Kamis, 27 Februari 2014

Lowongan Senior Programmer di BSD

Sebuah perusahaan di BSD-Tangerang membutuhkan seorang


* Menguasai PHP, MySQL, CSS, Javascript, JQuery
* Mengerti CMS semacam Joomla, Wordpress
* Mengerti konsep Responsive, dsb

Lamaran lengkap berikut contoh2 web yang pernah dibuat
dikirim ke info@klikYo.com
dengan mencantumkan kode: SP di subject email

Terima kasih,
Julius Saviordi

Loker Web Programmer

Dicari Web Programmer (WP)

- menguasai basic OOP
- suka belajar hal-hal baru
- bisa belajar pro aktif
- mengerti jquery, css, html4, html5, bootstrap
- mengerti dengan jelas perbedaan client programming dan server programming
- terbiasa menggunakan versioning
Code style
- clean code, modularisasi
- centralisasi code
- mengerti MVC
- mengerti c# webform

Serius Only,
lokasi bussiness park kebon jeruk jakarta barat, dekat RCTI
pengalaman minimal 2 tahun sesuai bidang masing-masing
Kirim, contoh portfolio:
WP, dapat menggunakan link online, disertakan screenshot bentuk potongan code
kirim ke handy@indotrading.com

Lowongan Kerja Desainer Produk Sepatu

PT. Dwi Tunggal Megah Perkasa perusahaan produsen sepatu dan sandal merk FINOTTI & SPIDER, membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk posisi sebagai berikut:


#Pria / wanita, Max 27 tahun 
#Min D3 / S1 jurusan desain produk – grafis (fresh graduate is welcome)
#Lebih disukai jika memiliki pengalaman bekerja di dunia desain produk dan grafis
#Menguasai tentang desain produk dan grafis
#Kreatif, komunikatif, jujur
#Mahir mengoperasikan Adobe ilustrator, Adobe Photoshop, dan CorelDraw
#Mampu bekerja keras, mampu bekerja sama dalam sebuah team, mampu bekerja dengan target waktu, dan Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan

Kirimkan surat lamaran, CV lengkap, portofolio desain & pas foto terbaru ke: 

Pergudangan Mutiara Tambak Langon Blok C-4 Surabaya
Telp. 031-7490499

atau via email ke: hrd_dtmp@yahoo.com

Tulis kode:
LAM-DESAIN di pojok kiri atas amplop atau pada subject e-mail

Lamaran diterima paling lambat 29 Maret 2014

L O W O N G A N - Implementator IT Blue Print/ IT Audit - Project Manager ERP - Java Programmer

Dibutuhkan beberapa tenaga profesional (free lancer) untuk mendukung beberapa project Kami, Adapun kompetensi yang Kami butuhkan adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Implementator IT Blue Print - IT Audit

Lingkup Pekerjaan : Melaksanaan proses pembuatan blue print / Audit IT, mulai dari tahap awal (assesment), koordinasi user, sampai dengan serah terima project.

Kualifikasi :
a. Minimal mempunyai sertifikasi : CISA, CISSM
b. Pernah Melakukan implementasi IT Audit - IT Blue Print
c. Bisa bekerjasama dengan Team,
d. Bertanggung Jawab terhadap project dan mempunyai inisiatif

2. Project Manager ERP

Lingkup Pekerjaan : Melakukan pendampingan kepada end user (client) serta memberikan saran/ advisor terhadap end user (client) dan menjembantani antara pihak client dengan pihak implementator ERP.

Kualifikasi :
a. Berpengalaman sebagai project Manager dalam implementasi ERP
b. Bisa bekerjasama dengan Team
c. Bertanggung jawab terhadap project dan mempunyai inisiatif

3. Java Programmer (Level Intermediate)

Lingkup Pekerjaan : Melakukan pembuatan program berdasarkan keinginan dari end user (client) berdasarkan hasil dari analisa sistem analis.
Kualifikasi :
a. Berpengalaman dalam implementasi project telekomunikasi
b. Memahami konsep Hadoop
c. Berpengalaman dalam pengembangan Mobile App
d. Berpengalaman dalam Free teks parsing, Integration to OOS

Untuk itu kirimkan CV & Biodata Anda, dan diemail kan ke bambang_suhartono@yahoo.com

Bambang Suhartono

Opportunity with Chemonics International: IT Assistant/Officer

Scope of Work
IT Assistant/Officer
I. Overview
Chemonics International was founded in 1975 and is one of the largest U.S. consulting firms  providing expertise in developing and emerging-market countries for initiatives  financed by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
II. Position Name
IT Assistant/Officer
III. General Responsibilities
The IT Assistant will at all times adhere to and act according to the Chemonics Professional Code of Ethics (“Living Our Values”) and will make the principles of the Code a part of the project’s culture and standard operating procedures.
The IT Assistant will also ensure a good and professional relationship with all project staff and counterparts.
IV. Specific Duties
The IT Assistant is responsible for maintaining the computer network and computer and technology systems used by the project staff. As well, the IT Assistant/Officer will work under the direction of Office Manager.
The duties for the IT Assistant/Officer are:
·        Help develop and implement basic office systems and accompanying procedures
·        Oversee the purchase of office IT supplies in coordination with the Procurement Manager
·        Arrange for and oversee the maintenance of office equipment in coordination with the Office Manager
·        As directed, serve as a liaison with home office on field personnel IT inquiries
·        Ensure smooth operation of project computer systems and equipment
·        Provide daily support and maintenance for office LAN
·        Assist to select the vendor for hardware, software and the LAN network through a competitive process
·        Supervise the installation of network and computer hardware in the office
·        Provide daily operational and maintenance (help desk) services to project IT users: troubleshooting and repairs for hardware, software and network problems.
·        Coordinate on an as needed basis with other staff
·        Install application software in a local area network (LAN) environment and the training of the contractor’s personnel on it use and administration
·        Serve as primary liaison with IT-related vendors and suppliers
·        Coordinate on an as needed basis with IT Specialist and IT Officer
V. Qualifications  
·        A university degree in IT, engineering, science, math, business or comparable education or experience is required
·        at least 5 years of post-graduate working experience in IT computer systems and network infrastructure or comparable experience is required. 
·        Advanced IT skills are required. 
·        Intermediate oral and written English skills are preferred. 
·        Candidate must be able to work well as a member of a team and with project counterparts, and must be self-directing and self-motivated. 
·        Strong management, problem-solving and reporting skills are required. 
VI. Reporting
The IT Assistant/Officer will prepare regular oral and written progress reports that demonstrate the status of tasks toward expected results, as well as other reports as required.
As teamwork is crucial to the success of the project, the IT Assistant/Officer will also coordinate work with other project staff working as a team, as per direction from the Chief of Party.
Generally the IT Assistant will work in the office under the direction of the Office Manager.
Interested applicants for this position are requested to send a cover letter and resume to us.chemonics@gmail.com no later than 15 March 2014. Please indicate the position in the subject line.  Only the strongest candidates will be contacted. No telephone inquiries.

Jumat, 14 Februari 2014

Lowongan kerja Marketing dan Teknisi Forklift

Dibutuhkan Marketing dan Teknisi Forklift
Dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :
1. Berkepribadian Menarik dan Bertanggung Jawab.
2. Menyukai tantangan .
3. Di utamakan menguasai electrical dan mechanical.
4..Dapat bekerja sama dengan team maupun perorangan.
5. Diutamakan Fresh Greduate dari STM dan Sederajat.
6. Diutamakan Berdomisili di Bintaro, Ciputat dan sekitarnya.
Bagi yang berminat dapat dapat datang langsung ke Jl. Kesehatan Raya No: 5A Bintaro-Pesanggrahan
Jakarta selatan. dengan membawa lamaran lengkap pada jam kerja.

Lowongan Kerja Public Relation

We are one of the best marketing representatives in Indonesia FINANCIAL SERVICES, create career opportunities for young professionals who are energetic, like to have a high income and career, can join us.

- Female 20 – 28 years old
- Fresh Graduate from D3 or S1 with min. GPA 3.00 (Scale 4.00)
- Good Looking, Good Performance and Good Attitude
- Friendly, Easy going and have Good Networking or Database
- Have Self Motivated

Get Monthly Salary ( 2 – 10 Millions IDR )
Incentive Salary
Office Facility

You can sent your application letter and curriculum vitae for qualified to: tjp_hrd2@yahoo.com

Or come to the office:
Planet Holiday Hotel lantai 2
Jl. Raya Ali Haji Sei Jodoh Batam 29432 – Indonesia

Mintarizal bin Adam
HR Officer

Hotel Planet holiday Lt. 2
Jln. Raja ali Haji Sei Jodoh  Telp 0778 451 756 Fax 0778 433 086

Rabu, 05 Februari 2014

Lowongan Web Programmer / Web Developer

Sebuah Perusahaan Business Coaching Ternama yang berpusat di Jakarta,
dengan Brand Action COACH yang tersebar di beberapa wilayah
Indonesia. membuka kesempatan lowongan pekerjaan sebagai "Web Programmer / Web Developer".

Persyaratannya adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Berkepribadian baik.
2. Suka tantangan dan mau belajar.
3. Menguasai PHP dan MySQL sebagai base pemrogramannya. (memiliki keahlian
lain menjadi nilai tambah)
4. Menguasai Webserver & Linux (Pernah membangun server hosting/Dedicated
Server menjadi nilai tambah)
5. Mampu mengoperasikan Aplikasi Corel Draw, Photoshop atau aplikasi grafis
6. Berjiwa Kreatif, dan penuh inisiatif.
7. Pria, Usia Max. 28 thn
8. Diutamakan Fresh Graduate dari Binus

Jika anda berminat dan sesuai dengan kriteria diatas kami persilahkan untuk

Silahkan Kirimkan Lamaran Anda, Melalui :
1. Email ke : arfaharyati@actioncoach.com
2. Action COACH. ( Up. Ms.Arfah Aryati )
      The Office Sahid Sudirman Residence lantai 1 unit 08.
      Jl.Jend.Sudirman Kav.86 ( kawasan Hotel Grand Sahid )
      Jakarta 10220

Warm Regards

Arfah Aryati

Senin, 03 Februari 2014

Kebutuhan Network Engineer, Database Engineer dan IT Support

Bersama ini, kami sebuah perusahaan konstruksi terkemuka di Indonesia, membutuhkan beberapa karyawan dibidang IT sebagai berikut : 

  1. Network Engineer (1 Position)
 Requirements :
-       Min. education S1 in Information Technology / telecomunication / Computer Science related major
-       Max. age is 35 years old
-       Hold a minimum CCNA.  CCNP or above will be a plus.
-       Having min. 3 years experience in related field
-       Having advanced skill in LINUX (Redhat Server, CentOS, Ubuntu server, etc.)
-       Having Advanced skill & capablitiy in managing, developing, planning & maitaining SMTP, DNS, Web Server, e-mail, VLAN, TCP/IP Ver4 & Ver6, Wirelless Network, Security, cabling (wired network)  etc.
-       Having advanced skill & capability using Firewall such as, Watchguard, Cisco ASA PIX Firewall, Juniper, etc.
-       Having Advanced capability using Router such as, Cisco, Juniper, Mikrotik, etc.
-       Having capability in planning WAN
-       Has knowledge in computer hardware and has deep knowledge in computer network
General Requirements : 
-       Graduate from reputable Institute/Academy/University with GPA Min. 2.8 (scale of 4)
-       Independent also a good team player, Fast learner and willing to work hard
-       Good analytical & conceptual thinking, creative & innovative
-       Excellent written and spoken English
-       Able to start working immediately

  1. System & Database Engineer (1 Position)
 Requirements : 
-       Min. education S1 in Information Technology / telecomunication / Computer Science related major
-       Max. age is 35 years old
-       Will be a plus, Hold a minimum MCDBA or Microsoft SQL Certification
-       Having min. 3 years experience in related field
-       Having skill in LINUX (Redhat Server, CentOS, Ubuntu server, etc.), SMTP, DNS, Web Server, e-mail, Security, etc.
-       Having advanced & demonstrated skill & capability using MySQL / Postgree SQL, Design, architectural, building database.
-       Having advanced capability to Performed database mirorring technique, partition table & Large table and Recovery Data.
-       Familiar to Java Programming Language Environment, & OOP
-       Having Advanced & Demostrated skill in administering Linux Server (Redhat, Ubuntu, Etc)
-       Having a capability to comunicate with user & evaluate their needs.
General Requirements : 
-       Graduate from reputable Institute/Academy/University with GPA Min. 2.8 (scale of 4)
-       Independent also a good team player, Fast learner and willing to work hard
-       Good analytical & conceptual thinking, creative & innovative
-       Excellent written and spoken English
-       Able to start working immediately
  1. IT SUPPORT (1 Position)
 Requirements : 
-       Min. education S1 in Information Technology / telecomunication / Computer Science related major
-       Max. age is 35 years old
-       Will be a plus, Hold a minimum CCNA and / or Microsoft Certification.
-       Having min. 2 years experience in related field
-       Having Advanced skill in administering Windows XP, Vista, 7 dan 8 for users.
-       Having skill in troubleshooting wireless & wired network
-       Having demostrated skill & knowledge in SMTP, DNS, Web Server, e-mail, VLAN, TCP/IP Ver4 & Ver6, Wireless Network, Security, cabling (wired network)  etc.
-       Having a capability to comunicate with user & evaluate their needs.
General Requirements : 
-       Graduate from reputable Institute/Academy/University with GPA Min. 2.8 (scale of 4)
-       Independent also a good team player, Fast learner and willing to work hard
-       Good analytical & conceptual thinking, creative & innovative
-       Excellent written and spoken English
-       Able to start working immediately

Bagi yang berminat dan /atau memiliki rekan, saudara, atau family yang memiliki kemampuan seperti di atas dapat mengirimkan CV ke info@lakuindrajaya.co.id atau ke mudiq94@yahoo.com sebelum 10 Februari 2014.

Muhammad Siddiq