Mohon ijin saya mau posting lowongan short term untuk konsultan lotus notes
di kantor kami. Kebetulan search di google dan mendapatkan milis ini.
Sekedar info saja kami adalah World Vision Indonesia sebuah organisasi non
profit Kristiani yang bergerak dalam pengembangan masyarakat berfokus
kepada anak.
Keterangan tentang kami bisa didapatkan di
Diharapkan bila posting di sini kami mendapatkan konsultan Lotus notes yang
kompeten (tentunya diselaraskan dengan budget kami).
Bila diperkenankan saya mengirimkan vacancy sbb :
World Vision Indonesia hereby invites you as personal for the following
Title of the assignment : Consultant for ITT online improvement
Period of services : 2 weeks (might be less)
Type : Urgent
Sector : Information and technology
Qualification : Lotus desainer
Objective : Specifically the consultant will work with lotus based tool
called ITT online. The tool designed to report the result
of monthly activities. Consultant expected to identify and fix the problem
on the ITT online (dashboard, screen notification, link program).
More explanation will be informed in meeting face to face with contacted
shortlist candidates. This assignment is based in Jakarta and locally hired
Interest candidates, please submit portofolio along with workplan and
budget by email to the following address no later than Friday 18 May 2012. atau
telp kantor 021 31927467 atau HP 08111774721
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