Rabu, 24 Desember 2014

[Job Info] Senior IP Network Consultant

Dear IndoCisco members,

We are looking for a Senior IP Consultant to manage the IP transport consulting offer porto-folio, be Orange/Sofrecom Ambassador with the industry and our clients, leads the consulting activities of this domain from pre sales to the delivery of the services
Responsibilities :
·         Owner of N&S Asia Hub Consultancy offers in the IP Transport domain
·          Leader of the IP transport activities and resources
·         Support to pre sales
·         Provision of consulting services
·         Know how capitalization and transfer
Qualifications Requirements (MUST) : 
·         BsC degree qualified or equivalent qualification or experience.
·         You have min  6 years’ experience and a very good understanding of telecom operator’s IP transport processes and operations
·         You have at least 3 years of experience working from an international consulting firm
·         You are certified at least as CCIE
·         You have proven experience on IP transport strategy, Master plans, selection of suppliers and solutions, engineering ( HLD, LLD), operations, optimization
·         You have expertise:
o    Services Architecture: VoIP, VoD, IPTV, CDN
o    Security
o    Networks platforms
§  Cisco (Most Router/Switch platforms, IOS, IOS XR, GSR, CRS, CatOS)
§  Alcatel 77xx SR/ESS, 7705,
§  Juniper,
§  Acme Packet SBC 9200/4500
o    Technologies:
§   IS-IS, OSPF, RSVP, L2/L3 switching, IPVPN,  L2/ L3 VPN,
§  Multicast PIM, IGMP,
§  ADSL/ADSL2+, SDSL, VDSL, FTTx, SDH/PDH, IEEE802.3, Carrier Ethernet, Frame-relay, ATM,WDM, 
§  L2TP, PPPoE
o    Testing: Agilent, Smartbits, IXIA; K15
o    Other: UNIX, Linux, Windows, Radius, SNMP, DRM 

Criteria :
·         Male/Female
·         Fluent with English.
·         Proactive and have good communication skills both oral and written
·         Able to work as a team under minimum supervision
·         Able to work under pressure
·         Self motivated and with ambition, with ability to motivate others
·         Strong analytical and problem solving
·         Willing to work extended hours/weekends
·         Willing to work abroad for short and long periods

Please send your CV to : recruitment@sofrecom.co.id


Senin, 22 Desember 2014

Lowongan: Mobile / Web Developer

Klien kami, perusahaan yang berfokus membuat aplikasi mobile dan web di Jakarta, sedang mencari beberapa staff programmer yang menguasai program mobile / web developer seperti JavaScript, CSS, HTML, atau program sejenis. Kandidat yang baru lulus (fresh graduate) dari SMA atau SMK didorong untuk melamar.
- Pria / Wanita
- Menguasai salah satu program mobile / web developer  
- Berjiwa kreatif 
- Mencantumkan link portfolio yang pernah dibuat (jika ada)
- Kandidat yang baru lulus (fresh graduate) dari SMA / SMK didorong untuk melamar
- Tulis POSISI yang Anda lamar di bagian subject email
- Kirim email ke: satukarir@yahoo.com
- ‘HANYA’ kirim 2 jenis dokumen disatukan dalam 1 LAMPIRAN: (1) CV, (2) Photo
- Maksimum besarnya total lampiran (attachment): 500 Kilobyte (KB)

Talent Search and Placement

Lowongan Staff Admin

Dear All,
Perusahaan kami sedang mencari kandidat untuk posisi dan kualifikasi sbb:

Staff Admin

Lulusan Hukum/ Manajemen
Pengalaman 1-2 tahun, pernah menangani analisa kebijakan perusahaan, bertugas menjembatani kepentingan perusahaan dengan instansi pemerintah yang terkait dengan operasional usaha.
Bisa mengoperasikan Komputer/ Microsoft Office
Bisa komunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris (lisan & tulisan)

Apabila CV anda sesuai dengan kualifikasi tersebut, silahkan dikirim ke:

Kamis, 18 Desember 2014



PT. BOSTIK INDONESIA adalah perusahaan manufaktur PMA yang bergerak di bidang industri adhesives dan konstruksi. Guna ekspansi bisnis, kami memerlukan pribadi yang enerjik dan kuat, dinamis dengan dedikasi serta integritas tinggi untuk mengisi lowongan sebagai:


Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan adalah:
·         Wanita
·         Berpenampilan menarik
·         Usia maksimal 28 tahun
·         Lulusan Pendidikan S1 jurusan Psikologi dari universitas terkemuka dengan minimum IPK 3,00
·         Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun pada posisi yang sama lebih diutamakan
·         Familiar dengan laporan Payroll, Filling, Support Admin  dll
·         Jujur, berdisiplin tinggi, kritis, adaptasi kerja yang cepat, inovatif, tegas dan bertanggung jawab
·         Menguasai Bahasa Inggris dengan baik
·         Mampu mengatur pekerjaan dengan efisien terutama pekerjaan dengan deadline yang ketat dan bekerjasama dengan tim
·         Memiliki track record yang sangat baik
·         Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas
·         Penempatan di wilayah perkantoran Kuningan (Jakarta Selatan)
Mohon agar mengirimkan lamaran beserta kode lamaran ke:

maksimum 200KB
(paling lambat tanggal 12 Januari 2015)

Hanya pelamar yang sesuai dengan kriteria diatas yang akan kami proses

NOTE: Dimohon untuk tidak mengirimkan dokumen pendukung pada lampiran e-mail (scan ijazah, sertifikat dll)

Lowongan di Perusahaan Retail

Perusahaan retail, membutuhkan beberapa karyawan untuk mengisi posisi – posisi sebagai berikut :

Syarat – Syarat :
- Pria,Wanita
- Umur Maksimal 35 Th.
- Pendidikan Minimal S-1.
- Mempunyai visi dan leadership yang baik
- Bahasa Inggris/ mandarin (Pasif) dan computer (pasif).
- Memiliki pengalaman dalam bidang ritel pecah belah/ritel fashion.

Syarat – Syarat :
- Pria,Wanita
- Umur Maksimal 35 Th.
- Pendidikan Minimal S-1.
- Mempunyai visi dan leadership yang baik
- Bahasa Inggris/ Mandarin (Pasif) dan computer (pasif).
- Pengalaman membawahi SPB/G counter.
- Memiliki pengalaman dalam bidang ritel pecah belah

Syarat – Syarat :
- Pria, Wanita.
- Umur Maksimal 30 Th.
- Pendidikan minimal SMU/Sederajat
- Tinggi badan minimal : 158 cm (SPG), 168 cm (SPB).
- Berkemauan keras untuk maju dan bertanggung jawab.
- Pengalaman di departemen Store ( Sogo,Metro, Star dan Dll.)
- Tidak sedang kuliah.

Lamaran dan Pas Foto terbaru dikirimkan ke :
Jl. Agung Timur IX No.7-9 Blok.O-1 Sunter Agung Podomoro Jakarta Utara.

Lowongan Network Engineer

IP Network Solusindo is leading system integrator for network infrastructure, carrier network and enterprise.
In line with our expansion plan, we are seeking dynamic, proactive and result oriented individuals to fulfill the following vacancy:

Vacancy: NETWORK ENGINEER (Mid-Level)

Position Summary:
Successful candidate will be supporting our project mainly ISP, Carrier Network, telecommunication and large enterprise and you will be based in Jakarta office.
You will in charge with customer directly to handle various network issue, fault handling and network implementation. 

Deploy and manage network infrastructure.
Support customer by perform daily task to identify and solve network issues.
Work with the operations team to conduct scheduled maintenance and enhancements to the platform.
Diagnose, as appropriate, complex systems issues with multiple influencing factors.
Deliver superior customer service through professional, comprehensive, and timely communication for all Incidents and Requests for Change.
Ensure timely response, escalation, and resolution to promote the rapid restoration of services for all incidents.

Skills and Qualifications:
Having at least 3 years experience manage a large enterprise or ISP environment.
Good understanding with OSI Layer and TCP/IP network.
Good understanding in networking technology, such as routing,switching and security (Layer2/Layer3, OSPF, BGP, MPLS, Security).
Good understanding in operating system technology, such as UNIX,LINUX and Windows.
Having IT certification is preferable (e.g: JNCIP, JNCIS, JNCIA, CCIE, CCNP).
Passionate to learn, hardworking, good team player and willing to travel all over Indonesia.
Self motivated individual and willingness to learn is strongly required.
Must be willing to be available for occasional out of hours work
Excellent communication (both oral, written and written).
Willing to learn new things by self-study, on-the-job training as well as through formal training.
Graduated from reputable university majoring in Information Technology or Electrical Engineering with minimum GPA of 2.75.
Juniper experience will be huge advantage.

Please send your latest latest comprehensive resume to bernadi@ipnetsolusindo.com with email subject NE-Mid-Level and an indication of current salary, expectation salary and completed documents as follows :
1. Curriculum Vitae & updated photograph
2. Academic transcript & Certificate
3. Identification Card (KTP)
4. Training Certificate (If Any)

Kamis, 11 Desember 2014

URGENT Sr Datacomm Enginner - Jakarta

Dear All,

PT Huawei Tech Investment membutuhkan kandidat untuk Posisi Sr Datacomm Engineer. jika ada yang berminat untuk posisi tersebut, dapat mengirimkan CV nya ke saya : robywibi@gmail.com 

Mohon di Subject nya di isi : Sr Datacomm Enginner - HUAWEI - Jakarta

  • Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering or Communication/Electronic engineering or related field;
  • 5 years of work experience in Datacom network engineering, strong technical knowledge in Datacom (Networking)
  • Able to read,write,and converse in English,good spoken English is must;
  • Able to read,write,and converse in Mandarin is advantages;
  • Strong Ability in Networking protocol (Routing, Switching, MPLS, Firewall, L3VPN, L2VPN, Access Gateway)
  • Good communication skills and team work characters,be logical and well organized.
  • Hands on experience with OSPF, BGP, IP/MPLS, BGP, IGRP, EIGRP, OSPF. Switches: STP, VLANs, Trunks, DSL, SDH, IPSec; 
  • Knowledge of MPLS and internet based networks; 
  • Possess at least a CCNP / CCNA certification or JNCIP / JNCIS.

Thank you
Best Regards,

Roby Wibisono
Mobile Gsm: +62816770051
LinkedIn : http://id.linkedin.com/in/rwibisono

Lowongan Kerja di Chevron untuk Berbagai Posisi

PT.Chevron adalah mitra dalam perekonomian Indonesia dan telah menjadi bagian dari anggota

masyarakat selama lebih dari 80 tahun. Kami adalah produsen minyak mentah terbesar di Indonesia,

yang menyumbangkan sekitar 40 persen produksi nasional.Saat ini, kami didukung oleh lebih dari

6.400 karyawan handal dan lebih dari 30.000 karyawan mitra,Lebih dari 97 persen karyawan kami

adalah warga negara Indonesia.

Langkah besar pertama Chevron di bidang eksplorasi dan produksi energi Indonesia dimulai pada

tahun 1924, ketika Standard Oil Company of California (Socal), kini Chevron, mengirimkan ekspedisi

geologi ke Pulau Sumatera.Sejak itu, selama lebih dari setengah abad, Chevron telah menjadi produsen

minyak mentah dan panas bumi terbesar di Indonesia.Chevron juga memasarkan produk pelumas di

Indonesia melalui anak perusahaan PT Chevron Oil Products Indonesia. PT Chevron Oil Products

Indonesia memasarkan pelumas Caltex®

Produk-produk ini melayani pasar komersial, industri, konsumen umum dan kelautan. Melalui unit

bisnis perdagangan kami di Singapura, Chevron juga memasarkan minyak mentah, bahan bakar mentah

lain dan minyak bumi olahan kepada Pertamina, perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi milik Pemerintah

Indonesia. Kami juga memasarkan produk-produk kepada pengimpor dan distributor terdaftar. Chevron

memasarkan aspal melalui merek dagang Caltex AsphaltTM.

Chevron bangga dengan apa yang telah kami lakukan dan menjunjung tinggi kemitraan yang kuat dan

berkelanjutan dengan Pemerintah Indonesia, lembaga non pemerintah dan masyarakat sekitar, yang

menjadi landasan dari kemajuan bersama demi memenuhi kebutuhan energi Indonesia.

Address: Sentral Senayan I Office Tower

Jl.Asia Africa No. 8, 12th Floor

Jakarta 10270


ke seluruh Indonesia melalui jaringan distribusi.


Posisi Lowongan Kerja PT Chevron Indonesia Terbaru

1. Business Analyst

2. IT Engineer

3. Policy, Government and Public Affairs

4. Petroleum Engineer

5. Earth Scientist

6. Drilling and Completion Engineer

7. Facility Engineer

8. Health, Environment and Safety

9. Operations


1. Pria atau wanita

2. Pendidikan minimal D3, D4 dan S1 semua jurusan

3. Indek Prestasi Komulatif (IPK) minimal 3,00

4. Sehat jasmani dan rohani

5. Mampu berbahasa inggris

6. Disiplin

7. Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan

8. Siap ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah operasional perusahaan

9. Bersedia di tempatkan di wilayah kerja PT. Chevron Indonesia.


Business Analyst

Persyaratan Khusus :

 Lulusan S1 / D4 All Engineering, Natural Science, Social and Politic Science, Tax, Math,

Sociology, Theology, ANT-1, ATT-1, ANT-2/ATT-2, ATT-2, ANT-2, Finance, Fiscal

Administration, Secretary, Sea Transportation and Port, Public Relation, Forestry, English

Linguistic, Economic and Business Management, Communication, Chemistry, Business

Administration, Biology, Art, Archaeology, Anthropology, Hospitality, Human Resources

Management, Psychology, Physic, Pharmacy, Occupational and Public Health, Nurse, Medical

Doctor, Library Science, Law, Journalistic, International Relations, Accounting.

IT Engineer

Persyaratan Khusus :

 S1 / D4 Computer Engineering / Science, Electrical Engineering (Power), Electronic

Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Electrical Engineering


Policy, Government and Public Affairs

Persyaratan Khusus :

 S1 / D4 Business Administration, Sociology, Public Relation, Psychology, Law, Journalistic,

International Relations, Human Resources Management, Communication, Social and Politic


Petroleum Engineer

Persyaratan Khusus :

 S1 / D4 Petroleum Engineering

Earth Scientist

Persyaratan Khusus :

 S1 / D4 Geology , Geophysics

Drilling and Completion Engineer

Persyaratan Khusus :

 S1 / D4 Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering

Facility Engineer

Persyaratan Khusus :

 S1 / D4 Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering (Telecommunication), Physic

Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Material/Metallurgy Engineering, Marine Engineering,

Instrumentation, Industrial Engineering, Electrical Engineering (Power), Civil Engineering,

Ocean Engineering, Physic

Health, Environment and Safety

Persyaratan Khusus :

 S1 / D4 Biotechnology, Safety & Occupational Health, Industrial Hygiene, Safety & Health

Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Environmental Engineering,

Electronic Engineering, Electrical Engineering (Power), Civil Engineering, Chemical

Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering


Persyaratan Khusus :

 D3 Chemical Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering, Safety & Occupational Health, Safety &

Health Engineering, Physic Engineering, Naval Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,

Material/Metallurgy Engineering, Marine Engineering, Instrumentation, Environmental

Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Electrical Engineering (Power), Civil Engineering, Master


CATATAN:Jika Anda tertarik dengan Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Chevron Indonesia November

2014 ini. Silahkan segera kumpulkan Berkas Lamaran Kerja PT Chevron Indonesia

Completeness application file:

1. Cover letter and Curriculum Vitae.

2. Copy of diploma and transcript

3. Copy of ID.

4. Photograph size 4 x 6 cm

5. no.hp / handpone

kirimkan VIA EMAIL berikut :hrd@chevronfacific.pe.hu


Info Lowongan CCNA/JNCIA (IP Engineer)

Di butuhkan beberapa IP Engineer untuk melakukan integrasi / commissioning Juniper Router.

Scope : Integartion, Commisioning and preliminary configurations.
Locations : Jakarta, Bandung, Palembang and Medan.
Employment type : contract under subcontractor.
Starts : asap.

Requirement : Engineer with CCNA/JNCIA experience.



Rabu, 10 Desember 2014

IT Application Support (Drilling Production and Operation)


EJJV Indonesia is a world class integrated Engineering, Construction, Commissioning, Installation, start-up and production services provider working with our clients to add value to their projects. We aim to meet the needs of our clients with quality, efficiency, and cost effectiveness  and deliver outstanding corporate and operational performance, leveraging on the full strength of our capabilities and assets, geographical presence, and people.
Currently we are looking for motivated person and target progress oriented to join and fill the positions as follows:

URGENTLY REQUIRED IT Application Support (Drilling Production and Operation)

    • 2 years experiences with database programming (query, DDL, PL/SQL). Oracle based programmer is preferred.
    • Proficient with reporting tool such as: Business Object and Crystal Report.
    • Hands on with various scripting language, at least: VBA, UNIX shell and AWK
    •  Good communication in English and Bahasa, outspoken and open minded
    • Able to work independently and as part of a team
    •  Exposure within E&P industry will be an advantage
If you feel that you can meet the above qualification and would like to be part of us please send your application 
in Ms. Word Format (max 100 kb ) to: hrd@ejjv.net
HRD Dept.
PT EJJV Engineering Indonesia
Adhi Graha Building Lt.12. Jl.Jend.Gatot Subroto Kav.56 Jakarta 12950
Phone. 021-57930878 Fax. 021-57930877


Jumat, 05 Desember 2014


PT. Bayu Buana Gemilang  is a national private company who distribute and commercialized natural gas in Indonesia. BBG is also the first privately owned company that develops and apply CNG technology in Indonesia.

Due to rapid growth of our business, We are looking for qualified and experienced professionals who can work as a team, with proven competencies in the whole range of development and improvement initiatives, to fill the following position:


The appointee will be responsible for drafting, constructing, and reviewing agreement as well as ensuring the compliance with the prevailing laws and regulations, provide general corporate documents, supporting permits matters.

a.   Bachelor Degree in Law  from a reputable university
b.   Minimum  1 (one) year  experience at similar position,  from Oil & Gas industries will be advantage / law firm
c.    Excellent written and oral English skill
d.   Computer Literate
e.   Good personality, communication & negotiation skill, highly initiative person, good analytical  skill and able to work independently
f.     Willing to travel

Should you meet all the requirement above, please send your full resume & recent photograph (max. 150 KB) to :

PLAZA ASIA  16th Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.59
Jakarta Selatan 12190

Email : recruitment@bbgemilang.co.id

Kamis, 04 Desember 2014

(Job-Vacancy) ASABA is hiring: IT Sales Manager

ASABA COMPUTER CENTRE is looking for IT Sales Manager who has the ability to shape the selling structure and culture of a technology company. Someone who enjoys developing accounts and someone who thrives on generating new business while improving existing relationships.
You will be responsible for selling, branding and promoting the company to the information technology end-user community. You will also manage several Account Manager under your supervision, so a good leadership is essential for this role.
Ideal candidates should have a background that includes the following:

1. 5+ years of successful selling for IT consulting business, large projects.
2. 3+ years of successful leads subordinates under your supervision or in Managerial Level.
3. Have existing relationship in Finance & Banking, Telecommunication, Government and Oil & Gas industry.
4. Proven track record increasing sales in the IT industry.
5. . Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal
6. Dynamic personality, outgoing and aggressive.

If you are a high-energy, self-driven senior sales manager looking for a challenging and financially rewarding opportunity we would like to speak with you. Send your resume to hrd@asaba.co.id

Selasa, 02 Desember 2014



Kami adalah perusahaan manufaktur PMA yang bergerak di bidang industri adhesives dan konstruksi. Guna ekspansi bisnis, kami memerlukan pribadi yang enerjik dan kuat, dinamis dengan dedikasi serta integritas tinggi untuk mengisi lowongan sebagai:


Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan adalah:
·         Pria/Wanita
·         Usia maksimal 35 tahun
·         Lulusan Pendidikan S1 jurusan Akuntansi dari universitas terkemuka dengan minimum IPK 3,00
·         Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun pada posisi yang sama lebih diutamakan
·         Familiar dengan laporan pajak, software sistem akuntansi, ERP dll
·         Jujur, berdisiplin tinggi, kritis, adaptasi kerja yang cepat, inovatif, tegas dan bertanggung jawab
·         Menguasai Bahasa Inggris dengan sangat baik
·         Mampu mengatur pekerjaan dengan efisien terutama pekerjaan dengan deadline yang ketat dan bekerjasama dengan tim
·         Memiliki track record yang sangat baik
·         Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas baik dalam maupun luar negeri
·         Penempatan di wilayah perkantoran Kuningan (Jakarta Selatan)

Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan adalah:
·         Wanita
·         Usia maksimal 30 tahun
·         Lulusan Pendidikan S1 dari universitas terkemuka dengan minimum IPK 3,00 (diutamakan yang memiliki kemampuan kesekretariatan)
·         Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun pada posisi yang sama lebih diutamakan
·         Jujur, berdisiplin tinggi, kritis, adaptasi kerja yang cepat, inovatif, tegas dan bertanggung jawab
·         Menguasai Bahasa Inggris dengan sangat baik
·         Mampu mengatur pekerjaan dengan efisien terutama pekerjaan dengan deadline yang ketat dan bekerjasama dengan tim
·         Memiliki track record yang sangat baik
·         Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas baik dalam maupun luar negeri
·         Penempatan di wilayah perkantoran Kuningan (Jakarta Selatan)

Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan adalah:
·         Pria
·         Usia maksimal 27 tahun
·         Lulusan Pendidikan DIII atau S1 dari universitas terkemuka dengan minimum IPK 3,00
·         Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun pada posisi yang sama lebih diutamakan
·         Jujur, berdisiplin tinggi, energik, kritis, adaptasi kerja yang cepat, inovatif, tegas dan bertanggung jawab
·         Mengerti prosedur pembelian dan pengadaan (purchasing procedure)
·         Mengerti prosedur tender dan pemilihan vendor dan/atau sub-kontraktor
·         Mengerti prosedur logistik, ekspedisi dan pergudangan
·         Memiliki kemampuan negosiasi yang kuat
·         Mengerti sistem forecast/peramalan
·         Menguasai sistem operasi ERP lebih diutamakan
·         Menguasai Bahasa Inggris (minimal pasif)
·         Mampu mengatur pekerjaan dengan efisien terutama pekerjaan dengan deadline yang ketat dan bekerjasama dengan tim
·         Memiliki track record yang sangat baik
·         Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas baik dalam maupun luar negeri
·         Penempatan di wilayah perkantoran Kuningan (Jakarta Selatan)
Mohon agar mengirimkan lamaran beserta kode lamaran ke:

maksimum 200KB
(paling lambat tanggal 12 Desember 2014)

Hanya pelamar yang sesuai dengan kriteria diatas yang akan kami proses

Senin, 01 Desember 2014

Vacancy: SECRETARY for a Multinational company (Jakarta office)

Our Client, one of 100 biggest companies in the world, is currently looking for an experienced English-speaking SECRETARY to assist in the administrations for Jakarta office. 
- Female
- Previous experience in a multinational company
- Minimum graduated from Diploma D3
- Age, max. 35 yrs
- Proficient in MS Word and PowerPoint
- Fluent in English, both written and spoken
- Well-organized person
- Write the applied position at the subject of email
- Send email to: satukarir@yahoo.com
- ‘ONLY’ send 2 documents: (1) CV, (2) Photo
- Maximum of file size is 500 Kilobyte (KB)

Talent Search and Placement

URGENTLY REQUIRED – ACCOUNTING/FINANCE Staff [Job Location: Jakarta,Indonesia]

PT. Indonesian Service Bureau (ISB) was established in 2003 to provide Project Management and Engineering Services and to the Oil/Gas Industry. Over the years, ISB has demonstrated capabilities in conceptual studies, detail engineering, and contract supervision of Oil/Gas related projects.

We seek qualified and individuals to come and join us. Following personnel is required for projects in Indonesia:



  • At least D3 or S1 in Tax Accounting/Finance (Jurusan Administrasi Bisnis / Ekonomi Akuntansi Perpajakan)
  • Having abilities to make tax report as wee as knowledge and understanding in Indonesian Labor Laws & Regulation and Industrial Relation
  • Experience 5 years or more in same position (working experience in oil&gas company is an advantage)
  • Effective verbal and written English communication skills
  • Ability to deal effectively with project staff, outside organizations, contractors and the public
  • Ability to work independently and be a self-starter
  • Proficient in use of computers, including experience with UBS Accounting Software, Microsoft Word, Excel
  • Excellent organizational skills
  • Good analytical thinking and strong leadership skills
  • Able to work hard, under-pressure, independence & in teamwork as well, self starter, posses good interpersonal

Apply URGENTLY by sending your current CV to:

IT Infrastructure Architect required in Jakarta

For a telecom operator, we are looking for an IT Infrastructure Architect to be based in Jakarta.


* Responsible for planning, analyzing, designing and implementing information system element (server, network element, storage, data center) to support the enterprise infrastructure of the organization.
* Analyzes system requirements and ensures that systems will efficiently offer adequate computing, storage and network capability to support applications and business services.


Thorough knowledge of IT infrastructure, Operating Systems, Storage, IP Network, Server, Disaster Recovery and Data Center Management.

* At least 8 years of experience in the field or in a related area.
* Familiarity with IT infrastructure environment within telecom operator environment.
* Familiarity and/or hands on working experience with:
* Ethernet, TCP/IP, LAN, WAN Optimization, MPLS, Site-To-Site VPN
* Designing DAS, NAS and SAN solution
* Designing Enterprise Data Backup strategy and solution
* Data center best practices and standards (TIA-942)
* Analyzing IT infrastructure workload and capacity
* Performing and designing IT infrastructure optimization / consolidation plan.
* Designing disaster recovery plan.
* Hypervisors and virtualization technology
* Experience on Diameter and HDFS is a plus
* ITIL, CCNA certification is a plus.
* Facilitation and change management skills.

If you think your experience matches the above, please feel free to respond to this mailshot with an updated CV in MS word format.

Also, feel free to share this with your network of friends based in Jakarta.

With regards

  Naina Chopra
Computer Futures
18 Cross Street
#09-02 China Square Central

Phone +65 6591 5634
email n.chopra@computerfutures.com