" Dibutuhkan Tenaga Staff Administrasi Umum "
phone : 021-3315515
EMAIL : pt.wma@tech-center.com
Kami Perusahaan multi trading skala nasional di bidang indutri Refrigeration,mechanical,
mineral,electrical dan construction.
Saat ini beberapa anak cabang perusahaan membutuhkan banyak tenaga karyawan /ti,salah satunya
untuk mengisi posisi :
" STAFF ADMINISTRASI UMUM (code potition : SAU ) "
Persyaratan :
• Usia max 30 tahun
• Minimum SMA/K sederajat, D3
• Kemampuan Komputer (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Internet)
• Memiliki kepribadian dan penampilan yang baik
• Memiliki Kemampuan Bekerjasama dalam Tim
• Menguasai bidang manajemen dan maintenance perusahaan
• Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dengan baik
• jujur, Tekun, Teliti dan bertanggung jawab
• Fresh Graduate dipersilahkan
• Penempatan di beberapa anak cabang perusahaan sesuai domisili
Benefit yang diberikan :
1. Gaji Pokok 2 - 3jt /bulan (diatas standart UMR Jakarta )
2. Over time
3. Uang Makan Transport
4. Table money + fee
5. Jamsostek (JPK,JHT,JK)
6. THR
7. Tunjangan Jabatan (untuk level jabatan tertentu)
8. 5 Hari kerja
9. Penempatan sesuai domisili (wilayah Jakarta ,bekasi dan tanggerang)
Cara melamar :
Jika anda berminat bergabung dan memenuhi kualifikasi minimum di atas silahkan kirim cv /Riwayat
Hidup dengan mencantumkan posisi kerja dan gaji yang di inginkan ke email kami :
phone : 021-3315515
EMAIL : pt.wma@tech-center.com
INFO LEBIH LANJUT HUB : 0213315515/ 087780144142 (GLADYS)
Disini akan diberikan info lowongan kerja gratis. Tanpa perlu pasang iklan dan membayar untuk menginfokan segala jenis pekerjaan.
Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013
Lowongan Network Engineer & Presales
Hi all, Numpang broadcast lowongan Network Engineer dan Presales. Dibutuhkan Senior dan Junior Network Engineer: 1. Senior Network Engineer Min. S1 Mengerti konsep dasar Jaringan OSI 7 Layer, TCP/IP Mengerti IPv4 Address Subnetting Mengerti dasar routing (Static / Dynamic) Min. 1 atau 2 tahun pengalaman Nilai plus (+) bersertifikasi CCNP, mengerti Wireless, Voice, IP Telephony, Security Mau belajar, rajin dan tekun 2. Junior Network Engineer Fresh Graduate are welcome Mengerti konsep dasar Jaringan OSI 7 Layer, TCP/IP Mengerti IPv4 Address Subnetting Mengerti dasar routing (Static / Dynamic) Min. pernah mengikuti CNAP Nilai plus (+) bersertifikasi CCNA Mau belajar, rajin dan tekun 3. Presales Min. S1 Mengerti konsep dasar Jaringan OSI 7 Layer, TCP/IP Mengerti IPv4 Address Subnetting Mengerti dasar routing (Static / Dynamic) Min. 1 atau 2 tahun pengalaman Nilai plus (+) bersertifikasi CCDA, CCDP, mengerti Wireless, Voice, IP Telephony, Security Mau belajar, rajin dan tekun Bagi yang berminat, bisa langsung kirimkan CV anda ke hrd@revo.co.id. thanks. Regards, Suleman
Lowongan Freelance Programmer dan Network Enginer
Kami, perusahaan System Integrator di Jakarta membutuhkan tenaga freelance beberapa tenaga Network Enginer dan Programmer untuk project berlokasi di Jakarta , dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut : Network Engineer Pendidikan min. S1 Informatika Berpengalaman min. 5 tahun Menguasai jaringan dan perangkat core switch. Programmer Pendidikan min. D3 Berpengalaman min. 2 tahun Menguasai pengkodean aplikasi dan pengembangan aplikasi berbasis web. Kirimkan CV lengkap dengan uraian pengalaman pekerjaan yang pernah dilakukan dan softcopy ijazah ke email : rosa@citrag.co.id. Paling lambat kami terima Jumat, 30 Agustus 2013.
Senin, 26 Agustus 2013
lowongan kerja perawatan taman
Perawatan taman ( Gardener ) Untuk penempatan di sudirman park apartement jln. Kh. Mas mansur kav 35
karet tengsin, jakarta pusat dan gading nias residences jln. Pegangsaan dua
kelapa gading jakarta utara.
- usia min : 20 tahun
- pendidikan
min sltp/sederajat
Info (sms/tlp):
: 0888-0835-7449
Umar : 0819-0835-1916 (gading nias)
Yahya : 0857-1735-3940 (sudirman park)
karet tengsin, jakarta pusat dan gading nias residences jln. Pegangsaan dua
kelapa gading jakarta utara.
- usia min : 20 tahun
- pendidikan
min sltp/sederajat
Info (sms/tlp):
: 0888-0835-7449
Umar : 0819-0835-1916 (gading nias)
Yahya : 0857-1735-3940 (sudirman park)
Lowongan Spv Programmer C# dan Spv Infrastructure IT (PT YAMAZAKI INDONESIA)
Dear All,
PT Yamazaki Indonesia merupakan perusahaan manufaktur makanan yang
merupakan bagian dari Yamazaki Bakery Group Jepang yang telah berkembang
dan ada di tiga benua Asia, Eropa dan Amerika.
Kami membutuhkan tenaga kerja profesional di bidang IT untuk mengisi posisi
· Programmer .NET (C#) Supervisor:
1. More than 2 years of web programming experience using Microsoft
.NET Technologies, such as ASP.NET, and C#.
2. Preferable well understanding in ERP System or has experienced in
ERP project.
3. Have good analytical analysis and problem solving.
4. Have knowledge on mobile programming (Android and iOS) and other
programming language is an advantage.
5. Ability to create developer friendly library based on detailed
technical specifications.
· Infrastructure Supervisor:
1. Diploma or Degree in Information Technology from reputed institute.
2. Excellent Knowledge of TCP / IP protocols.
3. LAN / WAN administration and troubleshooting experience.
4. Hands on Experience in Microsoft Server.
5. Hands on experience in configuring / maintaining Server, Switches,
Networking, Routers & Firewalls.
6. Experienced minimum 2 years in related field.
- General Qualification:
1. Able to hard work individually as well as in team and meet
2. Proficient in English.
3. Willing to work at Delta Mas, Cikarang.
4. Diploma or S1 degree from Computer Information System, Information
Technology, Computer System, Computer Engineering or equivalent .
CV lengkap harap dikirim ke frenky@yamazaki.co.id.
PT Yamazaki Indonesia merupakan perusahaan manufaktur makanan yang
merupakan bagian dari Yamazaki Bakery Group Jepang yang telah berkembang
dan ada di tiga benua Asia, Eropa dan Amerika.
Kami membutuhkan tenaga kerja profesional di bidang IT untuk mengisi posisi
· Programmer .NET (C#) Supervisor:
1. More than 2 years of web programming experience using Microsoft
.NET Technologies, such as ASP.NET, and C#.
2. Preferable well understanding in ERP System or has experienced in
ERP project.
3. Have good analytical analysis and problem solving.
4. Have knowledge on mobile programming (Android and iOS) and other
programming language is an advantage.
5. Ability to create developer friendly library based on detailed
technical specifications.
· Infrastructure Supervisor:
1. Diploma or Degree in Information Technology from reputed institute.
2. Excellent Knowledge of TCP / IP protocols.
3. LAN / WAN administration and troubleshooting experience.
4. Hands on Experience in Microsoft Server.
5. Hands on experience in configuring / maintaining Server, Switches,
Networking, Routers & Firewalls.
6. Experienced minimum 2 years in related field.
- General Qualification:
1. Able to hard work individually as well as in team and meet
2. Proficient in English.
3. Willing to work at Delta Mas, Cikarang.
4. Diploma or S1 degree from Computer Information System, Information
Technology, Computer System, Computer Engineering or equivalent .
CV lengkap harap dikirim ke frenky@yamazaki.co.id.
Di Butuhkan Technical Support dan Web Programer
Kami Citra Mitra Teknologi adalah perusahaan Informasi Teknologi yang
sedang berkembang pesat di surabaya, Indonesia sedang mencari tenaga
1. Technical Support & Sales (kode : TS)
2. Web Programer (Kode : WP)
- Pria usia max. 27 tahun (1,2)
- Mengetahui Tentang IT/Website/Internet (1)
- Bisa Berkomunikasi dengan Baik (1,2)
- Pendidikan Min smk ( 1,2)
- Menguasai Pemrograman dan database. php, MySQL,html,Ajax,css etc (2)
- Mengetahui tentang desain grafis dan mampu mengunakan software photoshop, corel draw (2)
- Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan dan target (1,2)
- Mempunyai Kendaraan Sendiri dan Sim C (1,2)
- Mempunyai kemampuan kerjasama tim yang baik (1,2)
- Mempunyai Laptop, menjadi nilai tambah (1,2)
- Lokasi Kerja di Surabaya (1,2)
- Pekerjaan Bisa di Kerjakan Di rumah, tanpa ke kantor (2)
Kirim berkas lamaran lengkap melalui email :
Terima Kasih
1. Technical Support & Sales (kode : TS)
2. Web Programer (Kode : WP)
- Pria usia max. 27 tahun (1,2)
- Mengetahui Tentang IT/Website/Internet (1)
- Bisa Berkomunikasi dengan Baik (1,2)
- Pendidikan Min smk ( 1,2)
- Menguasai Pemrograman dan database. php, MySQL,html,Ajax,css etc (2)
- Mengetahui tentang desain grafis dan mampu mengunakan software photoshop, corel draw (2)
- Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan dan target (1,2)
- Mempunyai Kendaraan Sendiri dan Sim C (1,2)
- Mempunyai kemampuan kerjasama tim yang baik (1,2)
- Mempunyai Laptop, menjadi nilai tambah (1,2)
- Lokasi Kerja di Surabaya (1,2)
- Pekerjaan Bisa di Kerjakan Di rumah, tanpa ke kantor (2)
Kirim berkas lamaran lengkap melalui email :
Terima Kasih
OOT: Vacancy : IT Programmer
Perusahaan kami yang bergerak dibidang Contractor Oil and gas (www.gunanusautama.com) sedang mencari
programmer dengan kualifikasi sbb : 1. D3/S1 Informatika/Komputer. 2. Harus menguasai minimum SQL Server 2005 dan .Net programming (VB/C#/C++). 3. Bisa MS. Access, VBA, mySQL dan PHP merupakan nilai tambah. 4. Mempunyai kemampuan analisa dan programming yang baik. 5. Berkepribadian baik. 6. Disukai yang dapat berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris. 7. Penempatan di Jakarta. Apabila ada di antara rekan yang berminat silahkan kirimkan CV ke administrator@gunanusa.co.id dan cantumkan PROGRAMMER pada subject.
Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013
Lowongan Mengajar dan Programmer
Dear All,
Berikut ini saya sampaikan kebutuhan akan tenaga pengajar komputer untuk sekolah kristen di Jambi dan beberapa tenaga programmer.
Atas kerjasamanya kami mengucapkan terima kasih.
PesonaEdu ilearning, perusahaan yang mengembangkan solusi dalam bidang IT untuk pendidikan, membuka lowongan pekerjaan :
A. Membutuhkan 2 orang tenaga pengajar computer untuk TK-SD untuk ditempatkan di sekolah Kristen Nasional Plus di Jambi. ( Kode : GURU)
Mulai aktif mengajar pada akhir bulan September 2013, kegiatan belajar mengajar menggunakan pengantar bahasa inggris.
Karakteristik dan Kemampuan yang diburuhkan :
1. Senang mengajar dan menyukai anak anak
2. Kreatif
3. Bisa Komputer
4. Bisa berbahasa inggris
5. Bertanggung jawab
B. Beberapa tenaga programmer dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut ( Kode : PROGRAMMER)
Karakteristik :
1. Senang belajar
2. Mampu menyusun algoritma dengan baik dan logis.
3. Memiliki ketekunan dan ketelitian yang tinggi.
4. Menguasai bahasa dan teknik penulisan program dengan baik.
5. Dapat bekerja sama dalam suatu tim.
6.Dapat bekerja secara efisien dan tepat waktu
Kemampuan/ kompetensi materi programming:
1. Menguasai kemampuan dasar Borland Delphi
2. Menguasai kemampuan dasar Oracle
3. Menguasai kemampuan dasar Javascript, CSS dan Database( jquery)
Silakan kirimkan surat lamaran berikut lampirannya ke :
PesonaEdu iLearning
Kompleks Golden Madrid Blok H2 No. 15
Jl. Letnan Sutopo
BSD, Tangerang Selatan
Atau email ke : chrismurti@gmail.com
Berikut ini saya sampaikan kebutuhan akan tenaga pengajar komputer untuk sekolah kristen di Jambi dan beberapa tenaga programmer.
Atas kerjasamanya kami mengucapkan terima kasih.
PesonaEdu ilearning, perusahaan yang mengembangkan solusi dalam bidang IT untuk pendidikan, membuka lowongan pekerjaan :
A. Membutuhkan 2 orang tenaga pengajar computer untuk TK-SD untuk ditempatkan di sekolah Kristen Nasional Plus di Jambi. ( Kode : GURU)
Mulai aktif mengajar pada akhir bulan September 2013, kegiatan belajar mengajar menggunakan pengantar bahasa inggris.
Karakteristik dan Kemampuan yang diburuhkan :
1. Senang mengajar dan menyukai anak anak
2. Kreatif
3. Bisa Komputer
4. Bisa berbahasa inggris
5. Bertanggung jawab
B. Beberapa tenaga programmer dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut ( Kode : PROGRAMMER)
Karakteristik :
1. Senang belajar
2. Mampu menyusun algoritma dengan baik dan logis.
3. Memiliki ketekunan dan ketelitian yang tinggi.
4. Menguasai bahasa dan teknik penulisan program dengan baik.
5. Dapat bekerja sama dalam suatu tim.
6.Dapat bekerja secara efisien dan tepat waktu
Kemampuan/ kompetensi materi programming:
1. Menguasai kemampuan dasar Borland Delphi
2. Menguasai kemampuan dasar Oracle
3. Menguasai kemampuan dasar Javascript, CSS dan Database( jquery)
Silakan kirimkan surat lamaran berikut lampirannya ke :
PesonaEdu iLearning
Kompleks Golden Madrid Blok H2 No. 15
Jl. Letnan Sutopo
BSD, Tangerang Selatan
Atau email ke : chrismurti@gmail.com
LOKER Network and server Engineer
We are the one of the leading IT and Networking company in Indonesia. With more patner with other company in the world (BT, Check Point , EMC, Issilon, etc) Network and server Engineer Major Duties and Responsibility: • Configure and Installation activities • Giving confirmation & update progress report to Installation team team • Responsible for identification and classification in any happening problems Requirements: • Male, 23-35 years old • Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) major is Computer, IT, Engineer Electricity • having experience in Server Installation and maintenance • Holder CCNA Certificate is preferable • Having ability in computer systems and networks • Good in communications and interpersonal skills • Able to join immediately • Willing to on call support in 24 hours You are invited to send your application with a comprehensive resume, details key responsibilities and achievements as well as details of present and expected salary, contact telephone number together with digital photograph to hrd_utama@unisistama.co.id
Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013
PT. Sisindokom Lintasbuana is a member of Aneka Spring Telekomindo Group. We are the one of the leading IT and Networking Solution provider in Indonesia and having more than 22 years of experience in providing IT solutions to the business community. Now, we are looking for to fill the position of: Network Engineer (Based on Jakarta) Major Duties and Responsibility: • Reconfigure and access point activities / design • Giving confirmation & update progress report to Installation team and Logistic team • Responsible for identification and classification in any happening problems Requirements: • Male, 23-28 years old • Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) major is Computer, IT, Engineer Electricity • Holder CCNA / CCNP Certificate is a must • Having ability in computer systems and networks • Good in communications and interpersonal skills • Able to join immediately • Willing to on call support in 24 hours You are invited to send your application with a comprehensive resume, details key responsibilities and achievements as well as details of present and expected salary, contact telephone number together with digital photograph to: hrd@sisindokom.com All applications will be treated with strict confidential. Please note only short listed candidates will be notified accordingly
PT. Sisindokom Lintasbuana is a member of Aneka Spring Telekomindo Group. We are the one of the leading IT and Networking Solution provider in Indonesia and having more than 22 years of experience in providing IT solutions to the business community. Now, we are looking for to fill the position of: Network Engineer (Based on Balikpapan) Major Duties and Responsibility: • Reconfigure and access point activities / design • Giving confirmation & update progress report to Installation team and Logistic team • Responsible for identification and classification in any happening problems Requirements: • Male, 23-28 years old • Live or willing to be placed in Balikpapan • Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) major is Computer, IT, Engineer Electricity • Holder CCNA Certificate is a must • Having ability in computer systems and networks • Good in communications and interpersonal skills • Able to join immediately • Willing to on call support in 24 hours You are invited to send your application with a comprehensive resume, details key responsibilities and achievements as well as details of present and expected salary, contact telephone number together with digital photograph to: hrd@sisindokom.com All applications will be treated with strict confidential. Please note only short listed candidates will be notified accordingly
PT. Mitra Buana Komputindo, adalah salah satu perusahaan
IT yang bergerak di bidang system integrator. Untuk mendukung proyek-proyek
bisnis yang ada, kami mengajak para profesional di bidangnya untuk mengisi
posisi :
Persyaratan :
- Laki-laki, maks 30 tahun
- Pend Min SMK / D1 / D3 jurusan Teknik Informatika / Elektro
- Terbuka untuk Fresh Graduated (non pengalaman)
- Memiliki Sim C
- Melakukan Roll Out PC di semua user yang ada
- Join domain termasuk backup sebelum migrasi
- Melakukan instalasi Windows System, Join Domain, Anti virus dan Windows Networking
- Memiliki pengalaman mengenai system Piranti Keras & Piranti Lunak, LAN, WAN, WLAN / Sistem Wireless, Windows
- Memiliki pengalaman mengenai Produk Microsoft, Sistem Email, MS Windows OS dan Product Office Lainnya
- Memiliki pengalaman untuk Setup, Instalasi dan Sistem Operasi Komputer
- Memiliki kemampuan untuk Troubleshooting software, hardware Desktop Computer, Notebook, Printer, Scanner dan lainnya
- Memiliki Kepribadian yang baik, energik, mempunyai inisiatif yang tinggi dan mampu bekerja dalam tim.
Kirim surat lamaran Anda lengkap dengan CV dan foto
terbaru ke :
PT. Mitra Buana Komputindo
Gedung Wirausaha Lt 8 Suite 802
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav C5
Jakarta 12940
PT. Mitra Buana Komputindo
Gedung Wirausaha Lt 8 Suite 802
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav C5
Jakarta 12940
Atau ke email : recruitment.mbk@mbk.co.id
(maksimal 200 KB dengan mencantumkan subject : TS-CMIB)
PT. VITA SAMUDERA adalah perusahaan kontraktor yang sedang berkembang. Kami membutuhkan beberapa tenaga karyawan untuk posisi:
Manajer/Kepala Pengawas Bidang Kualitas, Kesehatan, Keselamatan, dan Lingkungan Hidup Tempat Kerja (K3)
Persyaratan :
1. Minimal lulusan D3 jurusan Tekhnik Sipil atau Keselamatan Kerja (K3)/OHAS/HSE/SHE atau bidang terkait (keperawatan, kedokteran, paramedis, dsb)
2. Pernah mengikuti pelatihan K3/QSHE diutamakan, dibuktikan dengan sertifikat
3. Berpengalaman di bidang K3 konstruksi, terutama konstruksi jalan, minimal 2 tahun
4. Mau ditempatkan di wilayah kerja PT VITA SAMUDERA (seluruh nusantara)
5. Dapat mengoperasikan Microsoft office.
6. Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim.
7. Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan.
8. Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
Lamaran lengkap dengan menyebutkan posisi yang diinginkan, dikirim paling lambat satu minggu setelah iklan ke email:
atau ke alamat:
Jl. Tentara Pelajar – Rukan Permata Senayan Blok F-25,
Grogol Utara, Kebayoran Lama,
Jakarta Selatan – 12210
Jl. Tentara Pelajar – Rukan Permata Senayan Blok F-25,
Grogol Utara, Kebayoran Lama,
Jakarta Selatan – 12210
No tlp : 021-57944234
Lowongan Pelaksana Hampar/Overlayer
PT. VITA SAMUDERA adalah perusahaan kontraktor yang sedang berkembang. Kami membutuhkan beberapa tenaga karyawan untuk posisi:
Pelaksana Hampar/Overlayer
Persyaratan :
1. Pria.
2. Minimal lulusan STM Tekhnik, diutamakan jurusan Tekhnik Sipil atau yang terkait
3. Berpengalaman di bidang konstruksi, terutama konstruksi jalan, minimal 2 tahun
4. Mau ditempatkan di wilayah kerja PT VITA SAMUDERA (seluruh nusantara)
5. Dapat mengoperasikan Microsoft office.
6. Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim.
7. Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan.
8. Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
Lamaran lengkap dengan menyebutkan posisi yang diinginkan, dikirim paling lambat satu minggu setelah iklan ke email:
atau ke alamat:
Jl. Tentara Pelajar – Rukan Permata Senayan Blok F-25,
Grogol Utara, Kebayoran Lama,
Jakarta Selatan – 12210
Jl. Tentara Pelajar – Rukan Permata Senayan Blok F-25,
Grogol Utara, Kebayoran Lama,
Jakarta Selatan – 12210
No tlp : 021-57944234
Please help to post these Job Vacancies for my company (PT. INPHOSOFT INDONESIA):
A. System Analyst for Social Media Product Development
- Design and develop IT solutions for social network products and solutions
- Handle project management and system implementation
- Provide supports for deployed applications across sites
- Maintain up-to-date technical knowledge of software engineering
- Degree in Computer Science or equivalent
- Working knowledge in following areas:
- Unix, Linux and Windows
- Java technology and application framework like struts, Google Toolkit
- Database design and hands-on experience in MySQL/Oracle
- Familiar with IT service management best practices
- At least 4 years experience in IT
- Good team player and excellent communication skills
B. System Analyst for Android Development
- Analyst and design solutions for Android applications, including backend services using Java platform
- Participate in all aspects of SDLC from requirement gathering until backend service deployment and app submission to Google Play
- Translate business requirements into detailed functional specifications, user interface specifications, outputs, and general system requirements.
- Communicate all solutions to development team members and monitor the implementation progress
- Involved in the complete test cycle of mobile applications and services
- Degree in Computer Science or equivalent from reputable University
- Strong knowledge of SDLC process, Object Oriented Programming and SQL
- At least 4-year experience in Android application development
- Experience in other mobile platforms such as iOS, Windows Mobile, and BlackBerry is an advantage
- Experience in developing on Unix/Linux environments is an advantage
- Knowledge of setting up of Web Servers, Application Servers, Java Applications, and Databases is an advantage
- Good command of English is an advantage
- Telco/banking industry experience is an advantage
C. Software Engineer/Senior Software Engineer
- Develop mobile applications, starting with Android and/or iOS platforms
- Develop Java web application using MySQL/Oracle database
- Participate in SDLC
- Involved in the complete test cycle of mobile applications and services
- Degree in Computer Science or equivalent from reputable University
- Strong knowledge of SDLC process, Object Oriented Programming and SQL
- At least 1 year experience in Java software design & development:Fresh graduates with excellent results are encouraged to apply.
- At least 2 year experience in mobile app development
- At least 1 year experience using MySQL/Oracle database
- Experience in software development with PHP and .NET framework is an advantage
- Experience in developing on Unix/Linux environments is an advantage
- Knowledge of setting up of Web Servers, Application Servers, Java Applications, and Databases is an advantage
- Good command of English is an advantage
- Telco/banking industry experience is an advantage
Resume/CV nya bisa dikirimkan ke email saya di : evy.julien@inphosoft.com
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Admin assistant
Rukan Grand Aries Niaga, Blok E1 no 3i.
Meruya Utara, Jakarta Barat. 11620
Lowongan - Accounting & IT Staff (Jakarta)
PR, Asia’s Best Network Agency (Public
Relations Consultant Firm) in South Jakarta and we are focusing on corporate
clients such as property, consumers, banking and finance, mining/oil and gas,
infrastructure, IT/Technology. We are
looking for the candidates to join our company’s expansion in year 2013.
- Female, Min. 25
years old
- Min. Bachelor
Degree (S1), Graduate from Reputable University major in Accounting
- 5-10 years
working experience as Finance Accounting Staff
- Fluent in
English and computer literate
- Good
interpersonal and communication skill
- Strong
analytical skill and detail oriented
- Familiar with
standard Accounting and Taxation
IT Staff
- Male, Max 30
years old
- Diploma
or Bachelor Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology
- 3
years of relevant experience, Fresh graduate welcome to apply
- Having
strong knowledge and hands-on experience in application development, manage
website & WEB design
- Having
the ability to work well as a member of a team & independently
- Proficiency
in both written and spoken English.
Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013
lowongan pekerjaan presales dan senior network
PT Revo Solusindo, Perusahaan dalam bidang IT , membutuhkan penambahan resources SDM sebanyak 2 orang untuk engineer network, 1 orang untuk engineer kabeling, dengan spesifikasi sebagai berikut: 1. Senior Network Engineer - Min. Lulusan S1 di bidang IT - Bisa berbahasa english dengan baik - Diutamakan yang punya sertifikasi CCNP - Harus mempunyai sertifikasi CCNA - Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik dan bekerjasama dengan pihak lain - Diarahkan untuk menguasai voice 2. Presales Networking - Min Lulusan D3/S1 di bidang IT - Dapat berbahasa english dengan baik - Mempunyai pengalaman kerja di bidang yang sama dan di bidang yang sama. - Diutamakan yang mempunya sertifikasi CCNA - Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik dan bekerjasama dengan pihak lain - Diarahkan untuk menguasai wireless dan Security Jika ada yang berminat, bisa kirim lamarannya ke hrd@revo.co.id thanks ay yung
Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013
Lowongan untuk Accounting dan IT (Jakarta)
PR, Asia’s Best Network Agency (Public
Relations Consultant Firm) in South Jakarta and we are focusing on corporate
clients such as property, consumers, banking and finance, mining/oil and gas,
infrastructure, IT/Technology. We are
looking for the candidates to join our company’s expansion in year 2013.
- Female, Min. 25
years old
- Min. Bachelor
Degree (S1), Graduate from Reputable University major in Accounting
- 5-10 years
working experience as Finance Accounting Staff
- Fluent in
English and computer literate
- Good
interpersonal and communication skill
- Strong
analytical skill and detail oriented
- Familiar with
standard Accounting and Taxation
IT Staff
- Male, Max 30
years old
- Diploma
or Bachelor Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology
- 3
years of relevant experience, Fresh graduate welcome to apply
- Having
strong knowledge and hands-on experience in application development, manage
website & WEB design
- Having
the ability to work well as a member of a team & independently
- Proficiency
in both written and spoken English.
[Lowongan] Programmer PHP
Dear Admin,
Permisi nitip lowongan,
Sebuah perusahaan yang tergabung dalam TELKOM Group, membutuhkan seorang Programmer PHP untuk membuat aplikasi internal di perusahaan tersebut. Untuk pertama, Programmer PHP tersebut akan diikat dengan kontrak jangka pendek ( 3 s/d 6 bulan).
Min. of Diploma / Bachelor degree majoring computer engineering /
Information Technology
At least 2 years experience as PHP Programmer
Having experience with one of PHP frameworks
Having experience with Jquery, XML, MySql and other Databases (SQL Server, Oracle) will be prefered.
Good personality, Creative, High Integrity
Placement at Jakarta Selatan
Qualified candidates should send the application with detail CV, recent photograph, Job references and Certificates to:
Permisi nitip lowongan,
Sebuah perusahaan yang tergabung dalam TELKOM Group, membutuhkan seorang Programmer PHP untuk membuat aplikasi internal di perusahaan tersebut. Untuk pertama, Programmer PHP tersebut akan diikat dengan kontrak jangka pendek ( 3 s/d 6 bulan).
Min. of Diploma / Bachelor degree majoring computer engineering /
Information Technology
At least 2 years experience as PHP Programmer
Having experience with one of PHP frameworks
Having experience with Jquery, XML, MySql and other Databases (SQL Server, Oracle) will be prefered.
Good personality, Creative, High Integrity
Placement at Jakarta Selatan
Qualified candidates should send the application with detail CV, recent photograph, Job references and Certificates to:
lowongan call center Telekom Malaysia
Dear all, maaf agak2 OOT, ada info lowongan di kantor ane, siapa tau ada rekan2 atau sodaranya yg membutuhkan. Untuk Contact Center Telekom Malaysia (TM100), Lokasi Kerja di Setiabudi Kuningan Jakarta Selatan. Syarat sbb: - Pria/wanita usia Max. 35 tahun - Minimal D3 semua jurusan - Mampu berbahasa Inggris dengan fasih dan lancar - Knowledge mengenai internet - Bersedia bekerja shifting - Memiliki pengalaman di bidang call center (nilai plus) Benefit: - Basic Salary (IDR 3.000.000) - Insentif Kehadiran (based on performance) - Insentif Performance (based on performance) - Overtime - Asuransi Kesehatan - Jamsostek Klo berminat segera kirim CV ke hp@vads.co.id , di subject cantumkan "Vacancy TM100 Ref by Adiel Nopria" biar gampang trace nya jika ada teman2 yg berminat. Semoga bisa membantu.....
Lowongan IT
Misi,... mau publish lowongan di perusahaan tambang 1. IT Netwotk Staff - 21 – 24 years old - CCNA or JNCIE Certified (CNAP are welcome) - 1 – 2 years experience - Good motivation & quick learning - Having ability to linux basic would be a plus - Knowing about mikrotik/nanostation would be a plus 2. IT System Supervisor - 23 – 28 years old - Minimum 2 years experience as system engineer or system administrator - Knowing about mysql and LDAP application - Having experience to apache, php and java (installation, configuration and maintenance) on unix server such as Linux or FreeBSD - Must be understand to shell script - Has good ability to postfix MTA (installation, configuration and maintenance) - Has the ability to analyze problem quickly - Linux certified such as RHCE would be a plus please send your update cv to viola.silvya@haritanickel.com
(LOKER) System Engineer Coordinator
(LOKER) System Engineer Coordinator
Numpang bandwidth, kantor saya sedang membutuhkan seorang System Engineer Coordinator, spesifikasi: - Pendidikan Minimal D3 - Pengalaman Minimal 3 tahun di bidang yang sama. - Mengerti Linux Server,Windows Server dan Virtualisasi Server.
- Perusahaan bergerak di bidang Ekpedisi dan terbesar di Indonesia.- Silahkan PM saya di : hendrifonda@gmail.com CV dan Resume kepada rekan-rekan yang berminat. Terima kasih untuk perhatianya. Best Regards, Hendri Fonda
Selasa, 13 Agustus 2013
Lowongan Assistant Manager – Full Time
Assistant Manager – Full Time
Radiantly Alive (RA) is Ubud’s (Bali) premier Yoga and Wellness Studio. RA includes a stunning yoga studio, world-class teacher trainings, and a range of high- quality wellness products and services. RA’s mission is to cultivate radiance worldwide and as a part of our team, you will enjoy free or discounted access to all of these products and services – we believe in walking our talk!
This role is for someone who enjoys hard work and a challenge, wants to really hone their leadership abilities, loves to interact with people and is very meticulous and detail oriented. The Assistant Manager is responsible for ensuring daily operations run smoothly, troubleshooting customer issues and handling daily cash and accounting requirements.
Salary and benefits
Commensurate with experience and skill level
Benefit package to include free access to yoga and discounts on products
Opportunities for professional development
Required Qualifications
· Two years’ experience in leadership role
· Highly skilled with Microsoft Word, Outlook and Excel
· Exceptional organisational skills and detail oriented
· Ability to work both independently and as part of a team
· Passion for yoga and wellness
Preferred Qualifications
· Experience with accounting software QuickBooks
· Experience with MBO or other Customer Relationship Management software
Lowongan K3 (Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja) Tambang
PT. VITA SAMUDERA adalah perusahaan kontraktor yang sedang berkembang. Kami membutuhkan beberapa tenaga karyawan untuk posisi:
K3 (Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja) Tambang
Persyaratan :
1. Berpengalaman minimal 2 tahun untuk lulusan D3, 5 tahun untuk lulusan SMU/STM.
2. Minimal lulusan D3 (semua jurusan)
3. Mau ditempatkan di wilayah kerja PT VITA SAMUDERA
4. Dapat mengoperasikan Microsoft office.
5. Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim.
6. Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan.
7. Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
Lamaran lengkap dengan kode posisi yang diinginkan di pojok kiri atas, dikirim paling lambat satu minggu setelah iklan ke email:
atau ke alamat:
Jl. Tentara Pelajar – Rukan Permata Senayan Blok F-25,
Grogol Utara, Kebayoran Lama,
Jakarta Selatan – 12210
Jl. Tentara Pelajar – Rukan Permata Senayan Blok F-25,
Grogol Utara, Kebayoran Lama,
Jakarta Selatan – 12210
No tlp : 021-57944234
Lowongan Mine Engineer
PT. VITA SAMUDERA adalah perusahaan kontraktor yang sedang berkembang. Kami membutuhkan beberapa tenaga karyawan untuk posisi:
Mine Engineer
Persyaratan :
1. Berpengalaman minimal 5 Tahun.
2. Minimal lulusan S1 Tambang Pertambangan
3. Mau ditempatkan di wilayah kerja PT VITA SAMUDERA
4. Dapat mengoperasikan Microsoft office.
5. Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim.
6. Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan.
7. Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
Lamaran lengkap dengan kode posisi yang diinginkan di pojok kiri atas, dikirim paling lambat satu minggu setelah iklan ke email:
atau ke alamat:
Jl. Tentara Pelajar – Rukan Permata Senayan Blok F-25,
Grogol Utara, Kebayoran Lama,
Jakarta Selatan – 12210
Jl. Tentara Pelajar – Rukan Permata Senayan Blok F-25,
Grogol Utara, Kebayoran Lama,
Jakarta Selatan – 12210
No tlp : 021-57944234
Senin, 12 Agustus 2013
Lowker - Network Engineer
Bang momod minta BW nya dikit yaa... We are a holding company in manufacturing industry with several location, we are in-search for new IT Network Engineer (IT Officer) - Jakarta based - Major in Information Technology/Network Engineering or other related major with min. GPA 2.75 - Have strong knowledge of Linux dan Networking - Have good skills in TCP/IP, subnetting, routing, VLAN, trunking, access list, and firewall - Having CCNP will be an adventage - Knowledge in QOS. multicast and IPV6 - Knowledge in Juniper equipment - Knowledgeable in network management tools like SNMP, MRTG - Knowledgeable in Windows Server and Exchange Server - Knowledgeable in Virtualization - Typically more than 3 years of relevant experience - Have strong willingness to learn - Able to work under pressure - Good communication skill Send CV to : doni@barito.co.id
PLASMEDIA (http://www.plasmedia.com)
We are a leading IT company in Jakarta, Indonesia. We have built and serve enterprise
clients since 1998, using cutting-edge technologies in a wide range of
solutions. We require the right team members. Are you the one?
Are you an experienced
programmer in Microsoft .NET?
Does writing good, clean
code matters to you?
Do you care about
delivering good quality solutions?
§ D3 or S1 from reputable
university/polytechnic in relevant field of study.
§ Minimum 3-5 years work
experience in C# .NET programming.
§ Required skill in
Microsoft platform (C#, ASP.NET, SQL Server).
§ Skill in Microsoft
SharePoint is an advantage.
§ Skill in Oracle DB is an
§ No fresh graduates or
junior applicants please. This position requires deep technical expertise and experience.
§ Assignments may include
temporary placement outside of Jakarta, all expenses covered.
How to Apply
Send your résumé/CV and
recent photograph to: job.dev@plasmedia.org
Write the position code: SR-PROG in the Subject line.
Please briefly explain to us your strongest skills and interests.
Please note:
Only apply if you meet
above requirements.
Only shortlisted
candidates will be notified.
Directly attach your
résumé/CV in MS Word (.doc or .docx) or .pdf format.
Compressed file (zip,
rar, etc.) is not recommended.
Thanks moderator
We are a leading IT company in Jakarta, Indonesia. We have built and serve enterprise
clients since 1998, using cutting-edge technologies in a wide range of
solutions. We require the right team members. Are you the one?
Are you an experienced
programmer in Microsoft .NET?
Does writing good, clean
code matters to you?
Do you care about
delivering good quality solutions?
§ D3 or S1 from reputable
university/polytechnic in relevant field of study.
§ Minimum 3-5 years work
experience in C# .NET programming.
§ Required skill in
Microsoft platform (C#, ASP.NET, SQL Server).
§ Skill in Microsoft
SharePoint is an advantage.
§ Skill in Oracle DB is an
§ No fresh graduates or
junior applicants please. This position requires deep technical expertise and experience.
§ Assignments may include
temporary placement outside of Jakarta, all expenses covered.
How to Apply
Send your résumé/CV and
recent photograph to: job.dev@plasmedia.org
Write the position code: SR-PROG in the Subject line.
Please briefly explain to us your strongest skills and interests.
Please note:
Only apply if you meet
above requirements.
Only shortlisted
candidates will be notified.
Directly attach your
résumé/CV in MS Word (.doc or .docx) or .pdf format.
Compressed file (zip,
rar, etc.) is not recommended.
Thanks moderator
Lowongan Developer
Dear rekan milis,
Berikut ada info lowongan untuk Developer, silahkan buat yang berminat :
Media Streaming Team (code: MST)
* Must have experience with Media Streaming, at least 1 year.
* Have knowledge or experience to various standard video codecs and container formats such as H.264/MPEG-4,
MPEG-4, QuickTime, Flash, HTML5/WebM.
* Have experience or knowledge with Adobe Media Streaming on Amazon Web
Service is a plus point
* Familiarity with media streaming technologies (SIP, RTP, RTMP, RTSP)
and/or good knowledge of TCP/IP APIs (HTTP, Plain sockets, TCP vs UDP –
unicast, multicast or broadcast)
* Have development experience in Ruby, C/C++, Python, or Java is a plus
point, but not required
* Have experience with video management system (VMS) technologies is a
plus point
* Good troubleshooting and problem solving skills.
* Ability to willingness to learn new technologies.
* Demonstrate good leadership skills.
Web-Agile Developer Team (code:
* Must have experience developing web with Ruby on Rails, at least 6
months or 2 projects.
* Have experience or knowledge to PHP/Python MVC/MVCP Framework, HTML5, Jquery, or ExtJS is a plus point.
* Familiarity with MySQL or PostgreSQL, but have experience with NoSQL
is a plus point.
* If you believe in Unit Testing and Domain Driven Design, please apply.
* Solid knowledge of foundational web technologies.
* A creative and problem-solving oriented personality.
Front-End/UI Designer Team
(code: FDT)
* Strong knowledge of Illustrator, Photoshop, & InDesign at least 6
* Apply creativity and consistency in a manner that strengthens the
brand and end-user experience.
* Have a good taste for UI/UX Web Interface and familiarity latest trend
web design.
* Familiarity with the User Interface Guides for iOS & Android is preferred
* Experience with Android
& iOS Design is a plus point
* Good interpersonal, organizational and communication skills
* Experience with web front-end development, including HTML5 and CSS3 is
a plus point (if not, you can apply)
Android Mobile Team (code: AMT)
* Experience with Android APIs and Frameworks
* Fundamentals in object-oriented design, data structures, algorithm
design, problem solving
* Objective-C and/or Ruby a plus
* Proficiency in Java
* At least 1 year experience in mobile application development
* Experience in image or video streaming processing is a plus point
* Service Oriented Architecture, Web services, XML, JSON experience
* Experience with Jmeter or other automated test tools is a plus point.
* Experience with AndroidUI Layout, Database, Multi-Threaded
IOS Mobile TEAM (code: IMT)
* 1+ years experience for the iOS platform, using Objective C, C++, XCode, or Cocoa Touch.
* Conduct Integration Testing on iOS applications to insure the quality of the application.
* Experience in end-user communication applications/services, APIs,
image or video streaming processing is a plus point
* Solid familiarity with the following tools: XCode, Instruments, etc.
* Service Oriented Architecture, Web services, XML, JSON experience
* Experience with iphone or ipad application is a plus point
Please send
your CV to yacobus@domikado.com"
Note : please don't reply this email for apply!!!
Berikut ada info lowongan untuk Developer, silahkan buat yang berminat :
Media Streaming Team (code: MST)
* Must have experience with Media Streaming, at least 1 year.
* Have knowledge or experience to various standard video codecs and container formats such as H.264/MPEG-4,
MPEG-4, QuickTime, Flash, HTML5/WebM.
* Have experience or knowledge with Adobe Media Streaming on Amazon Web
Service is a plus point
* Familiarity with media streaming technologies (SIP, RTP, RTMP, RTSP)
and/or good knowledge of TCP/IP APIs (HTTP, Plain sockets, TCP vs UDP –
unicast, multicast or broadcast)
* Have development experience in Ruby, C/C++, Python, or Java is a plus
point, but not required
* Have experience with video management system (VMS) technologies is a
plus point
* Good troubleshooting and problem solving skills.
* Ability to willingness to learn new technologies.
* Demonstrate good leadership skills.
Web-Agile Developer Team (code:
* Must have experience developing web with Ruby on Rails, at least 6
months or 2 projects.
* Have experience or knowledge to PHP/Python MVC/MVCP Framework, HTML5, Jquery, or ExtJS is a plus point.
* Familiarity with MySQL or PostgreSQL, but have experience with NoSQL
is a plus point.
* If you believe in Unit Testing and Domain Driven Design, please apply.
* Solid knowledge of foundational web technologies.
* A creative and problem-solving oriented personality.
Front-End/UI Designer Team
(code: FDT)
* Strong knowledge of Illustrator, Photoshop, & InDesign at least 6
* Apply creativity and consistency in a manner that strengthens the
brand and end-user experience.
* Have a good taste for UI/UX Web Interface and familiarity latest trend
web design.
* Familiarity with the User Interface Guides for iOS & Android is preferred
* Experience with Android
& iOS Design is a plus point
* Good interpersonal, organizational and communication skills
* Experience with web front-end development, including HTML5 and CSS3 is
a plus point (if not, you can apply)
Android Mobile Team (code: AMT)
* Experience with Android APIs and Frameworks
* Fundamentals in object-oriented design, data structures, algorithm
design, problem solving
* Objective-C and/or Ruby a plus
* Proficiency in Java
* At least 1 year experience in mobile application development
* Experience in image or video streaming processing is a plus point
* Service Oriented Architecture, Web services, XML, JSON experience
* Experience with Jmeter or other automated test tools is a plus point.
* Experience with AndroidUI Layout, Database, Multi-Threaded
IOS Mobile TEAM (code: IMT)
* 1+ years experience for the iOS platform, using Objective C, C++, XCode, or Cocoa Touch.
* Conduct Integration Testing on iOS applications to insure the quality of the application.
* Experience in end-user communication applications/services, APIs,
image or video streaming processing is a plus point
* Solid familiarity with the following tools: XCode, Instruments, etc.
* Service Oriented Architecture, Web services, XML, JSON experience
* Experience with iphone or ipad application is a plus point
Please send
your CV to yacobus@domikado.com"
Note : please don't reply this email for apply!!!
Postingan (Atom)