaan yg sedang berkembang dalam bidang pelayanan kesehatan dan pembangunan 
KLINIK JEJARING di daerah Jawa Barat, membutuhkan tenaga DOKTER-DOKTER MUDA yang berdedikasi dan 
berniat mengembangkan diri.

Adapun syarat-syarat dokter yang hendak bergabung adalah:
1. Lulusan dokter Umum. WNI
2. Punya STR yg masih berlaku
3. Sudah / belum PTT.
4. Bersedia ditempatkan di daerah (Bandung Barat, Bandung, Cianjur, Garut, dan sekitarnya).
5. Fotocopy KTP, akte kelahiran, dan KK (jika ada)
6. Pas photo 3x4 masing dan 4x6 2 buah.
7. CV+Surat lamaran.

1. Gaji Pokok dan insentif
2. Akomodasi (transport, konsumsi, tempat tinggal di klinik)
3. Program peningkatan capacity building.
4. Berkesempatan mengikuti PTT Cara Lain.

CV dan surat lamaran (hardcopy) bisa ditujukan ke HRD PT.RSP, Jalan Taman Curie No. 5 Bandung 
40171, dan atau (soft copy) via email ke : ipang.pangestu@ymail.com.
Informasi lebih lanjut bisa ditanyakan via email.


Lowongan Tenaga Pengajar

Kami adalah sebuah lembaga pendidikan dengan cabang di 5 negara (Singapore, Australia, USA, China, dan Indonesia). Saat ini karena kebutuhan ekspansi perusahaan, kami membutuhkan tambahan tenaga pengajar berkualitas untuk mengajar di sekolah kami di daerah Gading Serpong, Tangerang.

- Pendidikan minimal S1; S2 lebih diutamakan
- Menyelesaikan kuliah di perguruan tinggi favorit (dalam atau luar negeri)
- Mencintai dunia pendidikan
- Memiliki sense of service terhadap siswa
- Sabar, teliti, dan bersemangat
- Full time / part time
- Bidang pelajaran: Matematika, Fisika, Kimia, Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Mandarin. Yang bisa mengajar lebih dari 1 mata pelajaran diutamakan
- Menguasai kurikulum Indonesia dan/atau luar negeri
- Bisa berbahasa Inggris aktif dan pasif diutamakan

Kami menawarkan paket gaji yang kompetitif, excellent training package, jenjang karir yang jelas, dan kesempatan berkarir di luar negeri bagi pengajar yang berprestasi.

Bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi syarat, silakan kirim resume ke infinityserpong@yahoo.com




Perusahaan Consumer Goods yang memiliki cabang tersebar di beberpa daerah Di Indonesia. Sedang membuka peluang karir SALES EXECUTIVE (Traditional Market, Modern Market, Galon, HORECA) dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
Pria/Wanita, usia min. 20 tahun
Memiliki SIM A/C
Memiliki pengalaman sales minimal 1 tahun di Consumer Goods
Bersedia bekerja dengan target
Silahkan langsung kirimkan CV lengkap anda ke :
Contact person : Lucia (021-99509333) www.altospringswater.com




ALTO yakni perusahaan air mineral dalam kemasan, telah memiliki cabang yang tersebar di beberapa daerah di Indonesia, sedang membuka peluang karir untuk posisi ADMINISTRASI ACCOUNTING DAN FINANCE dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :

Pria / Wanita, max 28 tahun,
Lebih diutamakan memiliki pengalaman admin min 1 tahun,
Pendidikan min SMK AKUNTANSI,
Siap bekerja dengan target,

Segera kirimkan CV lengkap ke

CP : Lucia 021 99509333

Lowongan Network Enginer

Dear Networkers

Urgently Needed :
For Multinational System Integrator

Junior Networks Enginner
- S1 Fresh graduated
- Complete CNAP 

- CCNA Certified is preferably
- Hard worker

Security Engineer
- CCNA/CCNA Security Certified is preferably
- Experienced in implement Checkpoint/Cisco ASA

System Engineer
- VMware Certified
- Experienced in implement VMware is a must 

- Experienced in Pre-Sales would be an advantage.

If you are the one, we are looking for, Please send your resume to l30july@yahoo.com.
The challenge is waiting...

Best Regards
Leo July

Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

Loker di perusahaan Oil & Gas

Dear All,

Perusahaan kami yang bergerak di bidang Oil & Gas sedang membutuhkan beberapa karyawan untuk posisi sbb:

1. Staff Analys
Persyaratan: - D3 Analys
- Fresh Graduate are welcome
- Teliti, pintar dan cepat belajar
- Bisa mengoperasikan komputer

2. Driver Operasional untuk Direktur
Persyaratan: - Laki-laki
- Menguasai daerah Jakarta
- Jujur dan sabar
- diutamakan domisili Jakarta Selatan

Kirimkan CV dan lamaran lengkap ke: hrd@pt-phi.com
atau diantar langsung ke PT. PHI, Gedung Permata Kuningan lt.16

Lamaran ditunggu selambatnya tgl 20 Oktober 2012


Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

Job Vacancy: Oracle Software Developer (ORACLE-SD)

PLASMEDIA (http://www.plasmedia.com)
We are a leading IT company in Jakarta, Indonesia. We have built and serve
enterprise clients since 1998, using cutting-edge technologies in a wide range
of solutions. We require the right team members. Are you the one?


We are a leading IT company
established in 1998 with main business in SharePoint Technology implementation
& integration. We are Microsoft Gold Partner – Information Worker Solutions
specialized in Portals, and Enterprise Content Management.
We need the most brilliant IT people in Indonesia to create solutions for our
outstanding customers. Will you dare to accept our challenge? Are you the one for us? Show us how
talented you are!

* D3 or S1 from reputable university/polytechnic.
* Fresh graduates or have at least 3-4 years experience in
ASP.NET C# programming with Oracle.
* Have good skills using project related tools (MS Word, MS
Excel, MS Project, and MS PowerPoint).
* Good understanding of .NET C# language.
* Able to write clean and well-documented code.
* Good interpersonal skill, self-motivated, creative,
independent, quick learner, and result oriented.
* Able to work in team with under pressure and tight deadline.
* Good communication skill and negotiation skill both in
Indonesia and English.
* Contract based (6 months).
* Job location at our outlet in Balikpapan. Willing to be
placed permanently in Balikpapan is an advantage.

Good understanding of Use Case, and Class Diagram.
Experienced in .NET application development (C# language):
* Experienced in .NET Framework 2.0/3.0/3.5, ASP.NET 2.0,
* Experienced in ASP.NET Web Services, Console Application,
Desktop/Windows Application, or Windows Services is a plus.
* Knowledge on SharePoint technology (WSS3.0/MOSS2007/MSF2010/MSS2010)
will be an advantage.
Good understanding of MS SQL Server:
* Database design using MS SQL Server 2005 or later.
* Understands query, view, store procedure, and user defined
* Understands MS Reporting Services 2005 or later.
Good understanding of Oracle database:
* Database design using Oracle 8, Oracle10g or later.
* Understands query, view, store procedure, and user defined
* Proficient in using TOAD as database development tool.
* Backup & Restore Oracle DB.
Oracle database permissions / rights.

How to
Send your résumé/CV and
recent photograph to job.dev@plasmedia.org.
Write the position code: ORACLE-SD in the Subject line.
Please briefly explain to us your strongest skills and interests.

Only apply if you meet above requirements.
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
Directly attach your résumé/CV in MS Word (.doc or
.docx) or .pdf format.
Compressed file (zip, rar, etc.) is not

Terima kasih moderator.

Job Vacancy: IT System Engineer

PLASMEDIA (http://www.plasmedia.com)
We are a leading IT company in Jakarta, Indonesia. We have built and serve
enterprise clients since 1998, using cutting-edge technologies in a wide range
of solutions. We require the right team members. Are you the one?

IT System Engineer (IT-SE)

* D3 or S1 from reputable university/polytechnic.
* Have at least 3-4 years experience in System
Integration of Microsoft Products.
* Have good skills using project related tools
(MS Word, MS Excel, MS Project, and MS PowerPoint).
* Good interpersonal skill, self motivated, creative,
independent, quick learner, and result oriented.
* Able to work in team with under pressure and
tight deadline.
* Good communication skill and negotiation skill
both in Indonesia and English.
* Contract based (6 months).
* Experienced in TCP/IP networking, AD/DNS, and
AD Synchronization.
* Experienced in MS Failover Cluster
configuration & troubleshooting.
* Experienced in MS SQL Failover Cluster
configuration & troubleshooting.
* Experienced in MS SQL Server 2005 or later
* Experienced in ASP.NET deployment,
and ClickOnce deployment.
* Have experiences in MS SharePoint 2007/2010
configuration & deployment is a plus.
* Good understanding of MS SQL Server backup
maintenance plan, and database file truncation.
* Good understanding of MS SQL Server
log shipping.

How to
Send your résumé/CV and recent
photograph to job.se@plasmedia.org.
Write the position code: IT SE in the Subject line.
Please briefly explain to us your strongest skills and interests.

Only apply if you meet above requirements.
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
Directly attach your résumé/CV in MS Word (.doc or
.docx) or .pdf format.
Compressed file (zip, rar, etc.) is not recommended.
Max attachment size: 200KB.

Terima kasih moderator.

Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012


Position summary : 
·         Design and develop assigned web graphic projects including banner ads, marketing videos, images, and website graphic design. Ensuring the end result accurately presents the ministry and provides the end user with a pleasant, relevant, graphically compelling experience.

Essential Functions :
·         Support the Marketing/ Creative Division in all areas related to web graphics, marketing campaigns, email template development, social network profiles and short form video creation.
·         Ensure a consistent and quality user experience on all web design production, social networks, and banner ads external websites.
·         Create new design features and redesign existing ones based on understanding user, business, and functional needs.
·         Create sketches, mock-ups, and wireframes, sitemaps, and user-flow diagrams for new sites.
·         Create interactive prototypes in HTML/CSS/.JS and/or Flash
·         Quickly learn and implement new techniques and tools that pertain to web design
·         Stay current with industry best practices and design trends.

Job specifications :
·         Minimum 2 years of experience in website design and coding including creating/ formatting graphics and preparing video for online purpose
·         Proficiency in XHTML, CSS, JavaScript/ jQuery and other UI framework tools
·         Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop, Flash, Illustrator and other related graphic software
·         Good command in English
·         Good analytical thinking
·         Attractive and pleasant personality
·         Familiarity with Content Management System and e-commerce software and its associated tools would be a plus
·         Bachelor Degree in Graphic Design or Visual Communication is a plus
All applicants should send their recent CV, application letter and photographs to
Jl. Cideng Timur No 11 G, Jakarta Pusat
Telp : 021- 630 1212
Email : info@cakrawisata.com

Lowker : Corporate – Marketing Support

Urgently Required

Audittindo is a Consulting and Solution services provider in Governance, Risk, Control and
Audit. We are urgently seeking for young talented professionals who are willing to learn and
develop their professional skills and experiences as :

Corporate – Marketing Support

He/she will be responsible in providing Marketing Support functions to all business units,
including maintenance and improvement of customer data, preparation of marketing kit,
tracking and monitoring of marketing campaign, support the bidding/procurement

We are expecting the candidate to have the following criteria :
 Diploma degree with minimum GPA 2.75
 Experienced as Marketing Support in services industry at least 1 year
 Advanced skills in office automation
 Fluent in English both in written and oral.
 Good interpersonal skill, team player, and able to work with various level of management
 Willing to work under pressure in meeting reporting deadline

Please send your email to  recruitment@audittindo.co.id  by stating the position code    
"MKTS" in the email subject. Due to urgency, only short-listed candidates will be processed.
All applications' information will be treated confidentially. For more information on Audittindo’s
products & services please visit www.audittindo.co.id.

Lowker : Corporate – IT Support

Urgently Required

Audittindo is a Consulting and Solution services provider in Governance, Risk, Control and
Audit. We are urgently seeking for young talented professionals who are willing to learn and
develop their professional skills and experiences as :

Corporate – IT Support

He/she will be responsible in providing IT Support functions to all business units, including
operations of computer hardware, software, and network, in a multi-platform environment (MS
Windows and Linux), internal applications, email and website.

We are expecting the candidate to have the following criteria :
 Diploma degree Computing Science/Information Management/Information Technology
with minimum GPA 2.75
 Advanced skills in office automation, maintenance & troubleshooting  of computer
hardware, software and network
 Experienced as IT Support Staff in multi-platform environment for at least 1 year
 Fluent in English both in written and oral.
 Good interpersonal skill and able to work with various level of management
 Willing to work under pressure in meeting reporting deadline
 Willing to travel around Indonesia for a short term assignments

Please send your email to  recruitment@audittindo.co.id  by stating the position code    
"CO-ITS" in the email subject. Due to urgency, only short-listed candidates will be processed.
All applications' information will be treated confidentially. For more information on Audittindo’s
products & services please visit www.audittindo.co.id.

Lowker : IT Assurance Consultant

Urgently Required

Audittindo is a Consulting and Solution services provider in Governance, Risk, Control and
Audit. We are urgently seeking for young talented professionals who are willing to learn and
develop their professional skills and experiences as :

IT Assurance Consultant

He/she will be responsible in consulting services of IT Governance, Risk, Control and Audit,
such as IT Audit & Review, Information Security Management (ISMS) and IT Service
Management (ITSM).

We are expecting the candidate to have the following criteria :
 At least Bachelor degree in Information Technology/Accounting with minimum GPA 2.75
 Advanced skills in using office automation applications
 Experienced in Auditing and/or IT Management at least 5 years
 Good interpersonal skill and able to work with various level of management
 Team-player, strong analytical skill and creative thinking
 Fluent in English both in written and oral.
 Willing to work under pressure in meeting assignments deadline
 Willing to travel around Indonesia for a short term assignments

Please send your email to  recruitment@audittindo.co.id  by stating the position code
"ITAS" in the email subject. Due to urgency, only short-listed candidates will be processed.
All applications' information will be treated confidentially. For more information on Audittindo’s
products & services please visit www.audittindo.co.id.

Lowker : Internal Auditing Consultant

Urgently Required

Audittindo is a Consulting and Solution services provider in Governance, Risk, Control and
Audit. We are urgently seeking for young talented professionals who are willing to learn and
develop their professional skills and experiences as :

Internal Auditing Consultant

He/she will be responsible in consulting services of Internal Audit Development and Internal
Control Improvement, such as development of Internal Audit Policies and Procedures.
We are expecting the candidate to have the following criteria :
 At least Bachelor degree in Accounting with minimum GPA 2.75
 Advanced skills in using office automation applications
 Experienced in External/Internal Auditing at least 5 years
 Good interpersonal skill and able to work with various level of management
 Team-player, strong analytical skill and creative thinking
 Fluent in English both in written and oral.
 Willing to work under pressure in meeting assignments deadline
 Willing to travel around Indonesia for a short term assignments

Please send your email to recruitment@audittindo.co.id by stating the position code  "IAD"
in the email subject. Due to urgency, only short-listed candidates will be processed.  All
applications' information will be treated confidentially. For more information on Audittindo’s
products & services please visit www.audittindo.co.id.

Lowker : System Analis

Urgently Required

Audittindo is a Consulting and Solution services provider in Governance, Risk, Control and
Audit. We are urgently seeking for young talented professionals who are willing to learn and
develop their professional skills and experiences as :

System Analyst

He/she will be responsible in analyzing clients internal business process to identify problems
and needs, and propose solutions by designing a web-based applications, such as Audit
Management Information System.

We are expecting the candidate to have the following criteria :
 Bachelor degree in Computer Science/Information Technology with minimum GPA 2.75.
 Good knowledge on internal audit planning, executing and reporting
 Minimum experience as a System Analyst at least 3 years
 Experienced in implementing various development methods (SDLC), such as UML,
Protoyping and Rapid Application Development
 Advanced skills in using office automation applications
 Willing to work under pressure in meeting assignment deadline
 Willing to travel around Indonesia and overseas for a short term
 Good interpersonal and able to work with various level of management
 Fluent in English, both in written and spoken

Please send your email to  recruitment@audittindo.co.id  by stating the position code    
"SA" in the email subject. Due to urgency, only short-listed candidates will be processed.    
All applications' information will be treated confidentially. For more information on Audittindo’s
products & services please visit www.audittindo.co.id.

IT Programmer

Urgently Required

Audittindo is a Consulting and Solution services provider in Governance, Risk, Control and
Audit. We are urgently seeking for young talented professionals who are willing to learn and
develop their professional skills and experiences as :


He/she will be responsible in solution services of developing web-based applications, such as
Audit Management Information System, by working closely with other programmers, business
and system analyst, and users.

We are expecting the candidate to have the following criteria :
 Bachelor degree in Computing Science/Information Management/Information Technology
with minimum GPA 2.75
 Experienced as Programmer in web-based application development projects at least        
1 year
 Advanced skills and experiences in PHP, AJAX and .NET
 Advanced skills MySQL database and Other Relational Database
 Willing to learn and experiment with the latest technologies
 Good interpersonal skill and able to work with various level of management
 Fluent in English both in written and oral.
 Willing to work under pressure in meeting assignments deadline
 Willing to travel around Indonesia for a short term assignments

Please send your email to  recruitment@audittindo.co.id  by stating the position code  
"PROG" in the email subject. Due to urgency, only short-listed candidates will be processed.  
All applications' information will be treated confidentially. For more information on Audittindo’s
products & services please visit www.audittindo.co.id.

[lowongan network engineer] cisco partner

Dear rekan-rekan sekalian, sebuah perusahaan partner cisco sedang membutuhkan beberapa network engineer dengan persyaratan sbb:
1. Mengetahui konsep jaringan

2. Mampu konfigurasi peralatan networking (router dan switch)

3. Mau belajar dan memiliki semangat

4. Memiliki pengetahuan dalam configurasi firewall dan security merupakan nilai tambah

Bagi yang berminat untuk mencoba silahkan kirimkan langsung cv lengkap ke alamat email : Hengky@microreksa.com

Nb : - bagi yang memiliki sertifikat silahkan dilampirkan dalam cv sewaktu panggilan
       - besarnya salary tergantung nego saat wawancara


Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

IT Document control

Dear All,

We are EPC OM company looking for candidate to fill position as :

                    I T  Document Control

Required Knowledge, Qualification, Skill, And Experiences:
·         Male / Female
-         Age : 35 years  max   
-         Minimum education S1 with 5 years experience
·        Good  communication  and  interfacing skills
·        Demonstrate good interpersonal skills with the ability to interact effectively with project personnel.
·         Ability  to  work  in  harsh  environments and in stressful situations.
·         Overseas experience desirable, but not required.
·         Proficient in Microsoft Office suite of software programs and also LAN and Internet system.
-         Availability join request : Soon

Please send update resume (word formatted & not more than 200 KB) to: sekar.sariwening@igmpt.com with specific “position” in subject of email.

Only shortlisted candidate will be process on next step.

Kind Regards,

HRD Team



Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa kecantikan (Johnny Andrean Salon dan
Johnny Andrean School & Training), dengan sejumlah cabang yang tersebar di kota-kota besar
di Indonesia.



• Wanita, usia maks. 24 tahun
• TB min.152 cm, BB proporsional
• Pendidikan Min. SMU/sederajat
• Berpenampilan menarik dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
• Penempatan di Jabodetabek & Seluruh kota besar di Indonesia
• Siap untuk bekerja shift


• Wanita, usia maks. 27 tahun
• TB min.155 cm, BB proporsional
• Pendidikan Min. S1 (segala jurusan), IPK min. 2,75
• Diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman sebagai pemimpin
• Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
• Berpenampilan menarik dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
• Penempatan di Jabodetabek & Seluruh kota besar di Indonesia
• Siap untuk bekerja shift


• Pria/Wanita, usia maks. 30 tahun
• TB Pria Min. 160 cm, Wanita 155 cm & BB proporsional
• Pendidikan Min. S1 (segala jurusan); IPK min. 2.75
• Diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman sebagai Leader
• Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
• Pekerja keras, jujur, cekatan, kemampuan analisa yang baik, memiliki
• Mampu mengoperasikan computer (Ms. Office)
• Penempatan di Jabodetabek & Seluruh kota besar di Indonesia
• Siap untuk bekerja shift


• Wanita, usia maks. 27 tahun
• Pendidikan Min. SMA / sederajat
• Diutamakan yang berpengalaman di bidang yang sama
• Mampu mengaplikasikan computer (Ms. Office)
• Teliti, gesit, jujur, mampu bekerja mandiri maupun dalam tim
• Penempatan di daerah Jakarta Barat


• Wanita, usia maks. 27 tahun
• Pendidikan Min. S1 Akuntansi (IPK 3.00)
• Memiliki pengalaman di bidang yang sama min. 1 tahun
• Mampu bekerja sendiri maupun dalam tim
• Teliti, jujur, dan mahir mengoperasikan komputer (Ms. Office)
• Penempatan di daerah Jakarta Barat


• Wanita, usia maks. 25 tahun
• Pendidikan Min. D3
• Memiliki pengalaman di bidang yang sama min. 1 tahun
• Mampu bekerja sendiri maupun dalam tim
• Teliti, jujur, dan mahir mengoperasikan komputer (Ms. Office)
• Penempatan di daerah Jakarta Barat


• Male / Female, max. 30 years old
• Bachelor Degree in Psychology and Master Degree in Human Resources is an advantage
• Self-motivated, Initiative, able to work under minimum supervision and with tight deadline
• Having related experience min 2 years (especially in handling Recruitment, Development, and
• Good communication and interpersonal skills
• Must be proficient in computer operations (Ms. Word, Excel, Power Point)
• Will be placed at Jakarta Barat


• Pria / Wanita, usia maks 27 thn
• Pendidikan min. S1 Psikologi (IPK min. 3,00)
• Pengalaman min. 1 thn di bidang yang sama
• Mampu melakukan Psikotes + Skoring hasil Psikotes ; mampu melakukan wawancara BEI
• Memiliki inisitif, gesit, dan terbiasa bekerja dengan deadline
• Mampu bekerja mandiri maupun dalam tim
• Mampu mengoperasikan computer (Ms. Office)
• Penempatan di daerah Jakarta Barat


• Female, max. 27 years old
• Min. D3 Secretary
• Self-motivated, Initiative, able to work under minimum supervision and with tight deadline
• Having related experience min. 1 year
• Must be proficient in computer operations (Ms. Word, Excel, Power Point)
• Must be proficient in English (oral and written)
• Will be placed at Jakarta Barat
• Penempatan di daerah Jakarta Barat


• Pria, usia maks. 35 thn
• Pendidikan min D3
• Pengalaman min. 1 thn di bidang yang sama
• Mampu bekerja mandiri maupun dalam tim
• Mampu mengoperasikan computer (Ms. Office)
• Penempatan di daerah Jakarta Barat


• Pria, usia maks. 28 tahun
• Pendidikan Min. D3
• Memiliki pengalaman di bidang yang sama min. 1 tahun
• Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Ms. Office)
• Penempatan di daerah Jakarta Barat


• Wanita, usia maks. 27 tahun
• Pendidikan Min. D3 segala jurusan, IPK min. 2.75
• Pengalaman min. 1 thn di bidang yang sama
• Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan negosiasi yang baik
• Teliti, jujur, dan mampu mengoperasikan computer (Ms. Office)
• Penempatan di daerah Jakarta Barat

Kirimkan lamaran & CV lengkap ke HRD Johnny Andrean
Jl. Meruya Selatan No. 66 Jakarta Barat 11650
atau via email ke : hrd06@johnnyandrean.com

Lowongan : IT Specialist

IT Specialist (Code : ITS.10.12) 

untuk ditempatkan di salah satu hotel berbintang di Jakarta

- D3/S1 Teknik Informatika, Elektro, Telekomunikasi atau yang sederajat dengan pengalaman kerja minimal 1 (satu) tahun
- Pria, usia Max 35 tahun
- Diutamakan Memiliki SIM C
- Menguasai konsep TCP/IP networking (LAN/WAN)
- Menguasai konfigurasi Perangkat Networking (router, switch, wireless access point)
- Menguasai konsep VLAN, Firewall, Bandwitdh Management, Hotspot Management
- Menguasai Sistem operasi komputer (Windows Server 2008, Linux, MacOS)
- Dapat melakukan konfigurasi / troubleshooting Windows Server Backup
- Lebih disukai jika memiliki sertifikasi CCNA / MTCNA
- Mampu bekerja secara individual dan team player, dapat bekerja dengan sistem shift
- Memiliki disiplin dan motivasi yang tinggi

Lamaran dikirimkan ke hrd@astainformatics.com
sertakan CV beserta gaji yang diharapkan

info lanjut : http://www.astainformatics.com/index.php/karir.html

Terima kasih.

Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012



Commonwealth Life started the business to serve the customers in 1992. Commonwealth Bank of Australia Group (CBA) is one of Australia’s foremost financial services companies. Our vision is to be Indonesia's Best Life Insurance Services Provider through Excelling in Customer Services. As a manifestation of our commitment in providing the best service, we are delighted to announce you that Commonwealth Life has recognized as The Best Service Excellence Call Center 2012 in Call Center Award for third time since 2010. We dedicated this award to our Customers and Business Partners who inspired us to always work in high quality and professional.
Commonwealth Life, a company who is very determined to be excellence in everything it does, who is performance driven and very focused on its customer, you! 

Currently, we are seeking qualified and experienced people to fill the following position:

Jakarta Raya
The incumbent will take full accountability in providing full support for Risk & Compliance Unit Head in ensuring Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti Money Laudering (AML) principles is well implemented and maintained in accordance with prevailing AML laws and regulations within the company.

In particular this position will acquire primary duties such:
  • Develop and effective procedure and control to ensure the implemantation of KYC/AML principle are in compliance with prevailing AML laws and regulations.
  • Conduct and maintain the AML activities and it's regulatory reporting to related external parties and any relevant authorities. 

To be successfully placed in this position, you should possess strong general ledger knowledge and experience in commercially focused financial institution with responsibility for KYC and AML regulations, You should also able to deal with senior people with excellent communication skill. Much further requirement for this position will be as follows:
  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent.
  • At least 2 year(s) of working experience in Risk Management, Auditor or AML staff.
  • Sound knowledge in Life industry would be an advantage.
  • Pragmatic outlook with ability to act as team player.

 We are looking for those who are ready to become the next superstars and those who are ready to join us in the most determined environment.

Please send your updated CV along with your recent photograph to HRD@commlife.co.id by October 15th 2012 at the latest.

To know us better, please visit http://www.commlife.co.id


Staff IT Untuk Perusahaan Teknologi Informasi
Deskripsi Pekerjaan :
Melaksanakan tugas instalasi,implementasi,dan dukungan teknis yang berhubungan dengan teknologi VoIP dan jaringan komputer, serta memberikan dukungan terhadap tim pemasaran dan penjualan dalam pemahaman mengenai aspek teknis akan layanan yang disediakan oleh perusahaan
Persyaratan :

1. Pria Max Umur 30
2. Pendidikan Minimal D3 Jurusan Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi
3. Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di bidang IT Support
4. Mengerti tentang jaringan komputer, konsep teknologi berbasis IP dan administrasi sistem berbasis Linux maupun opensource
5. Mengerti bahasa inggris secara lisan dan tulisan
6. Mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi verbal yang baik dan unik 7. Mempunyai kreatifitas untuk mencari solusi terbaik dalam pemecahan masalah
8. Mempunyai integritas dan loyalitas di dalam pekerjaan

Apabila berminat dapat langsung mengirimkan CV dan Surat lamarannya ke Dept HRD :


alamat Jl. Danau Kerinci Blok G III/2 Bendungan Hilir Jakarta Pusat

Lowongan Pekerjaan: Drafter

PT. Safis OmniPrima yang bergerak dalam bidang Design & Build Data Center
dan Cabling&Connectivity System,saat ini sedang mencari Drafter (DT),
dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut:

1. Laki-laki
2. Pendidikan Minimal D3
(lebih diutamakan pengalaman di bidang drafter min 1 tahun)
3. Mampu mengoperasikan: Corel Draw, Autocad, Adobe Photoshop
Creative Suite, FreeHand, Adobe Ilustrator, 3D max dan MS Office
4. Bahasa Inggris, minimal Pasive.
5. Komunikatif, dapat bekerja dalam tim dan mandiri
6. Tanggap, cekatan, teliti

Yang akan didapatkan:
1. Gaji tetap
2. Asuransi Kesehatan
3. Jamsostek
4. Status karyawan permanent

Silakan kirim lamaran dan CV ke: anggina@safis.co.id

Terima kasih.

Info lowker ERP

Info lowker :
Dibutuhkan Segera:
Bagian: Support sistem IT

syarat :
- Wanita / pria
- Mengerti bahasa pemograman dengan VB.Net
- Min mengerti tentang ERP
- Lulusan Min.D3/S1 (komputer)
- Usia Max 30 Tahun.

kirim ja CV. ke Email : jobs@apboots.com
atau kirim langsung CV ke :
PT. Waru gunung Jl. Mastrip 858 warugunung karang pilang surabaya 60221.

Info Call me.
YM : f120by@yahoo.com

Java Developer Based Kuala Lumpur

Our KL Office, Emerio Corporation (NTT Communication) is URGENTLY Looking:

Based Kuala Lumpur

* Male or Female
* Max 35 years

* Min 3-4 years experience in Java Programming or Developer
* Have a good experience in App: Hibernate, Struts, Spring, Framework, Ibatis
* Willing to based in kuala Lumpur

* Project Based 1 year
* Salary 20-21 (gross)

If you are interest to apply please send me your resume to melissa.pattiiha@emeriocorp.com

Lowongan kerja di RS

Teman saya lagi butuh IT Staff 2 orang, penempatan di Menteng Jakarta Pusat,
Paham LAN, dan troubleshooting,
Bisa C#.Net dan SQL Server merupakan nilai tambah,

kirim lamaran dan cv ke : umum@rsiaypkmandiri.com

Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

Vacancy IT Manager for Multinational Company

KBR is a leading global engineering, construction and service company supporting the energy, hydrocarbon, government service and civil infrastructure sectors. To fulfill the requirements in the recently awarded Projects, the Jakarta Engineering Office seeks talented and experienced Indonesian nationals to fill the following positions:

Required education, skills and experience:
  • Candidate must have an undergraduate degree in Computer Science, Management Information Systems, Business Administration or Engineering with 8+ years experience in Systems Development and / or Applications Support which includes experience in Analysis, Design, Programming, Product Selection, Support and/or Maintenance.  MBA is preferred.
  • Candidate must have 3-5+ years IT Application Development experience, including 3 5+ years systems support experience. Global experience is preferred.
  •  Demonstrated ability to work in matrix team environments, including strong stakeholder interface capability.
  • Extensive experience in the full Software Development Life Cycle processes including   software design, development and maintenance experience of mission critical  application systems, ITIL certification preferred.
  • Strong project management skills, PMI certification preferred.
  • Strong experience with Oracle and SQL databases and Windows 2003 and 2008 environments.
  • Strong analytical skills and the ability to address complex tasks, consistently deliver project scheduled completion.
  •  Strong project planning and management skills, including monitoring progress, taking corrective action and reporting results.
  • Good organizational skills, as well as excellent written, oral and presentational communication abilities.
  •  Ability to work independently and keep management adequately informed
  •   Knowledge of data processing including a high-end (general) technical knowledge of hardware, software, databases and database technology.
  • Prior experience in Engineering, Procurement, and Construction and Public Sector industries.
Job Description
  • Implement and maintain IT development controls and processes within the current SSRS reporting staff, establish future IT model to support development of KBR custom applications and interfaces, database management, and ETL (Informatics) support requirements. 
  • Manage assigned staff, contractors and/or consultants. 
  • Establishes and communicates common goals and direction for the team. 
  • Ensures system changes are successfully implemented within agreed schedules and costs in compliance with corporate and IT goals and standards and monitored to increase efficiency.
  • Hire, mentor and manage staff.  Manage activities between the IT Resource Manager and the IT development staff and third party consultants and contractors, while keeping management informed of progress, benefits, achievements and risks. 
  • Provide strategic and technical input on direction for solutions that are consistent with IT strategic direction and processes.

1.  Good command of both written and spoken English & Bahasa  Indonesia
2.  Good communication skills and team player
3.  Good HSE Awareness and Trustworthy
4.  Willing to take overseas Assignment
Interested candidates should send their resume in English to:
Mentioning the position applied in the subject email
Not later than 1 week after this advertisement.
DO NOT attach scanned certificates, transcripts and reference letters and ONLY SHORT-LISTED candidates will be contacted

Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012

Lowongan utk Systems Engineer

Do you want to work in a fun, friendly environment, using some of the
latest technologies in a company that will silognificantly advance your

We are a fast growing IT Solution Provider focusing on Cloud &
Virtualization Technology, IT Infrastructure and Business solution.

Located in Cempaka Putih Jakarta, the company has been promoted by some
highly experienced professionals dedicated to provide total IT
solutions under one roof.

Our team come from the big names in IT industries, such as IBM, Microsoft
and Netapp.

We are looking for highly motivated individual to join our team as :

* *

*System Engineer (Fresh Graduate)*


   - Having an excellent knowledge on various operating system
   (UNIX/Linux/Windows Server)
   - Knowledgeable on basic cisco networking (switching and routing)
   - Good knowledge of VMware/Citrix/MS products/Windows/Exchange/SQL/Oracle
   - Good knowledge of storage and network technology

*General Requirements :*

   - Bachelors Degree in Computer Science,  or related MIS field preferred.
   - Strong problem solving, and analytical skill.
   - Good communication skill.
   - Self-motivated, hardworking, willing to learn, excellent team-player
   and be able to work under pressure with minimal supervision.

We offer an attractive package and a competitive salary. Please send a
comprehensive profile or Curriculum Vitae. Explain why you are interested
in the above position, what values, skills & competencies you bring for us
including your contact telephone number, recent photograph and expected
salary to: jethrd@gmail.com