Selasa, 30 April 2013

Lowongan IT Application Developer

Kami merupakan perusahaan besar yang bergerak di bidang Garment Manufacturing dan berorientasi pada export (Jepang, UK, Jerman, Amerika, dll). Kami mencari beberapa karyawan yang memiliki skill pada bidang pekerjaan yang kami tawarkan dan memiliki motivasi yang tinggi dan mampu menjadi bagian dari tim. Kami salah satu perusahaan yang tergabung dalam TRIPUTRA GROUP.

Application Developer

(Web Application Developer / Desktop Application Developer)

Kualifikasi :

  • Pendidikan minimal S-1 Komputer atau Sistem Informatika
  • Pengalaman kerja programming minimal 3 tahun
  • Memiliki keahlian dan pengalaman dalam RDBMS (Oracle, Postgresql, atau Mysql), termasuk kemampuan SQL dan PL/SQL atau PL/pgSQL
  • Mempunyai kemampuan untuk melakukan analisa sistem dan dapat memberikan solusi-solusi dari masalah proses bisnis yang ada dan mengimplementasikan-nya.
  • Untuk Desktop Application Developer Mengerti dan menguasai bahasa pemograman Visual Studio .Net (VB.Net / C# /C++) atau Delphi
  • Untuk web Application Developer, mengerti konsep-konsep HTML, CSS, dan XML dan menguasai bahasa pemograman web (PHP, Python, Java, atau JavaScript)
Apabila Anda berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi di atas, silahkan mengirimkan lamaran, CV dan Foto copy ijazah beserta foto terbaru (3 x 4) ke alamat atau lewat email di bawah ini :

Jl. Inspeksi Cakung Drain, Semper Timur, Cilincing, Jakarta Utara 14260
Phone. (021) 44833077 Fax 44833078

atau via email to :

Lowongan System Enginer

Dear All,

 Numpang lowongan ya, siapa tahu ada sanak saudara yang berminat . 

 Lowongan System Engineer (Kode: SE)

 Kami perusahaan penyedia jasa internet di Jakarta membutuhkan System  Engineer untuk perusahaan kami yang sedang berkembang.


- Pria/Wanita
- Pendidikan minimal D3
- Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun
- Menguasai Linux (CentOS & Ubuntu), Zimbra, Asterisk, LAMP stack,  Postfix, Backup system
- Mengetahui konsep network secara umum (TCP/IP, DNS, routing,  switching)
- Berkepribadian dengan baik dan dapat bekerja dalam tim  Kirimkan Lamaran dan CV serta foto ke atau ke alamat dibawah ini :

HRD Departement
 PT. Orion Cyber Internet
 Gedung Cyber Lantai 1
 Jl. Kuningan Barat No.8
 Jakarta Selatan 12710
 Telp. (021) 5265566

Lowongan di Surabaya

PT Galang Buana Sentosa, saat ini membuka lowongan SPG Counter Surabaya
• - Wanita dengan pendidikan min SMA / D3, Max 25 th.
• - Memiliki kepribadian dan penampilan yang menarik.
• - Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dengan baik.
• - Jujur, rajin dan tanggung jawab.
• - Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun
• - Berdomisili di Surabaya

Lamaran dikirim ke HRD PT Galang Buana Sentosa
melalui email:
atau datang langsung ke kantor
PT Galang Buana Sentosa
Jl. Kendangsari H 13 Surabaya

Lowongan berlaku sampai dengan 27 Mei 2013

PT Galang Buana Sentosa, saat ini membuka lowongan Staff Operasional
• - Wanita dengan pendidikan min D3 (pengalaman) atau S1 (IPK min 3,25) Max 27 th.
• - Jujur, rajin dan tanggung jawab.
• - Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dengan baik.
• - Berdomisili di Surabaya (daerah Timur / Selatan)

Mohon kirimkan surat lamaran yang terdiri dari:
- cover letter
- CV

Lamaran dikirim ke HRD PT Galang Buana Sentosa melalui email:

Lowongan berlaku sampai dengan 27 Mei 2013

PT Galang Buana Sentosa, saat ini membuka lowongan Tenaga Serabutan
• - Pria, pendidikan min SMA Max 25 th.
• - Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dengan baik.
• - Jujur, rajin dan tanggung jawab.
• - Berdomisili di Surabaya
Pelamar Langsung datang membawa CV ke :
PT Galang Buana Sentosa
Jl. Kendangsari H 13 Surabaya

Lowongan berlaku sampai dengan 27 Mei 2013

Atas kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih.


Surja Buwono.

lowongan : IT Helpdesk Software - IT QA - IT Tester

30 April 2013

Mohon ijin di infokan ke teman2 yang lain, mungkin ada yang membutuhkan informasi ini.
semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih - salam :)

Dibutuhkan segera :

IT Helpdesk Software - IT QA - IT Tester  (HDS)

Kualifikasi :
- Minimum D3 (fresh graduated are welcome to apply)
- Lebih disukai dari jurusan Teknologi informasi, Telekomunikasi, Manajemen Informasi or equivalent.
- Pria/wanita
- Memiliki kemampuan dan pengalaman sebagai IT QA / IT Tester / Helpdesk Software
- Lebih disukai mengerti PLSQL, database Oracle
- Memiliki kemampuan yang sangat baik dalam mengoperasikan Ms. Office
- Memikili attitude yang baik/positif.
- Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan inisiatif yang baik.
- Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik (Good written and verbal communication skills)
- Available to work full time in Jakarta

Note :
- Status : Project/Contract based with minimum Contract Length 6-12 month (extendable)
- Placement : Jakarta – Indonesia

Bagi kandidat yang berminat dan memenuhi kriteria tersebut, silahkan kirim lamaran dan cv lengkap, di sertai gaji yang diinginkan.

Tuliskan subject email dengan format :  HDS_nama lengkap
contoh : HDS_Sherly

email :;

vacancy: oracle programmer

30 April 2013

Mohon ijin di infokan ke teman2 yang lain, mungkin ada yang membutuhkan informasi ini.
semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih - salam :)

Dibutuhkan segera :

Oracle Programmer (junior/senior)

Kualifikasi :
- Fresh Graduate with excellent Oracle Programming Skill are welcome.
- S1 Tekhnologi informasi, Telekomunikasi, Manajemen Informasi or equivalent.
- Pria/wanita
- Menguasai FORM & REPORT Oracle, PL/SQL. SQL script.
- Lebih di sukai familiar Programming JAVA
- Memikili attitude yang baik/positif.
- Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan inisiatif yang baik.
- Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik (Good written and verbal communication skills)
- Available to work full time in Jakarta

Note :
- Status : Project/Contract based with minimum Contract Length 6-12 month (extendable)
- Placement : Jakarta – Indonesia

Bagi kandidat yang berminat dan memenuhi kriteria tersebut, silahkan kirim lamaran dan cv lengkap, di sertaigaji yang diinginkan.

Tuliskan subject email dengan format :  Oracle_nama lengkap
contoh : Oracle_Adrian Wijaya


Job Vacancy : HELPDESK / SERVICE DESK SUPPORT (PT. Sisindokom Lintasbuana)

PT. Sisindokom Lintasbuana is a member of Aneka Spring Telekomindo Group is one of the leading IT and Networking Solution provider in Indonesia. Having more than 22 years of experience in providing IT solutions to the business community is looking suitable qualified and experience personnel to fill the position of:

Helpdesk / Service Desk Support 

Major Duties and Responsibility:
• Remotely troubleshoot problems through email/telephone by talking over the control users terminals via LAN/WAN connections. Plan, coordinate and support business processes, systems and end-users. Handle phone-in and escalation of problems.
• End points standard software trouble shooting (Windows 7, Android OS, MS Office 2010, MS Project, MS Visio, Lotus Notes mail and applications, SAP GUI and other company standard applications listed in standard application list).


• Bachelor Degree, with a Technical major, such as Information Technology.
• Min. 2 years of experience in the same field
• Have certification is advantage
• Familiar in  IT hardware, software, computer, Network / LAN , Cisco, Troubleshooting and Wireless
• Capable in handling operation system desktop, Microsoft Office, Windows
• Able to work as a team player
• Good in communication & interpersonal skill
• Fluent in English
• Able to join immediately

You are invited to send your application with a comprehensive resume, details key responsibilities and achievements as well as details of present and expected salary, contact telephone number together with digital photograph to:

All applications will be treated with strict confidential. Please note only short listed candidates will be notified accordingly

Senin, 29 April 2013

Vacancy: IT Engineer

IT Administration / Coordination / HelpDesk / Data Security / Backup etc

Network Administration / Technical Support
Assist and Support all staff  for any IT assistance  required
Software / Hardware installation / Maintenance / Support / Renewal
Coordinate with Third Party Vendors  and ensure smooth working condition

Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.

At least 4 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Complete understanding and knowledge  of IT environment - Systems and Setup
Good knowledge in Computers / Architecture / Peripherals
Good Knowledge in Network and other infrastructure
Hand on in managing software installation / activation / maintenance / upgrades
English profiency - Oral and Communication

If you have the experience and looking for a greater challenge in Garment/Apparel Manufacturing, please send your comprehensive resume which describe your capabilities and experience with subject title of position - your name [e.g. ITE – Rizky] to the following email address:

" Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview "

Urgently Required : IT Administrator - Jakarta Selatan

Perusahaan Retail & Interior - Jakarta Selatan

Urgently Required : IT Administrator

- Jurusan IT / Komputer
- Pengalaman Min. 3 Tahun terutama di Perusahaan Retail
- Menguasai Windows 2003 / 2008 Server dsb
- Instalasi, Maintenance & Troubleshouting PC, Notebook, Network, Internet, Active Directory, Mail Server, Printer, POS, setting PABX, dsb

Lamaran & CV Lengkap via Email :

Lowongan Technical Support di Semarang, Yogya, Solo, Purwokerto, Surabaya, Jember, Denpasar, Mataram, Kupang , Pontianak, Banjarmasin, Palangkaraya, Balikpapan, Makasar, Palu, Manado, Kendari, Gorontalo, Jayapura, Manokwari, Ambon, Ternate

PT. Mitra Buana Komputindo, adalah salah satu perusahaan IT yang bergerak di bidang system integrator. Untuk mendukung proyek-proyek bisnis yang ada, kami mengajak para profesional di bidangnya untuk mengisi posisi :
Persyaratan :
  • Laki-laki, maks 30 tahun
  • Pend Min SMK / D1 / D3 jurusan Teknik Informatika / Elektro
  • Terbuka untuk Fresh Graduated (non pengalaman)
  • Memiliki pengalaman mengenai system Piranti Keras & Piranti Lunak, LAN, WAN, WLAN / Sistem Wireless, Windows
  • Memiliki pengalaman mengenai Produk Microsoft, Sistem Email, MS Windows OS dan Product Office Lainnya
  • Memiliki pengalaman untuk Setup, Instalasi dan Sistem Operasi Komputer
  • Memiliki kemampuan untuk Troubleshooting software, hardware Desktop Computer, Notebook, Printer, Scanner dan lainnya
  • Memiliki Kepribadian yang baik, energik, mempunyai inisiatif yang tinggi dan mampu bekerja dalam tim.
Benefit :
·         Gaji pokok, Incentive, Transportasi, Uang Makan, Pulsa
Lokasi Penempatan :
·         Jawa dan Nusa Tenggara : Semarang, Yogya, Solo, Purwokerto, Surabaya, Jember, Denpasar, Mataram, Kupang (9 kota)
·         Kalimantan : Pontianak, Banjarmasin, Palangkaraya, Balikpapan (4 kota)
·         Sulawesi : Makasar, Palu, Manado, Kendari, Gorontalo (5 kota)
·         Papua dan Maluku : Jayapura, Manokwari, Ambon, Ternate (4 kota)

Kirim surat lamaran Anda lengkap dengan CV dan foto terbaru ke :
PT. Mitra Buana Komputindo
Gedung Wirausaha Lt 8 Suite 802
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav C5
Jakarta 12940
Atau ke email :
(Lamaran wajib berisi CV, Surat Lamaran, Scan Ijazah, Scan KTP, Scan NPWP (bila ada) dengan mencantumkan subject : TS-PTPI (area yang dipilih))
Paling lambat tanggal 15 April 2013

 Effektif kerja mulai 1 May 2013

Lowongan Technical Support di Kupang, Banjarmasin, Palangkaraya, Palu, Gorontalo, Manokwari, Ambon, Ternate

PT. Mitra Buana Komputindo, adalah salah satu perusahaan IT yang bergerak di bidang system integrator. Untuk mendukung proyek-proyek bisnis yang ada, kami mengajak para profesional di bidangnya untuk mengisi posisi :
Persyaratan :
  • Laki-laki, maks 30 tahun
  • Pend Min SMK / D1 / D3 jurusan Teknik Informatika / Elektro
  • Terbuka untuk Fresh Graduated (non pengalaman)
  • Memiliki pengalaman mengenai system Piranti Keras & Piranti Lunak, LAN, WAN, WLAN / Sistem Wireless, Windows
  • Memiliki pengalaman mengenai Produk Microsoft, Sistem Email, MS Windows OS dan Product Office Lainnya
  • Memiliki pengalaman untuk Setup, Instalasi dan Sistem Operasi Komputer
  • Memiliki kemampuan untuk Troubleshooting software, hardware Desktop Computer, Notebook, Printer, Scanner dan lainnya
  • Memiliki Kepribadian yang baik, energik, mempunyai inisiatif yang tinggi dan mampu bekerja dalam tim.
Benefit :
·         Gaji pokok, Incentive, Transportasi, Uang Makan, Pulsa
Lokasi Penempatan :
Kupang, Banjarmasin, Palangkaraya, Palu, Gorontalo, Manokwari, Ambon, Ternate

Kirim surat lamaran Anda lengkap dengan CV dan foto terbaru ke :
PT. Mitra Buana Komputindo
Gedung Wirausaha Lt 8 Suite 802
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav C5
Jakarta 12940
Atau ke email :
(maksimal 200 KB dengan mencantumkan subject : TS-PTPI-Lokasi Kerja)

Jumat, 26 April 2013

Job Vacancy : HELPDESK / SERVICE DESK SUPPORT (PT. Sisindokom Lintasbuana)

PT. Sisindokom Lintasbuana is a member of Aneka Spring Telekomindo Group is one of the leading IT and Networking Solution provider in Indonesia. Having more than 22 years of experience in providing IT solutions to the business community is looking suitable qualified and experience personnel to fill the position of:

Helpdesk / Service Desk Support 

Major Duties and Responsibility:
• Remotely troubleshoot problems through email/telephone by talking over the control users terminals via LAN/WAN connections. Plan, coordinate and support business processes, systems and end-users. Handle phone-in and escalation of problems.
• End points standard software trouble shooting (Windows 7, Android OS, MS Office 2010, MS Project, MS Visio, Lotus Notes mail and applications, SAP GUI and other company standard applications listed in standard application list).


• Bachelor Degree, with a Technical major, such as Information Technology.
• Min. 2 years of experience in the same field
• Have certification is advantage
• Familiar in  IT hardware, software, computer, Network / LAN , Cisco, Troubleshooting and Wireless
• Capable in handling operation system desktop, Microsoft Office, Windows
• Able to work as a team player
• Good in communication & interpersonal skill
• Fluent in English
• Able to join immediately

You are invited to send your application with a comprehensive resume, details key responsibilities and achievements as well as details of present and expected salary, contact telephone number together with digital photograph to:

All applications will be treated with strict confidential. Please note only short listed candidates will be notified accordingly

Job Vacancy : NOC (PT. Sisindokom Lintasbuana)

PT. Sisindokom Lintasbuana is a member of Aneka Spring Telekomindo Group is one of the leading IT and Networking Solution provider in Indonesia. Having more than 17 years of experience in providing IT solutions to the business community is looking suitable qualified and experience personnel to fill the position of:


Major Duties and Responsibility:
• Understand the scope of work of each installation / maintenance received.
• Understand NOC Networking and Helpdesk
• Responsible for any installation / maintenance received in accordance with design and time line specified.
• Responsible for the completeness of the devices in field according to the detail list or the existing permit.
• Responsible for the publication of BAST which was signed by the customer.
• Report results-weekly status report and update on the time reporting.

• Male, 22-28 years old
• Minimum D3 / S1 In Information Technology / Computer Science
• Have CCNA certificate is preferable
• Fresh graduate or 1- 2 years experience as NOC / Helpdesk
• Good communication skill
• Able to speak and write in English
• Good team player, posses positive attitude and pleasant personality
• Self-Motivated, resourceful and creative problem solver
• High conceptual and analytical skill
• Able to join immediately 

You are invited to send your application with a comprehensive resume, details key responsibilities and achievements as well as details of present and expected salary, contact telephone number together with digital photograph to: 

All applications will be treated with strict confidential. Please note only short listed candidates will be notified accordingly.

Lowongan Business Development / Sales Executive @doktermana merupakan layanan terintegrasi bagi industri kesehatan dan kedokteran yang didukung oleh
joint venture di dalam dan luar negeri, posisi ini mempunyai peran sangat penting di dalam,
dimana anda akan bertanggung jawab menciptakan hubungan kemitraan jangka panjang dengan pelaku pelaku
di industri
kesehatan di Indonesia. Kandidat akan mendapatkan kompensasi yang sangat baik dalam bentuk gaji dan
bonus, selain itu juga, anda mempunyai jam kerja yang fleksibel
sepanjang anda dapat memenuhi target

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab

- Melakukan identifikasi dan mengembangkan database lead atau calon rekanan yang masuk dalam kualifikasi
(dokter,klinik, rumah sakit)melalui referensi, canvassing , telephone, email, chat, social media, dan kegiatan
kegiatan pemasaran yang dilakukan.
- Melakukan pertemuan dengan pengambil keputusan di pihak rekanan, menganalisa secara efisien dan efektif
kemungkinan untuk mendapatkan transaksi bisnis,dilanjutkan dengan bernegosiasi mengenai syarat dan kondisi
perjanjian untuk menutup negosiasi menjadi suatu transaksi bisnis
- Membuat dan menyajikan proposal ataupun presentasi yang dapat meyakinkan calon pelanggan
- Berkoordinasi dengan departemen lain seperti departemen IT dan operasional untuk suatu kampanye
pemasaran bagi rekanan
- Bertanggung jawab untuk hubungan after sales dengan rekanan
- Mengembangkan rencana penjalan bulanan dan mingguan dengan direktur penjualan, dan fokus untuk
mencapai target penjualan
- Bertanggung jawab untuk laporan harian ke direktur penjualan


- merupakan organisasi berorientasi hasil dan kami mengundang semua calon kandidat dari
latar belakang pendidikan apapun untuk mengirimkan aplikasi kerja anda
- Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun di pemasaran dan penjualan dengan track record meyakinkan yang menunjukkan
kemampuan anda untuk bernegosiasi ataupun meyakinkan pelanggan
- Fasih menggunakan MS Office setidaknya MS word dan Powerpoint untuk membuat proposal maupun
presentasi, ataupun aplikasi lain yang sejenis seperti semisal OpenOFfice ataupun Libreoffice
- Kandidat harus mengerti bahasa Inggris secara aktif
- Mampu untuk bekerja secara independent, telecommuting dengan supervisi yang minimal
- Menjadi suatu nilai plus apabila kandidat mempunyai pengalaman di bidang kesehatan
- Kandidat haruslah individu yang agresif, kompetitif, berorientasi target dan mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi
secara verbal yang baik
- Lokasi Kerja : Jakarta

Apabila berminat dapat langsung mengirimkan CV dan Surat lamarannya ke Dept HRD :

Lowongan IT

dear teman2 it helpdesk,

berhubung akan adanya porject maintenance di salah satu customer kami, maka
kantor kami ( PT. Erakomp Infonusa ) membuka lowongan kerja sebagai IT
supervisor dan teknisi komputer dengan kriteria

1. memahami troubleshoot jaringan
2. memahami troubleshoot hardware dan software
3. memahami troubleshoot printer, scanner, inkjet, dotmatrix.
4. untuk Supervisor di utamakan memiliki Sertifikat ITIL , Cisco

surat lamaran bisa di kirimkan melalui email ke

semoga info nya bermanfaat


Kamis, 25 April 2013

Job Vacancies - IT

PT. INAMCO VARIA JASA specializes in the supply, management and development of workforces for the Indonesian mining, energy, and infrastructure development sectors.
We have more than two decades (35 Years) of experience supplying complete workforces or selected work groups to meet the short and long term employment requirements of Major Indonesian and International clients on projects and operations Throughout Indonesia.
Our Client, A Leading Engineering Construction Company, urgently requires the following position:

IT  Application Developer - Manager

Requirements & Qualification: 
  •  Male, Female : Maximal 45 Years 
  • Educational background: Candidate must have an undergraduate degree in Computer Science, Management Information Systems, Business Administration or Engineering
  • Must have at least 15 years development experiences
  • Candidate must have experience in systems development and/or applications support which includes experience in analysis, design, programming, support and maintenance.
  • Solid understanding of object-oriented programming (OOP).
  • Deep knowledge of the .NET Framework, including Visual Studio 2010, C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, and Web Services.
  • Strong knowledge of software implementation best practices.
  • Strong experience designing and working with n-tier architectures (UI, Business Logic Layer, Data Access Layer) along with some experience with service-oriented architectures (SOA).
  • Good understanding of software design patterns.
  • Experience with Microsoft Team Foundation Server, unit testing, and continuous integration.
  • Expert knowledge of JavaScript and experience with JQuery.
  • Ability to quickly learn new concepts and software as necessary.
    • Fluent In Speak English and Writing
Interested applicants have to be ready to be assigned in Jakarta Base, please kindly send in detailed resume stating expected salary and availability to:  
Jl.Poltangan No. 48
Jakarta 12530, Indonesia
Phone : (62-21) 78837610 (Hunting)
Fax : (62-21) 78837578
Website :

Rabu, 24 April 2013

lowongan Helpdesk Software

Mohon ijin di infokan ke teman2 yang lain, mungkin ada yang membutuhkan informasi ini.
semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih - salam :)

Dibutuhkan segera :

IT Helpdesk Software (HDS)

Kualifikasi :
- Minimum D3 (fresh graduated are welcome to apply)
- Lebih disukai dari jurusan Teknologi informasi, Telekomunikasi, Manajemen Informasi or equivalent.
- Pria/wanita
- Memiliki kemampuan dan pengalaman sebagai IT QA / IT Tester / Helpdesk Software
- Lebih disukai mengerti PLSQL, database Oracle
- Memiliki kemampuan yang sangat baik dalam mengoperasikan Ms. Office
- Memikili attitude yang baik/positif.
- Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan inisiatif yang baik.
- Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik (Good written and verbal communication skills)
- Available to work full time in Jakarta

Note :
- Status : Project/Contract based with minimum Contract Length 6-12 month (extendable)
- Placement : Jakarta – Indonesia

Bagi kandidat yang berminat dan memenuhi kriteria tersebut, silahkan kirim lamaran beserta cv lengkap,di sertai gaji yang diinginkan.

Tuliskan subject email dengan format :  HDS_nama lengkap
contoh : HDS_Sherly


Selasa, 23 April 2013

Lowongan Kerja Administrattion Staff

General Qualifications :
·         Good performance, hard working, self- initiative and highly motivated
Requirements :
·         Male
·         Minimum : DIII ATEM (Akademi Teknik Elektro Medik)
·         Fresh Graduate are welcome

Please send your complete resume with a recent photograph, copy ijazah & Identity Card (KTP/ SIM Drive License) and any certifications to :

HRD Dept.
Ruko Mega Cempaka Mas K 59
Jl. Let. Jend Suprapto No. 1
Jakarta Pusat 10640
Requirements :
·         Female, Max. 30 years old
·         Candidate must posses at least a Diploma/ Bachelor’s Degree in any field
·         At least 1 year of working experience in marketing of Disposable Product / Medical Equipment / Laboratory.
·         Good personality and high integrity
·         Available Immediately
Please submit your comprehensive resume with recent photograph to:
HRD Dept.
Ruko Mega Cempaka Mas K 59
Jl. Let. Jend Suprapto No. 1
Jakarta Pusat 10640
Administration Staff
·         Female, Max. 26years old
·         Graduated Min. D3 from any major
·         At least 1 year of experience working in administration field
·         Able to operate basic computer application (i.e.: Excel, Words, PowerPoint)
·         Minimum English Passive
·         Resourceful and capable to learn new things quickly
For those who qualified can send a complete CV and recent photograph to :
HRD Dept.
Ruko Mega Cempaka Mas K 59
Jl. Let. Jend Suprapto No. 1
Jakarta Pusat 10640

Lowongan Kerja Tutor

Lembaga Bimbingan Belajar HEXXA

1.    Tutorial class/private
2.    Kurikulum Nasional untuk SD, SMP, SMA
3.    Subject :
-   Matematika
-   Kimia
-   Fisika
-   Biologi
4.      Jujur, disiplin dan bertanggungjawab
5.    Mahasiswa atau lulusan dari Perguruan  Tinggi Negeri (PTN) ternama di Indonesia , seperti: ITB, ITS, UI, UGM, UNAIR, IPB, UNPAD, UNDIP, UNIBRAW, UNJ, UNNES, UPI, UNY, UII
6.    Domisili Jabodetabek
 Bagi yang berminat, kirimkan lamaran, CV dan dokumen pendukung ke :

Atau email ke :

* Nama, alamat, tanggal lahir, no. telp rumah, HP
* Jurusan/Fakultas/Universitas/Tahun masuk
* Bidang yang dikuasai/Area atau lokasi mengajar
* Fee atau honor/Alat Transportasi

Jatis Group Vacancies


Jatis Group is one of the leading IT solution and Multimedia group of companies with
operation in Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines and Malaysia. Our core businesses are in
providing Enterprise Application and Mobile Media Services under the brand name of Jatis
Solutions, Jatis Mobile, Firium, Bizniaga, and Jatis Imagineering Philippines.

With our people as Jatis Group core driver whose creativity, competency and commitment
not only brought us to where we are today, but will continue our growth in the future.
Thus, we appreciate our employees and put them at the very heart of our business strategy
as we believe this is the crucial way to serve our clients at the very best.

Currently we are inviting young and dynamic professional who dare to take the challenge
in e-solution area to join our successful team in the following positions:


Candidate will be assigned as Technical Team members, to be one of the followings:
• Technical Architecture Team Members (Only for experienced programmers)
• Java Developer (Working on Financial System, E-Commerce, Travel and Transport, and
Retail/Distribution Projects)
• Oracle Programmer (ERP, CRM)
• MS Axapta Programmer

• Education Background: Degree from Computer Studies or related field
• Fresh graduate are welcomed
• Have knowledge and skill in Java Programming Languages, with knowledge in the following
fields becoming advantages: JEE, Spring, Hibernate, MyBatis, Struts, Portal Software
• Good communication and interpersonal skill
• Hard worker and team player
• Thrive in an extremely fast paced environment
• Interest and passion in programming
• Interest and passion in IT product, especially in making IT Software
• Proficient in English would be an advantage
• Willing to learn exciting new technologies such as E-Commerce, Payment Gateway, EBS,
Microsoft Dynamics Applications, and other ERP Applications

If you meet the above qualifications, please send us your application with comprehensive
resume in english, copy of identity card, education certificate, transcript academic and
photo, putting the position code in the subject of your email to:

Please open our website for further information:

Only short-listed qualified candidates will be processed.

“Become a Freelancer and start making money today, please see our Jobs at http://”

lowongan kerja Investment Advisor

PT Cyber Futures Membuka Peluang bagi anda yang ingin bergabung
didunia berbisnis untuk mengisi posisi “Investment Advisor”

Kualifikasi :
1. Pria/Wanita Min 23 Tahun.
2. Pendidikan Min SMA sederajat/D3.
3. Rajin,disiplin,teliti.
4. Bersungguh-sungguh dan mau bekerja.
5. Pekerja keras dan mampu bekerja dalam tekanan.
6. Mampu Bekerja individual/team work.
7. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer minimal ms word dan internet.
8. Berpenampilan Menarik.
9. Non pengalaman (diutamakan berpengalaman sebagai marketing).

Benefit :

Untuk yang berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi di
atas segera kirimkan cv via email :
PT Cyber Futures
Jln.Jend sudirman Kav 60,jak-sel
Gd.Menara Sudirman 19th floor suite C

Lowongan Kerja Marketing Online Trading Division

Saya mau post iklan lowongan kerja dengan isi sebagai berikut:

PT. Nikko Securities Indonesia, merupakan perusahaan joint venture yang unik antara Salim Group, Ciputra Group, Dana Pensiun, dan Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC) Nikko Securities Inc sebagai salah satu dari tiga perusahaan sekuritas terbesar di Jepang, membuka lowongan Marketing untuk Online Trading Division dengan penempatan kerja di area Sudirman.

- Gaji tetap
- Tunjangan
- Komisi
- Bonus
- Jenjang karir yang menjanjikan

- Pendidikan minimal SMA/ SMK
- Minimal pengalaman marketing 1 tahun
- Tertarik dengan dunia pasar modal/ saham
- Berorientasi pada target
- Dapat bekerjasama dalam team
- Kreatif, inovatif, energik, komunikatif dan berpenampilan menarik
- Dapat maintain nasabah yang ada maupun calon nasabah baru yang potensial
- Mampu menguasai Ms. office dan dapat menggunakan internet

Official website:

Bagi yang berminat, bisa langsung mengirimkan CV& application letter ke

Dibutuhkan IT Specialist

A mining multinational company is looking for,

IT Specialist

- Female less than 25 years old of age
- Minimum education D3 in IT
- 1-2 years experience in web application development or application support with PHP, MySQL and Apache platform on Linux or Windows environment.
- Understand basic computer networking.
- Troubleshooting experience on Windows or Mac environment related to hardware and software.
- Fast learner and passionate about information
- Able to speak in English

If you meet those requirements please send us your comprehensive CV and recent photograph by replying this email.

Best regards,

Vacancy for IT

IT Jobs
Our Client need urgently professional as follows:
  1. Principal IT Application Developer (experience 15+ years)
  2. Lead IT Application Developer (experience 10-15 years)
  3. Senior IT Application Developer (experience 5-10 years)
  4. IT Application Developer (experience 3-5 years)
  5. Associate IT Application Developer (experience <3 li="" nbsp="" years="">
·         Candidate must have an undergraduate degree in Computer Science, Management Information Systems, Business Administration or Engineering.
·         Candidate must have experience in systems development and/or applications support which includes experience in analysis, design, programming, support and maintenance.
·         Solid understanding of object-oriented programming (OOP).
·         Deep knowledge of the .NET Framework, including Visual Studio 2010, C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, and Web Services.
·         Strong knowledge of software implementation best practices.
·         Strong experience designing and working with n-tier architectures (UI, Business Logic Layer, Data Access Layer) along with some experience with service-oriented architectures (SOA).
·         Good understanding of software design patterns.
·         Experience with Microsoft Team Foundation Server, unit testing, and continuous integration.
·         Expert knowledge of JavaScript and experience with JQuery.
·         Ability to quickly learn new concepts and software as necessary.
Jl.Poltangan No. 48
Jakarta 12530, Indonesia
Phone : (62-21) 78837610 (Hunting)
Fax : (62-21) 78837578
Website :

Kamis, 11 April 2013

Lowongan : Cari Personil Statistik IT

Dear all,

Perusahaan konsultan kami lagi membutuhkan:
Tenaga Statistik - mengolah data IT untuk menganalisa Tren Perkembangan
Teknologi Informasi yang dibutuhkan untuk menganalisa kebutuhan di masa
yang akan datang.
Jika anda berminat, silahkan kirimkan CV nya ke email saya :
Ditunggu secepatnya.


Agus Simatupang

Urgently Required : Programmer

A National company based in Jakarta, leader in provision of comprehensive travel information and GDS (Global Distribution Systems) services in Asia Pacific market, is seeking for qualified candidates to join our company for the positions:

  • Male/Female, maximum age 30 years old
  • Min. 1 year working experience in related field.
  • Diploma or Bachelor Degree in Computer Science.
  • Excellent in ASP.NET, JAVA or PHP (with framework)
  • Excellent in Oracle or SQL Server 2008

General Requirement:
  • GDS/Travel/Airlines/Hotel/Insurance Industries working experiences is an advantages
  • Self-motivated and adaptable to be able to work with minimal supervision.
  • Fluent in English, speaking and writing.
  • Willing to work after office hours.

Send your application with latest photograph and expected salary to  :

Rabu, 10 April 2013

Share info loker

Urgently Needed: Finance Manager who has experience in IT Services or Software Development Company - Indonesia
We are looking for a Finance Manager who has experience in IT services or Software development  company for our client. The client is a world-class software engineering company. 

Title: Finance Manager for software development company / IT services 

Employment Type: Permanent 
Working Station: Jakarta 

Mandatory Requirements: 
+ Having at least 2 years of experience as Finance Manager in IT services or software development company 
+ Have a minimum of 5 years of Finance experience 
+ Having experience in consolidation multiple account reporting 
+ Having background knowledge in Accounting 
+ Posses strategic planning skills and general management expertise 
+ Able to manage complex problems 
+ Able to converse fluently in English 

If you are interested, please send your CV (Resume) in .doc format to: 

subject: (Your Full Name) Finance with over (Years) of experience

Lowongan English Teacher

Pingu's English Indonesia

Profile perusahaan

Pingu's English, and International, fun and entertaining children's English course for 2-8 years old is looking for a group of young talents and professionals to join its growing networks in indonesia to be placed at our center in all around Jakarta and Tangerang for the position of:

Detil Pekerjaan

English Teacher (TC)
Dealing with students academics progress and queries

- Educational background min. S1
- Min 1 year teaching experience in school or language courses
- Excellent spoken and written English (TOEIC min 750)
- Atractive and Energetic
- Available to start working immediately
- Love teaching children
- willing to be placed at Gading Serpong, Tangerang

Send your application to :

Lokasi Pekerjaan

Tingkat Pendidikan:
0-2 tahun
Jenis Pekerjaan:
Tanggal Berakhir:
Tangerang - Banten

Best Regards,

Beta Handa
PT. Impact Teaching Center
Plaza Sentral Lt 17
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 47
Jakarta 12930

Phone (021) 5705105 |Fax (021) 5711944
Mobile 081282472508