Kamis, 25 Januari 2018

Lowongan Accounting Staff

Abhitech specializes in providing professional Human Resources Management and Consultancy Services to various industries in Indonesia. Over 25 years of stable growth, Abhitech has maintained a high level of credibility and managed over 250 contracts nationwide.
Today, Abhitech is a prominent player in the HR management services with a steadfast commitment to successfully meet our clients specific needs and constant record of achievement in delivering excellence.

Now, We are seeking for best candidates to fill “Accounting Staff” for our Head Office with detail as follow:

Job Requirement :
1. Understand accounting bookkeeping flow (e.g. journal postings, financial reporting)
2. Able to arrange accounts receivable and accounts payable functions, and payment and receipt transactions
3. Tax knowledge especially PPh 21, 23 and PPN
4. Experience using SAP or similar system (Preferably know how to use SAP Business One or other SAP systems)
1. Female, max. 30 years old
2. Working experience: minimum 1-2 years
3. Accounting education background

Please send your application to recruitment@abhitech.co.id, cc email to Agus@abhitech.co.id before February 06th, 2018

== Abhitech Recruitment Team ==

Lowongan Tax Staff (TS)

PT. Yuan Sejati sebuah perusahaan yang berlokasi di Jakarta, Perusahaan Pensuplai Peralatan Oil & Gas khususnya di bidang custody metering sejak tahun 1982.

Perusahaan kami sedang membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk bergabung dan menempati posisi:

Tax Staff (TS)
Persyaratan Khusus:
-        Pria/Wanita, usia max. 30 tahun.
-        Lulusan D3/S1 Accounting/Perpajakan.
-        Memiliki Sertifikat Brevet A & B
-        Pengalaman 2 tahun di bidang Perpajakan.
-        Memahami eSPT (PPH 21, 23, 25, 29, PPN, dll) & eFaktur.
-        Memahami Peraturan Perpajakan Indonesia.

Persyaratan Umum:

1.     Mampu berbahasa Inggris (lisan dan tulisan).
2.     Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dengan baik minimal menguasai Microsoft Office.

Jika Anda memenuhi persyaratan dan tertarik pada tantangan ini, silahkan kirim lamaran lengkap Anda ke:                        
Human Resources Department
Email: hrd@yuansejati.co.id

Senin, 22 Januari 2018



PT Tonsco International, bergerak dibidang Kontraktor Oil and Gas bertempat di Jakarta Selatan,
Saat ini kami membutuhkan kandidat untuk menempati posisi:
1.    Driver (Supir)
1.      Min. Lulusan SMA
2.      Laki-laki, usia maksimal 35th
3.      Sehat jasmani dan rohani, berkelakukan baik, bersih.
4.      berpengalaman sebagai sopir pribadi, tahu jalan-jalan di Jabodetabek.
5.      Mempunyai SIM A & C
6.      Bersedia untuk bekerja melebihi waktu jam kerja.

2.      OFFICE BOY


1.      Pendidikan Min. SMA/SMK
2.      Pria min 21 tahun, jujur, teliti dan rapi serta komunikatif
3.      Bersedia melakukan pekerjaan kantor sesuai dengan ketentuan dari perusahaan
4.      Bersedia bekerja pada hari libur apabila dibutuhkan

Bagi Kandidat yang memenuhi/memiliki kualifikasi diatas silahkan mengirimkan Surat lamaran, CV yang disertai pas foto ke alamat/email:

PT. Tonsco International
Bona Indah Business Center
Jalan Karang Tengah Raya No. 8J Jakarta Selatan
Telp : +62 21 29237053

Senin, 15 Januari 2018

Lowongan Tax Analyst

We are currently seeking qualified candidates for the position of:

Tax Analyst

Male/ Female
Education background: S1 – Accounting/Tax, tax brevet (prefer tax consultant certified/ course)
Working Experience:
-       Minimum 5 years working experience in taxation
-       Experiences in oil and gas companies is a preferable. 

Should you meet the above qualification, please send your full resume email to:
Please mention the position applied on the subject of email.

URGENT !! Lowongan Driver & Koki

Kami sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja sebagai berikut :

1. Driver (Supir) area Cikarang
- Mampu mengemudikan mobil dengan baik dan sesuai standar perusahaan
- Memiliki SIM A / B1
- Berdomisili tempat tinggal di area Cikarang
- Memiliki pengalaman minimal 3 tahun bekerja di perusahaan yang sama

2. Koki
- Mampu memasak masakan western
- Terbiasa dengan bekerja shift
- Memiliki pengalaman menjadi koki minimal 1 tahun

Jika anda memiliki kualifikasi seperti yang tersebut diatas mohon email cv ke ikaastia.azlam@gmail.com

Urgently Required Pipeline Drafter


PT. CITRA PANJI MANUNGGAL Adalah Perusahaan EPC yang Bergerak Di Industri Migas Pipeline dan Plant. Sedang Menjalankan Beberapa Project Onshore Pipeline, Membutuhkan Pipeline Drafter Dengan Kualifikasi Sebagai Berikut :
  • Maksimal age 35 years old.
  • Education min. STM/D3.
  • Experienced min 3 years in detail drawing oil and gas project (especially in pipeline discipline).
  • Having good skils in AutoCAD 2D and 3D.
  • Good command of Microsoft Office Tools (Word, Excel, Power Point).
  • Innovative, fast learner, high motivated person, able to work under pressure and as a team player.
  • Willing to be assigned in project site area
Kirimkan CV, Fotocopy Izajah, Sertifikat Training dan Surat Pengalaman Kerja ke rafl_stone@yahoo.com 

Senin, 08 Januari 2018

Lowongan Emeralda Golf & Estate

Emeralda Golf & Estate, sebuah lapangan golf bertaraf internasional dan lahan pemukiman terkemuka di daerah Tapos, Depok, Jawa Barat, membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga profesional untuk bergabung bersama kami menempati posisi :

1. Assistant Sales & Marketing Manager
- Membuat strategi sales yang efekif dan efisien
- Bersama tim memastikan target penjualan tercapai
- Membina serta menjaga hubungan baik dengan customer

2. Account Receivable Staff
- Bertanggung jawab dalam mencatat piutang perusahaan
- Melakukan penagihan piutang perusahaan
- Melakukan update data piutang tertagih setiap harinya

Syarat & Ketentuan :
-          Wanita Usia Maksimal 35 th (1) Pria/Wanita usia maksimal 30 th (2)
-          Lulusan D3/S1/S2 hospitality (1) D3/S1 Ekonomi Akuntansi (2)
-          Pengalaman di bidang yang sama minimal 5 th (1) dan 2 th (2)
-          Pekerja keras, berintegritas tinggi dan dapat bekerjasama dengan tim
-          Berorientasi dengan target
-          Pengalaman di lapangan golf / hotel lebih diutamakan

Kirim lamaran anda beserta CV dan pas foto terbaru ke recruitment@emeralda-golfclub.com serta cc ke recruit.emeralda@gmail.com. Maksimal 2 minggu setelah iklan ini tayang.

Jumat, 05 Januari 2018

Lowongan Account Manager

PT. Mitra Buana Komputindo, our company is one of system integrator (IT Company) dealing with many corporation and project. To support our business, we are seeking dynamic and dedicated persons to fill our vacant position as follow:

Account Manager
Jakarta Raya – Ketapang, Jakarta Barat
Job Description :
  • Finding and implementing a strategy to penetrate into account / new customer to achieve sales revenue targets.
  • Finding and collecting the data / information from existing accounts and new ones associated to anticipate business opportunity or a threat.
  • Identify, analyze and understand the needs and price target customers want to be submit a letter of offer and negotiate to produce competitive sales agreement.
  • Fast learner, accurate and able to work under pressure
  • Have good relationship with customer
Requirements :
  • Candidate must posses at least a SMU, diploma, Bachelor's Degree any major.
  • At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position, fresh graduate are welcome
  • Applicants must be willing to work in Ketapang.
  • Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Sales - Corporate or equivalent..
  • Full-Time position(s) available.
If you think that you have qualification such as above, please note the position code and send your application enclosed with curriculum vitae and recent photograph to :
Send your CV, Application and Recent Photograph to :

PT. Mitra Buana Komputindo
Komplek Ketapang Business Center Blok B10-11,
Jl. KH. Zainul Arifin No.20, Jakarta Barat

Or email to :

Temporary Secretary - PT. SDM Konsultan Indonesia

Urgently Needed :

Temporary Secretary

Qualifications :
1. S1 from any Dicipline and Secretarial Diploma Degree is preferable
2. Female, good appearance with maximum age 30 years old
3. Having five years experiences as Secretary in Multinational Company and experience in handling Expatriate BoD
4. Having multi tasking skill, pleasant and friendly personality
5. Fluent in written and spoken English

Responsibilities :
1. Manage schedules
2. Meeting logistics
3. Manage Information
4. Filing
5. Office equipment and supplies
6. General Administration
7. Query Management

The interesting candidates as above position please email your update CV in word / PDF format complete with recent photograph to
Contact : 085857775717 ( WA Mr. Junias )

Open Position HR & GA staff

Permit to submit

PT. Berca engineering International is a  Company engineering and asset support services, training and development to the Indonesian oil and gas industries.

We would like to invite the professionals to join us and strengthen our team. for the position :

HR & GA Staff 

- Familiar with office management
- Familiar with legal processing exp. SIUP , SIUJK, KTA etc
- Familiar with recruitment process
- Familiar with BPJS Process 
- Detail oriented, creative, efficient & high integrity
- Can join immediately

Please submit a comprehensive Resume (word format) with the photograph and expected salary.
with name of position in “subject”  to the email below:


 (Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further processes)


Job Vacancy: Corporate Graphic Designer PT Abhitech Matra Indah

Abhitech specializes in providing professional Human Resources Management and Consultancy Services to various industries in Indonesia. Over 25 years of stable growth, Abhitech has maintained a high level of credibility and managed over 250 contracts nationwide.
Today, Abhitech is a prominent player in the HR management services with a steadfast commitment to successfully meet our clients specific needs and constant record of achievement in delivering excellence.
Now, We are seeking for best candidates to fill “Corporate Graphic Designer” for our Head Office with detail as follow:
Job Description:
1. Design high-quality and innovative creative, including, but not limited to: website Content and Layout Design; corporate forms and document formats; advertising; brochures; sales aids; event-related materials, such as invitations, posters, etc.
2. Own the creative process from concept to design to development and implementation.
3. Ability to quickly grab understanding of current corporate product and services. Maintaining strong brand identity is a must.
4. Articulate and present creative concepts clearly.
5. Participate in and contribute to brainstorming sessions.
Job Requirement :

1. At least 3 years of professional design working experience.
2. A strong portfolio of design projects delivered to date.
3.. Good oral/written communications
4. Experience in collaborating with multiple teams.
5. Self-motivated and disciplined individual, striving for excellence.
6. Open to new experiences and able to handle uncertainties.
7. Ability to multi-task and manage tasks with varying priorities
8. Able to work under pressure and within a specific timeline
1. Part-time, Freelancers and Consultants
2. Max : 30 years old
3. Bachelor’s degree in Design or equivalent
4. Male/Female

Please send your application to recruitment@abhitech.co.id, cc email to irma@abhitech.co.id before January 04, 2018
== Abhitech Recruitment Team ==

Kamis, 04 Januari 2018

Lowongan Akunting Staf

PT Pembangunan Kota Tua Jakarta saat ini sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja dengan posisi Akunting Staf, dengan persyaratan sbb : 

Tugas dan tanggung jawab

  1. Memverifikasi data atau dokumen keuangan perusahaan
  2. Melakukan pencatatan setiap transaksi keuangan perusahaan
  3. Mengelompokan sesuai dengan jenis transaksi ke dalam masing-masing buku besar dengan alat bantu Buku Besar
  4. Mengklasifikasikan buku besar sesuai dengan klasifikasi akuntansi dengan alat bantu Neraca Saldo
  5. Melakukan rekonsiliasi dan penyesuaian  bersama bagian finance
  6. Menyusun laporan atau informasi keuangan sesuai standar pelaporan akuntansi

  • Usia 23 - 27 tahun
  • Pengalaman dibidang finance & accounting, min. 1 tahun
  • Menguasai dan memahami pengelompokan jenis transaksi
  • Min. D-3 Accounting / Pajak
  • Menguasai program computer, sistem/aplikasi accounting, dan perpajakan
  • Jujur, rapi, teliti dan loyal
  • Mampu bekerja secara individu maupun tim
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di area Kota, Beos

Aplikasi dapat dikirim langsung ke alamat email : 



- Astri