Dear all,
Kami adalah sebuah perusahaan pengadaan komputer. Belakangan ini kami
mulai mengeluti jasa it. Project yang kami kerjakan didapat dari lelang
online pemerintah. Karena itu kami butuh banyak programer dengan
berbagai keahlihan, untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak project. Tegasnya,
kami membutuhkan tenaga programer berdasarkan project yang akan kami
kerjakan. Jadi tenaga yang kami butuhkan adalah tenaga ahli/programer
tidak tetap (freelance).
Bila Anda seorang programer dan sudah memiliki pekerjaan tetap, tetapi
masih memiliki waktu untuk mengerjakan project lain, barangkali nggak
ada salahnya bergabung dengan kami. Bila berminat, kirimkan CV anda
sebagai pertimbangan kami projek apa yang bisa kami kerjakan bersama
anda. Atau bila perlu silakan berkunjung ke kantor kami untuk
membicarakan project apa yang bisa kita kerjakan.
Kami tunggu respon anda sekalian.
Victor M. Tampubolon
Telp/Fax: 02184976950
Mobile: 08992000030
PIN BB: 286A1123
YM: pesankirim
Disini akan diberikan info lowongan kerja gratis. Tanpa perlu pasang iklan dan membayar untuk menginfokan segala jenis pekerjaan.
Jumat, 26 Juli 2013
Kamis, 25 Juli 2013
Lowongan Staff IT, DCC, CI dan Admin HR
PT Unimos membutuhkan staff IT, DCC, CI & Admin HR
PT UNIMOS bergerak dibidang manufakturing biskuit dan wafer, bersertifikat ISO 22000.
Membuka lowongan untuk posisi:
1. Staff IT (Kode: IT)
Laki-laki, S1 IT/Sistem informasi/ilmu komputer/elektronika
Mahir dibidangnya
Bersedia ditempatkan di Driyorejo, Gresik
2. Staff Document Control Center (Kode: DCC)
Perempuan, S1 Segala jurusan
Ulet, tekun, teliti
Bersedia ditempatkan di Driyorejo, Gresik
3. Staff Continous Improvement (Kode: CI)
Laki-laki, S1 Matematika/Pendidikan Matematika/Statistika
Mempunyai logika berhitung, teliti
Bersedia ditempatkan di Driyorejo, Gresik
4. Admin HR (Kode: Adm HR) 2 Posisi
Laki-laki/Perempuan, Min D3 Segala jurusan
Mahir Ms Excel
Ulet, teliti, tekun
Bersedia ditempatkan di Driyorejo, Gresik
Kirim lamaran ke
Jl Raya Bambe KM 19, Driyorejo, Gresik
atau via email ke
Lamaran paling lambat dikirim tanggal 20 Agustus 2013
PT UNIMOS bergerak dibidang manufakturing biskuit dan wafer, bersertifikat ISO 22000.
Membuka lowongan untuk posisi:
1. Staff IT (Kode: IT)
Laki-laki, S1 IT/Sistem informasi/ilmu komputer/elektronika
Mahir dibidangnya
Bersedia ditempatkan di Driyorejo, Gresik
2. Staff Document Control Center (Kode: DCC)
Perempuan, S1 Segala jurusan
Ulet, tekun, teliti
Bersedia ditempatkan di Driyorejo, Gresik
3. Staff Continous Improvement (Kode: CI)
Laki-laki, S1 Matematika/Pendidikan Matematika/Statistika
Mempunyai logika berhitung, teliti
Bersedia ditempatkan di Driyorejo, Gresik
4. Admin HR (Kode: Adm HR) 2 Posisi
Laki-laki/Perempuan, Min D3 Segala jurusan
Mahir Ms Excel
Ulet, teliti, tekun
Bersedia ditempatkan di Driyorejo, Gresik
Kirim lamaran ke
Jl Raya Bambe KM 19, Driyorejo, Gresik
atau via email ke
Lamaran paling lambat dikirim tanggal 20 Agustus 2013
CIPTAMAS BUMI SELARAS adalah salah satu perusahaan agrobisnis berskala nasional yang berkantor pusat Jakarta. Saat ini membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga professional dan berpengalaman di perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit untuk mengisi posisi - posisi sebagai berikut :
1. Staff Pajak
- Pria, D3/S1 Pajak
- Min IPK 3.00
- Berpengalaman di Perusahaan kelapa sawit min 1 Tahun sebagai Staf Pajak
- Memiliki Brevet A & B
- Terbuka untuk Freshgraduate
2. Asst. Agronomi
Kualifikasi :
- Pria, min D3/S1 Pertanian/Kehutanan
- Berpengalaman pada posisi yang sama min. 3 tahun di bid. Perkebunan sawit
- Lebih disukai apabila pernah menangani panen
- Penempatan : Jakarta
3. Asst. Afdeling
Kualifikasi :
- Pria, min D3/S1 Pertanian/Kehutanan
- Berpengalaman pada posisi yang sama min. 3 tahun di bid. Perkebunan sawit
- Memahami teknis perkebunan
- Berdomisili di Bengkulu dan sekitarnya
Lowongan Staff Pelaksana Lapangan Doktermana Jakarta Pusat
Staff Pelaksana Lapangan Doktermana Jakarta Pusat merupakan platform online yang dibuat dengan tujuan membantu pasien
untuk mencari dan mendapatkan layanan kesehatan dengan mudah dan cepat sesuai
dengan kebutuhan dan kemampuan finansial
Kualifikasi :
• Pria / Wanita
• Usia 22 – 30 tahun
• Pendidikan minimal SMU sederajat
• Memiliki SIM C
• Memiliki Kendaraan pribadi ( motor )
• Royalitas, jujur dan bertanggung jawab
• Menguasai wilayah Jabodetabek
• Dapat beradaptasi dalam team work, mau belajar dan bekerja keras
• Dapat bersosialisasi dengan baik, terutama dengan orang baru ( calon pasien )
• Mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi verbal yang baik
Tugas dan tanggung jawab :
• Melakukan tugas dan tanggung jawab yang diberikan oleh bagian penjualan
• Melakukan tugas dan tanggung jawab yang diberikan oleh bagian administrasi
• Memberikan laporan harian ke bagian administrasi atas pekerjaan yang telah
Apabila berminat dapat langsung mengirimkan CV dan surat lamarannya ke dept HRD : merupakan platform online yang dibuat dengan tujuan membantu pasien
untuk mencari dan mendapatkan layanan kesehatan dengan mudah dan cepat sesuai
dengan kebutuhan dan kemampuan finansial
Kualifikasi :
• Pria / Wanita
• Usia 22 – 30 tahun
• Pendidikan minimal SMU sederajat
• Memiliki SIM C
• Memiliki Kendaraan pribadi ( motor )
• Royalitas, jujur dan bertanggung jawab
• Menguasai wilayah Jabodetabek
• Dapat beradaptasi dalam team work, mau belajar dan bekerja keras
• Dapat bersosialisasi dengan baik, terutama dengan orang baru ( calon pasien )
• Mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi verbal yang baik
Tugas dan tanggung jawab :
• Melakukan tugas dan tanggung jawab yang diberikan oleh bagian penjualan
• Melakukan tugas dan tanggung jawab yang diberikan oleh bagian administrasi
• Memberikan laporan harian ke bagian administrasi atas pekerjaan yang telah
Apabila berminat dapat langsung mengirimkan CV dan surat lamarannya ke dept HRD :
Computer Programmer for the Indonesian Disaster Management Agency
Computer Programmer for the
Indonesian Disaster Management Agency
1. Background
Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana or
the Indonesian Disaster Management Agency was inaugurated by Presidential
Decree in 2008 and established as a key national disaster management agency
responsible for coordinating and conducting pre-disaster, response, and posting
in accordance with the National Disaster Management Law No. 24 Year 2007.
Head of BNPB reports directly to the President of Indonesia and
comprised of Main Secretariat, four main divisions: - 1) Prevention and
Preparedness; 2) Emergency Management; 3) Rehabilitation and Reconstruction; 4)
Logistics and Equipment, and two main units: Centre for Education and Training
(PUSDIKLAT), and the Centre for Data, Information, and Public Relations
2. Objective
Computer information system modules are
developed according to technical specifications and free of software bugs
3. Duties
and Responsibilities
§ Develop computer software modules
§ Test and debug computer software codes
§ Continuous meeting with end-users to gather and finalize user
interface and output
§ Continuous team-work with Systems Analyst and Database Analyst
§ Perform other duties related to software development
4. Reporting
The consultant works under instruction from
Systems Analyst and Database Analyst, and deliver monthly report to the ICT
Interoperability Advisor. The reports will follow specified templates and will
undergo periodic evaluation.
5. Scope
of work
of duty
Five months, starting immediately
Shared printer and internet
Maintain confidentiality of information and
specifics regarding concepts, coding, database, and other matters related to
the computer information systems that are being or have been developed.
6. Criteria
§ At least two years experience in developing web-based applications
§ Strong knowledge and skills in PHP, web forms, and scripting
§ Strong knowledge and skills in MySQL and other databases
§ Fluent in reading, writing, and speaking in English
§ Team-player
§ Attention to detail
§ High degree of discipline
§ Bachelor (S1) Degree in Information Technology
§ PHP Framework
§ Overseas graduate
7. Estimated Max Fee (gross)
IDR 9.000.000/Month
8. Closing Date
5.00pm; July 28,2013.
Late applications will not be considered.
9. Application procedure
Please send application letter to : and
Insert the
following into the subject line: Application – Computer Programmer –
letter and CV : English and Indonesian
separate files of : Passport Photo and C.V.
Female applicants are encouraged to apply
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Computer Programmer for the
Indonesian Disaster Management Agency
1. Background
Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana or
the Indonesian Disaster Management Agency was inaugurated by Presidential
Decree in 2008 and established as a key national disaster management agency
responsible for coordinating and conducting pre-disaster, response, and posting
in accordance with the National Disaster Management Law No. 24 Year 2007.
Head of BNPB reports directly to the President of Indonesia and
comprised of Main Secretariat, four main divisions: - 1) Prevention and
Preparedness; 2) Emergency Management; 3) Rehabilitation and Reconstruction; 4)
Logistics and Equipment, and two main units: Centre for Education and Training
(PUSDIKLAT), and the Centre for Data, Information, and Public Relations
2. Objective
Computer information system modules are
developed according to technical specifications and free of software bugs
3. Duties
and Responsibilities
§ Develop computer software modules
§ Test and debug computer software codes
§ Continuous meeting with end-users to gather and finalize user
interface and output
§ Continuous team-work with Systems Analyst and Database Analyst
§ Perform other duties related to software development
4. Reporting
The consultant works under instruction from
Systems Analyst and Database Analyst, and deliver monthly report to the ICT
Interoperability Advisor. The reports will follow specified templates and will
undergo periodic evaluation.
5. Scope
of work
of duty
Five months, starting immediately
Shared printer and internet
Maintain confidentiality of information and
specifics regarding concepts, coding, database, and other matters related to
the computer information systems that are being or have been developed.
6. Criteria
§ At least two years experience in developing web-based applications
§ Strong knowledge and skills in PHP, web forms, and scripting
§ Strong knowledge and skills in MySQL and other databases
§ Fluent in reading, writing, and speaking in English
§ Team-player
§ Attention to detail
§ High degree of discipline
§ Bachelor (S1) Degree in Information Technology
§ PHP Framework
§ Overseas graduate
7. Estimated Max Fee (gross)
IDR 9.000.000/Month
8. Closing Date
5.00pm; July 28,2013.
Late applications will not be considered.
9. Application procedure
Please send application letter to : and
Insert the
following into the subject line: Application – Computer Programmer –
letter and CV : English and Indonesian
separate files of : Passport Photo and C.V.
Female applicants are encouraged to apply
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Web and Intranet Programmer for the Indonesian Disaster Management Agency
Web and Intranet Programmer for the
Indonesian Disaster Management Agency
1. Background
Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana or
the Indonesian Disaster Management Agency was inaugurated by Presidential
Decree in 2008 and established as a key national disaster management agency
responsible for coordinating and conducting pre-disaster, response, and posting
in accordance with the National Disaster Management Law No. 24 Year 2007.
Head of BNPB reports directly to the President of Indonesia and
comprised of Main Secretariat, four main divisions: - 1) Prevention and
Preparedness; 2) Emergency Management; 3) Rehabilitation and Reconstruction; 4)
Logistics and Equipment, and two main units: Centre for Education and Training
(PUSDIKLAT), and the Centre for Data, Information, and Public Relations
2. Objective
Development of Web and Intranet based
3. Duties
and Responsibilities
§ Development of web database and application
§ Development of Intranet database and application
§ Perform other duties related to software development
4. Reporting
The consultant will work under Systems
Analyst and Database Analyst, and deliver monthly report to the ICT Advisor.
The reports will follow specified templates and will undergo final evaluation.
5. Scope
of work
of duty
Six months, starting immediately
Shared printer and internet
Maintain confidentiality of information and
specifics regarding concepts, coding, database, and other matters related to
the computer information systems that are being or have been developed.
6. Criteria
§ At least two years experience developing web-based applications
§ At least one year experience working with PHP CI Framework
§ MySQL Database
§ SQL Injection Security
§ Bachelor (S1) Degree in Information Technology
§ High degree of discipline
§ Attention to detail
§ Team-player
§ Practical experience developing GIS-based web applications
§ Ability to develop technical and user manuals
7. Estimated Max Fee (gross)
IDR 9.100.000/Month
8. Closing Date
5.00pm; July 28,2013.
Late applications will not be considered.
9. Application procedure
Please send application letter to : and
Insert the
following into the subject line : Application – Web Programmer –
letter and CV : English and Indonesian
separate files of : Passport Photo and C.V.
Female applicants are encouraged to apply
Web and Intranet Programmer for the
Indonesian Disaster Management Agency
1. Background
Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana or
the Indonesian Disaster Management Agency was inaugurated by Presidential
Decree in 2008 and established as a key national disaster management agency
responsible for coordinating and conducting pre-disaster, response, and posting
in accordance with the National Disaster Management Law No. 24 Year 2007.
Head of BNPB reports directly to the President of Indonesia and
comprised of Main Secretariat, four main divisions: - 1) Prevention and
Preparedness; 2) Emergency Management; 3) Rehabilitation and Reconstruction; 4)
Logistics and Equipment, and two main units: Centre for Education and Training
(PUSDIKLAT), and the Centre for Data, Information, and Public Relations
2. Objective
Development of Web and Intranet based
3. Duties
and Responsibilities
§ Development of web database and application
§ Development of Intranet database and application
§ Perform other duties related to software development
4. Reporting
The consultant will work under Systems
Analyst and Database Analyst, and deliver monthly report to the ICT Advisor.
The reports will follow specified templates and will undergo final evaluation.
5. Scope
of work
of duty
Six months, starting immediately
Shared printer and internet
Maintain confidentiality of information and
specifics regarding concepts, coding, database, and other matters related to
the computer information systems that are being or have been developed.
6. Criteria
§ At least two years experience developing web-based applications
§ At least one year experience working with PHP CI Framework
§ MySQL Database
§ SQL Injection Security
§ Bachelor (S1) Degree in Information Technology
§ High degree of discipline
§ Attention to detail
§ Team-player
§ Practical experience developing GIS-based web applications
§ Ability to develop technical and user manuals
7. Estimated Max Fee (gross)
IDR 9.100.000/Month
8. Closing Date
5.00pm; July 28,2013.
Late applications will not be considered.
9. Application procedure
Please send application letter to : and
Insert the
following into the subject line : Application – Web Programmer –
letter and CV : English and Indonesian
separate files of : Passport Photo and C.V.
Female applicants are encouraged to apply
Database Administrator for the Indonesian Disaster Management Agency
Database Administrator for the
Indonesian Disaster Management Agency
1. Background
Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana or
the Indonesian Disaster Management Agency was inaugurated by Presidential
Decree in 2008 and established as a key national disaster management agency
responsible for coordinating and conducting pre-disaster, response, and posting
in accordance with the National Disaster Management Law No. 24 Year 2007.
Head of BNPB reports directly to the President of Indonesia and
comprised of Main Secretariat, four main divisions: - 1) Prevention and
Preparedness; 2) Emergency Management; 3) Rehabilitation and Reconstruction; 4)
Logistics and Equipment, and two main units: Centre for Education and Training
(PUSDIKLAT), and the Centre for Data, Information, and Public Relations
2. Objective
Deployment, administration, and management of
computer databases
3. Duties
and Responsibilities
§ Development of computer databases based on user and application
§ Administration of computer databases, users, groups, and security
§ Management of computer databases integrity
§ Documentation of computer databases and administration
§ Training of computer database administration
4. Reporting
The consultant will deliver monthly report
to the ICT Advisor. The reports will follow specified templates and will
undergo final evaluation.
5. Scope
of work
of duty
Six months, starting immediately
Shared printer and internet
Maintain confidentiality of information and
specifics regarding concepts, coding, database, and other matters related to
the computer information systems that are being or have been developed.
6. Criteria
§ At least two years experience developing/programming MySQL databases
§ At least two years Database Administration experience
§ Strong knowledge and skills in Procedures, Functions, Triggers, and
complex E-R Diagrams
§ Strong knowledge and skills in Database Security
§ SQL Injection Security
§ Bachelor (S1) Degree in Information Technology
§ DBA (Database Administration) Certification
§ High degree of discipline
§ Attention to detail
§ Team-player
§ Practical experience integrating GIS related database
§ Ability to develop technical and user manuals
§ At least one year experience with T-SQL (Microsoft SQL)
§ At least one year experience with Oracle
7. Estimated Max Fee (gross)
IDR 7.500.000/Month
8. Closing Date
5.00pm; July 28,2013.
Late applications will not be considered.
9. Application procedure
Please send application letter to : and
Insert the
following into the subject line: Application – Database Administrator –
letter and CV : English and Indonesian
separate files of : Passport Photo and C.V.
Female applicants are encouraged to apply
Database Administrator for the
Indonesian Disaster Management Agency
1. Background
Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana or
the Indonesian Disaster Management Agency was inaugurated by Presidential
Decree in 2008 and established as a key national disaster management agency
responsible for coordinating and conducting pre-disaster, response, and posting
in accordance with the National Disaster Management Law No. 24 Year 2007.
Head of BNPB reports directly to the President of Indonesia and
comprised of Main Secretariat, four main divisions: - 1) Prevention and
Preparedness; 2) Emergency Management; 3) Rehabilitation and Reconstruction; 4)
Logistics and Equipment, and two main units: Centre for Education and Training
(PUSDIKLAT), and the Centre for Data, Information, and Public Relations
2. Objective
Deployment, administration, and management of
computer databases
3. Duties
and Responsibilities
§ Development of computer databases based on user and application
§ Administration of computer databases, users, groups, and security
§ Management of computer databases integrity
§ Documentation of computer databases and administration
§ Training of computer database administration
4. Reporting
The consultant will deliver monthly report
to the ICT Advisor. The reports will follow specified templates and will
undergo final evaluation.
5. Scope
of work
of duty
Six months, starting immediately
Shared printer and internet
Maintain confidentiality of information and
specifics regarding concepts, coding, database, and other matters related to
the computer information systems that are being or have been developed.
6. Criteria
§ At least two years experience developing/programming MySQL databases
§ At least two years Database Administration experience
§ Strong knowledge and skills in Procedures, Functions, Triggers, and
complex E-R Diagrams
§ Strong knowledge and skills in Database Security
§ SQL Injection Security
§ Bachelor (S1) Degree in Information Technology
§ DBA (Database Administration) Certification
§ High degree of discipline
§ Attention to detail
§ Team-player
§ Practical experience integrating GIS related database
§ Ability to develop technical and user manuals
§ At least one year experience with T-SQL (Microsoft SQL)
§ At least one year experience with Oracle
7. Estimated Max Fee (gross)
IDR 7.500.000/Month
8. Closing Date
5.00pm; July 28,2013.
Late applications will not be considered.
9. Application procedure
Please send application letter to : and
Insert the
following into the subject line: Application – Database Administrator –
letter and CV : English and Indonesian
separate files of : Passport Photo and C.V.
Female applicants are encouraged to apply
Lowongan sistem administrator
Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang konsultan disain arsitektur dan interior membutuhkan
IT System Administrator
- Pengalaman min 5 tahun
- Menguasai OS server berbasis Windows
- Menguasai instalasi jaringan, protocol TCP/IP
- Memahami cara kerja email server.
- Memahami cara kerja antivirus dan sistem updatenya.
- Memahami system backup.
- Memahami script HTML
- Memahami pemrograman berbasis asp.
- Berbahasa inggris aktif
Peminat harap mengirimkan lamaran dan CV ke alamat sebelum 31 July 2013
Lowongan pekerjaan teknisi PABX
Perusahaan yang berbasis IT dan Telekomunikasi, memiliki wilayah
operasional di lebih dari 50 kota di Indonesia, membutuhkan segera:
Beberapa orang teknisi yang memahami dan mempunyai sertifikasi dari PABX
AVAYA (termasuk ex AT&T dan LUCENT Technologies); NORTEL &
PANASONIC. Diutamakan yang sudah memiliki sertifikasi yang masih berlaku
mulai dari Basic s/d System integration, dan memiliki pengalaman lebih
dari dua tahun. Disamping gaji yang menarik, Perusahaan juga sudah
menerapkan berbagai fasilitas lain seperti Asuransi Kesehatan,
Jamsostek, Jaminan Hari Tua BNI Life dll.
Peminat serius dapat mengirimkan CV melalui email ke atau Website:
Perusahaan ini sudah mendapat kepercayaan sebagai Authorized Service Provider dari berbagai hardware dengan merk terkenal dibidang IT.
Peminat serius dapat mengirimkan CV melalui email ke atau Website:
Perusahaan ini sudah mendapat kepercayaan sebagai Authorized Service Provider dari berbagai hardware dengan merk terkenal dibidang IT.
Vacancy: Senior .Net Programmer (SR-PROG)
We are a leading IT company in Jakarta, Indonesia. We have built and serve
enterprise clients since 1998, using cutting-edge technologies in a wide range
of solutions. We require the right team members. Are you the one?
Are you an experienced programmer in
Microsoft .NET?
Does writing good, clean code matters
to you?
Do you care about delivering good
quality solutions?
§ D3 or S1 from reputable
university/polytechnic in relevant field of study.
§ Minimum 3-5 years work experience in C# .NET programming.
§ Required skill in Microsoft platform (C#, ASP.NET,
SQL Server).
§ Skill in Microsoft SharePoint is an advantage.
§ Skill in Oracle DB is an advantage.
§ No
fresh graduates or junior applicants please. This position requires deep
technical expertise and experience.
§ Assignments
may include temporary placement outside of Jakarta, all expenses covered.
How to Apply
Send your résumé/CV and recent
photograph to:
Write the position code: SR-PROG in the Subject line.
Please briefly explain to us your strongest skills and interests.
Please note:
Only apply if you meet above
Only shortlisted candidates will be
Directly attach your résumé/CV in MS
Word (.doc or .docx) or .pdf format.
Compressed file (zip, rar, etc.) is
not recommended.
Thanks moderator
We are a leading IT company in Jakarta, Indonesia. We have built and serve
enterprise clients since 1998, using cutting-edge technologies in a wide range
of solutions. We require the right team members. Are you the one?
Are you an experienced programmer in
Microsoft .NET?
Does writing good, clean code matters
to you?
Do you care about delivering good
quality solutions?
§ D3 or S1 from reputable
university/polytechnic in relevant field of study.
§ Minimum 3-5 years work experience in C# .NET programming.
§ Required skill in Microsoft platform (C#, ASP.NET,
SQL Server).
§ Skill in Microsoft SharePoint is an advantage.
§ Skill in Oracle DB is an advantage.
§ No
fresh graduates or junior applicants please. This position requires deep
technical expertise and experience.
§ Assignments
may include temporary placement outside of Jakarta, all expenses covered.
How to Apply
Send your résumé/CV and recent
photograph to:
Write the position code: SR-PROG in the Subject line.
Please briefly explain to us your strongest skills and interests.
Please note:
Only apply if you meet above
Only shortlisted candidates will be
Directly attach your résumé/CV in MS
Word (.doc or .docx) or .pdf format.
Compressed file (zip, rar, etc.) is
not recommended.
Thanks moderator
lowongan : IT Helpdesk
Mohon ijin di infokan ke teman2 yang lain, mungkin ada yang membutuhkan informasi ini.
semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih - salam :)
Dibutuhkan segera :
IT Helpdesk Software (HDS)
Kualifikasi :
- Minimum D3 (fresh graduated are welcome to apply)
- Lebih disukai dari jurusan Teknologi informasi, Telekomunikasi, Manajemen Informasi or equivalent.
- Pria/wanita
- Memiliki kemampuan dan pengalaman sebagai IT QA / IT Tester Application/ IT Helpdesk Software
- Lebih disukai mengerti PLSQL, database Oracle
- Memikili attitude yang baik/positif.
- Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan inisiatif yang baik.
- Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik (Good written and verbal communication skills)
- Available to work full time in Jakarta
Note :
- Status : Project/Contract based with minimum Contract Length 12 month (extendable)
- Placement : Jakarta – Indonesia
Bagi kandidat yang berminat dan memenuhi kriteria tersebut, silahkan kirim lamaran dan cv lengkap, di sertai gaji yang diinginkan.
Tuliskan subject email dengan format sesuai kode di atas : HDS_nama lengkap
contoh : HDS_Sherly
email :;;
vacancy : oracle data warehouse
urgently required :
Oracle Data Warehouse Engineer (ODW)
Responsible for developing the Data Warehouse solution
Qualification (Knowledge & Skill Required) :
- Bachelor degree from recognized university
- Deep Knowledge about Data Warehousing, and Business Inteligence
- Min. 1 year experience with Oracle Data Warehouse development
- Familiar with PL/SQL, OWB, OLAP, Discoverer
- Known Financial Business Process
Note :
- Status : Project/Contract based with minimum Contract Length 12 month (extendable)
- Placement : Jakarta – Indonesia
Should you meet the above requirement, please send your application letter and complete CV (certified, current photograph,including expected salary, and other document), and write down the position code as an email subject to:
Senin, 22 Juli 2013
Lowongan sistem administrator
Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang konsultan disain arsitektur dan interior membutuhkan
IT System Administrator
- Pengalaman min 5 tahun
- Menguasai OS server berbasis Windows
- Menguasai instalasi jaringan, protocol TCP/IP
- Memahami cara kerja email server.
- Memahami cara kerja antivirus dan sistem updatenya.
- Memahami system backup.
- Memahami pemrograman berbasis asp.
- Berbahasa inggris aktif
Peminat harap mengirimkan lamaran dan CV ke alamat sebelum 31 July 2013
IT System Administrator
- Pengalaman min 5 tahun
- Menguasai OS server berbasis Windows
- Menguasai instalasi jaringan, protocol TCP/IP
- Memahami cara kerja email server.
- Memahami cara kerja antivirus dan sistem updatenya.
- Memahami system backup.
- Memahami pemrograman berbasis asp.
- Berbahasa inggris aktif
Peminat harap mengirimkan lamaran dan CV ke alamat sebelum 31 July 2013
Kamis, 11 Juli 2013
Lowongan kerja : Admin Import Staff (non sales) Jakarta
Importer & distribution company for local and import food products is looking for a passionate people with professional knowledge, positive integrity and strong motivation to join us in Jakarta office : | ||||||||||||||||
Administration Import Staff (non sales) Jakarta | ||||||||||||||||
Job Description : | ||||||||||||||||
1. Reporting monthly sales report. | ||||||||||||||||
2. Going through registration new products (ML) with BPOM. | ||||||||||||||||
3. Monitoring stock and report for order, control process import clearance (LS, SKI etc) | ||||||||||||||||
4. Support related administration work within marketing team. | ||||||||||||||||
Qualification : | ||||||||||||||||
1. Bachelors Degree/D3 any field | ||||||||||||||||
2. At least 1 years working experience in the related field. | ||||||||||||||||
3. Female, Age below 35 years | ||||||||||||||||
4. Fluent in English is a must / Mandarin optional. | ||||||||||||||||
5. Full understanding over import clearance process on food products, BPOM, etc | ||||||||||||||||
6. Skilled level in Ms Office, few knowledge on Photoshop, etc | ||||||||||||||||
7. Reside within surroundings west or north Jakarta | ||||||||||||||||
Please submit your application and resume / CV along with self photo directly to : | ||||||||||||||||
Thank you! |
PT. WAHANA PROFIT GLOBAL, perusahaan yang sedang berkembang pesat di bidang pelatihan trading saham dan peluang investasi membutuhkan tenaga kerja muda, terampil dan dinamis untuk menempati posisi sebagai
E-Communication Officer
Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan:
1. Mengelola website perusahaan dengan baik.
2. Memberikan ide – ide baru dan segar dalam pemasaran melalui social media.
3. Mengelola akun perusahaan di social media secara rutin.
4. Bertanggung jawab atas segala hal yang berhubungan dengan periklanan dan pengelolaan social media
2. Memberikan ide – ide baru dan segar dalam pemasaran melalui social media.
3. Mengelola akun perusahaan di social media secara rutin.
4. Bertanggung jawab atas segala hal yang berhubungan dengan periklanan dan pengelolaan social media
1. Bisa menggunakan Adobe Photoshop, In Design dan aplikasi semacamnya.
2. Bisa mengelola website
3. Terbiasa menggunakan social media, seperti Twitter, Facebook dan blog.
2. Bisa mengelola website
3. Terbiasa menggunakan social media, seperti Twitter, Facebook dan blog.
1. Max. usia 25 tahun.
2. Pendidikan min. D3 jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi.
3. Berpengalaman / Fresh Graduate dalam hal Community Management.
4. Mengerti dan menguasai Web Maintenance.
2. Pendidikan min. D3 jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi.
3. Berpengalaman / Fresh Graduate dalam hal Community Management.
4. Mengerti dan menguasai Web Maintenance.
Kirimkan surat lamaran anda beserta CV, pasfoto 3x4 terbaru dan dokumen pendukung lainnya sebelum tanggal 20 Juli 2013 ke:
Untuk informasi lainnya, silakan kunjungi website kami di:
Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa kecantikan (Johnny Andrean Salon dan
Johnny Andrean School & Training), dengan sejumlah cabang yang tersebar di kota-kota besar
di Indonesia.
• Wanita, usia maks. 24 tahun
• TB min.152 cm, BB proporsional
• Pendidikan Min. SMU/sederajat
• Berpenampilan menarik dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
• Penempatan di Jabodetabek & Seluruh kota besar di Indonesia
• Siap untuk bekerja shift
• Wanita, usia maks. 27 tahun
• TB min.155 cm, BB proporsional
• Pendidikan Min. S1 (segala jurusan), IPK min. 2,75
• Diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman sebagai pemimpin
• Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
• Berpenampilan menarik dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
• Penempatan di Jabodetabek & Seluruh kota besar di Indonesia
• Siap untuk bekerja shift
• Pria/Wanita, usia maks. 30 tahun
• TB Pria Min. 160 cm, Wanita 155 cm & BB proporsional
• Pendidikan Min. S1 (segala jurusan); IPK min. 2.75
• Diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman sebagai Leader
• Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
• Pekerja keras, jujur, cekatan, kemampuan analisa yang baik, memiliki
• Mampu mengoperasikan computer (Ms. Office)
• Penempatan di Jabodetabek & Seluruh kota besar di Indonesia
• Siap untuk bekerja shift
• Wanita, usia maks. 27 tahun
• Pendidikan Min. SMA / sederajat
• Diutamakan yang berpengalaman di bidang yang sama
• Mampu mengaplikasikan computer (Ms. Office)
• Teliti, gesit, jujur, mampu bekerja mandiri maupun dalam tim
• Penempatan di daerah Jakarta Barat
• Wanita, usia maks. 27 tahun
• Pendidikan Min. S1 Akuntansi (IPK 3.00)
• Memiliki pengalaman di bidang yang sama min. 1 tahun
• Mampu bekerja sendiri maupun dalam tim
• Teliti, jujur, dan mahir mengoperasikan komputer (Ms. Office)
• Penempatan di daerah Jakarta Barat
• Wanita, usia maks. 25 tahun
• Pendidikan Min. D3
• Memiliki pengalaman di bidang yang sama min. 1 tahun
• Mampu bekerja sendiri maupun dalam tim
• Teliti, jujur, dan mahir mengoperasikan komputer (Ms. Office)
• Penempatan di daerah Jakarta Barat
• Male / Female, max. 30 years old
• Bachelor Degree in Psychology and Master Degree in Human Resources is an advantage
• Self-motivated, Initiative, able to work under minimum supervision and with tight deadline
• Having related experience min 2 years (especially in handling Recruitment, Development, and
• Good communication and interpersonal skills
• Must be proficient in computer operations (Ms. Word, Excel, Power Point)
• Will be placed at Jakarta Barat
• Pria / Wanita, usia maks 27 thn
• Pendidikan min. S1 Psikologi (IPK min. 3,00)
• Pengalaman min. 1 thn di bidang yang sama
• Mampu melakukan Psikotes + Skoring hasil Psikotes ; mampu melakukan wawancara BEI
• Memiliki inisitif, gesit, dan terbiasa bekerja dengan deadline
• Mampu bekerja mandiri maupun dalam tim
• Mampu mengoperasikan computer (Ms. Office)
• Penempatan di daerah Jakarta Barat
• Female, max. 27 years old
• Min. D3 Secretary
• Self-motivated, Initiative, able to work under minimum supervision and with tight deadline
• Having related experience min. 1 year
• Must be proficient in computer operations (Ms. Word, Excel, Power Point)
• Must be proficient in English (oral and written)
• Will be placed at Jakarta Barat
• Penempatan di daerah Jakarta Barat
• Pria, usia maks. 35 thn
• Pendidikan min D3
• Pengalaman min. 1 thn di bidang yang sama
• Mampu bekerja mandiri maupun dalam tim
• Mampu mengoperasikan computer (Ms. Office)
• Penempatan di daerah Jakarta Barat
• Pria, usia maks. 28 tahun
• Pendidikan Min. D3
• Memiliki pengalaman di bidang yang sama min. 1 tahun
• Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Ms. Office)
• Penempatan di daerah Jakarta Barat
• Wanita, usia maks. 27 tahun
• Pendidikan Min. D3 segala jurusan, IPK min. 2.75
• Pengalaman min. 1 thn di bidang yang sama
• Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan negosiasi yang baik
• Teliti, jujur, dan mampu mengoperasikan computer (Ms. Office)
• Penempatan di daerah Jakarta Barat
Kirimkan lamaran & CV lengkap ke HRD Johnny Andrean
Jl. Meruya Selatan No. 66 Jakarta Barat 11650
atau via email ke :
Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa kecantikan (Johnny Andrean Salon dan
Johnny Andrean School & Training), dengan sejumlah cabang yang tersebar di kota-kota besar
di Indonesia.
• Wanita, usia maks. 24 tahun
• TB min.152 cm, BB proporsional
• Pendidikan Min. SMU/sederajat
• Berpenampilan menarik dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
• Penempatan di Jabodetabek & Seluruh kota besar di Indonesia
• Siap untuk bekerja shift
• Wanita, usia maks. 27 tahun
• TB min.155 cm, BB proporsional
• Pendidikan Min. S1 (segala jurusan), IPK min. 2,75
• Diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman sebagai pemimpin
• Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
• Berpenampilan menarik dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
• Penempatan di Jabodetabek & Seluruh kota besar di Indonesia
• Siap untuk bekerja shift
• Pria/Wanita, usia maks. 30 tahun
• TB Pria Min. 160 cm, Wanita 155 cm & BB proporsional
• Pendidikan Min. S1 (segala jurusan); IPK min. 2.75
• Diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman sebagai Leader
• Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
• Pekerja keras, jujur, cekatan, kemampuan analisa yang baik, memiliki
• Mampu mengoperasikan computer (Ms. Office)
• Penempatan di Jabodetabek & Seluruh kota besar di Indonesia
• Siap untuk bekerja shift
• Wanita, usia maks. 27 tahun
• Pendidikan Min. SMA / sederajat
• Diutamakan yang berpengalaman di bidang yang sama
• Mampu mengaplikasikan computer (Ms. Office)
• Teliti, gesit, jujur, mampu bekerja mandiri maupun dalam tim
• Penempatan di daerah Jakarta Barat
• Wanita, usia maks. 27 tahun
• Pendidikan Min. S1 Akuntansi (IPK 3.00)
• Memiliki pengalaman di bidang yang sama min. 1 tahun
• Mampu bekerja sendiri maupun dalam tim
• Teliti, jujur, dan mahir mengoperasikan komputer (Ms. Office)
• Penempatan di daerah Jakarta Barat
• Wanita, usia maks. 25 tahun
• Pendidikan Min. D3
• Memiliki pengalaman di bidang yang sama min. 1 tahun
• Mampu bekerja sendiri maupun dalam tim
• Teliti, jujur, dan mahir mengoperasikan komputer (Ms. Office)
• Penempatan di daerah Jakarta Barat
• Male / Female, max. 30 years old
• Bachelor Degree in Psychology and Master Degree in Human Resources is an advantage
• Self-motivated, Initiative, able to work under minimum supervision and with tight deadline
• Having related experience min 2 years (especially in handling Recruitment, Development, and
• Good communication and interpersonal skills
• Must be proficient in computer operations (Ms. Word, Excel, Power Point)
• Will be placed at Jakarta Barat
• Pria / Wanita, usia maks 27 thn
• Pendidikan min. S1 Psikologi (IPK min. 3,00)
• Pengalaman min. 1 thn di bidang yang sama
• Mampu melakukan Psikotes + Skoring hasil Psikotes ; mampu melakukan wawancara BEI
• Memiliki inisitif, gesit, dan terbiasa bekerja dengan deadline
• Mampu bekerja mandiri maupun dalam tim
• Mampu mengoperasikan computer (Ms. Office)
• Penempatan di daerah Jakarta Barat
• Female, max. 27 years old
• Min. D3 Secretary
• Self-motivated, Initiative, able to work under minimum supervision and with tight deadline
• Having related experience min. 1 year
• Must be proficient in computer operations (Ms. Word, Excel, Power Point)
• Must be proficient in English (oral and written)
• Will be placed at Jakarta Barat
• Penempatan di daerah Jakarta Barat
• Pria, usia maks. 35 thn
• Pendidikan min D3
• Pengalaman min. 1 thn di bidang yang sama
• Mampu bekerja mandiri maupun dalam tim
• Mampu mengoperasikan computer (Ms. Office)
• Penempatan di daerah Jakarta Barat
• Pria, usia maks. 28 tahun
• Pendidikan Min. D3
• Memiliki pengalaman di bidang yang sama min. 1 tahun
• Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Ms. Office)
• Penempatan di daerah Jakarta Barat
• Wanita, usia maks. 27 tahun
• Pendidikan Min. D3 segala jurusan, IPK min. 2.75
• Pengalaman min. 1 thn di bidang yang sama
• Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan negosiasi yang baik
• Teliti, jujur, dan mampu mengoperasikan computer (Ms. Office)
• Penempatan di daerah Jakarta Barat
Kirimkan lamaran & CV lengkap ke HRD Johnny Andrean
Jl. Meruya Selatan No. 66 Jakarta Barat 11650
atau via email ke :
Lowongan Bagian Gudang/Logistik
PT. VITA SAMUDERA adalah perusahaan kontraktor pembuatan dan perawatan jalan yang sedang berkembang. Kami membutuhkan beberapa tenaga karyawan untuk posisi:
Bagian Gudang/Logistik
1. Berpengalaman di bidang gudang/logistik min. 1 tahun
2. Min. lulusan SMK.
3. Bersedia ditempatkan di pertambangan di Kalimantan Tengah
4. Dapat mengoperasikan Microsoft office.
5. Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim.
6. Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan.
7. Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
Lamaran lengkap dengan kode posisi yang diinginkan di pojok kiri atas, dikirim paling lambat satu minggu setelah iklan ke email:
atau ke alamat:
Jl. Tentara Pelajar – Rukan Permata Senayan Blok F-25,
Grogol Utara, Kebayoran Lama,
Jakarta Selatan – 12210
Jl. Tentara Pelajar – Rukan Permata Senayan Blok F-25,
Grogol Utara, Kebayoran Lama,
Jakarta Selatan – 12210
No tlp : 021-57944234
Lowongan Administrasi Keuangan
PT. VITA SAMUDERA adalah perusahaan kontraktor pembuatan dan perawatan jalan yang sedang berkembang. Kami membutuhkan beberapa tenaga karyawan untuk posisi:
Administrasi Keuangan
1. Berpengalaman di bidangnya min. 1 tahun
2. Min. lulusan SMK jurusan keuangan, administrasi, akuntansi, atau yang terkait.
3. Bersedia ditempatkan di pertambangan di Kalimantan Tengah
4. Dapat mengoperasikan Microsoft office.
5. Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim.
6. Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan.
7. Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
Lamaran lengkap dengan kode posisi yang diinginkan di pojok kiri atas, dikirim paling lambat satu minggu setelah iklan ke email:
atau ke alamat:
Jl. Tentara Pelajar – Rukan Permata Senayan Blok F-25,
Grogol Utara, Kebayoran Lama,
Jakarta Selatan – 12210
Jl. Tentara Pelajar – Rukan Permata Senayan Blok F-25,
Grogol Utara, Kebayoran Lama,
Jakarta Selatan – 12210
No tlp : 021-57944234
Lowongan Pelaksana
PT. VITA SAMUDERA adalah perusahaan kontraktor pembuatan dan perawatan jalan yang sedang berkembang. Kami membutuhkan beberapa tenaga karyawan untuk posisi:
Persyaratan :
1. Pria.
2. Pendidikan minimal STM/SMK
3. Berpengalaman di bidang pertambangan min. 3 tahun.
4. Mau ditempatkan di pertambangan di Kalimantan Tengah
5. Dapat mengoperasikan Microsoft office.
6. Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim.
7. Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan.
8. Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
Lamaran lengkap dengan kode posisi yang diinginkan di pojok kiri atas, dikirim paling lambat satu minggu setelah iklan ke email:
atau ke alamat:
Jl. Tentara Pelajar – Rukan Permata Senayan Blok F-25,
Grogol Utara, Kebayoran Lama,
Jakarta Selatan – 12210
Jl. Tentara Pelajar – Rukan Permata Senayan Blok F-25,
Grogol Utara, Kebayoran Lama,
Jakarta Selatan – 12210
No tlp : 021-57944234
Lowongan Safety Manager
PT. VITA SAMUDERA adalah perusahaan kontraktor pembuatan dan perawatan jalan yang sedang berkembang. Kami membutuhkan beberapa tenaga karyawan untuk posisi:
Safety Manager
1. Pria.
2. Berpengalaman di bidangnya min. 3 tahun
3. Lulusan S1 Teknik Sipil.
4. Bersedia ditempatkan di pertambangan di Kalimantan Tengah
5. Dapat mengoperasikan Microsoft office.
6. Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim.
7. Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan.
8. Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
Lamaran lengkap dengan kode posisi yang diinginkan di pojok kiri atas, dikirim paling lambat satu minggu setelah iklan ke email:
atau ke alamat:
Jl. Tentara Pelajar – Rukan Permata Senayan Blok F-25,
Grogol Utara, Kebayoran Lama,
Jakarta Selatan – 12210
Jl. Tentara Pelajar – Rukan Permata Senayan Blok F-25,
Grogol Utara, Kebayoran Lama,
Jakarta Selatan – 12210
No tlp : 021-57944234
We are a leading IT company established in
1998 with main business in SharePoint Technology implementation &
integration. We are Microsoft Partner specialized in Portals and Collaboration,
and Web Development.
We need the most brilliant IT people in Indonesia to create solutions for our
outstanding customers. Will you dare to accept our challenge? Are you the one
for us? Show us how talented you are!
· Male/Female
· Fresh graduates or have at
least 2 years experience in ASP.NET C#
· D3 or S1 from reputable
· Will be stationed in Balikpapan – East
Kalimantan for temporary (during project).
· Willing to be placed permanently in
Balikpapan is an advantage.
Interpersonal Skill
· Good communication skill and negotiation
skill both in Indonesia and English.
· Very
high attention to detail.
· Able to work in team, under pressure and
tight deadline.
· Good
interpersonal skill, self motivated, creative, independent, quick learner, and
result oriented.
· Have good skills using project related
tools (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Project, and MS PowerPoint).
· Able
to write clean and well-documented code.
· Good
understanding of .NET C# language.
· Good
understanding of Use Case, and Class Diagram.
· Able
to write clean and well-documented code.
· Experienced
in .NET application development (C# language):
o Experienced
in .NET Framework 3.0/3.5, ASP.NET 2.0,
o Experienced
in ASP.NET Web
Services, Desktop/Windows Application, or Windows Services is a plus.
o Knowledge
on SharePoint technology (MSF2010/MSS2010) will be an advantage.
o Knowledge
on Silverlight technology is a plus.
o Knowledge
on Crystal Report is a plus.
· Good understanding of MS SQL Server
o Database design using MS SQL Server 2008 or
o Understands query, view, store procedure,
and user defined function.
o Understands MS Reporting Services 2008 or
· Good
understanding of Oracle Database.
How to
Send your résumé/CV and recent
photograph to
Write the position code: ASPNETDEV in the Subject line.
· Only
apply if you meet above requirements.
· Only
shortlisted candidates will be notified.
· Directly attach CV in doc or pdf format.
Zip file is unacceptable.
· Max attachment
size: 200KB.
Thanks moderator
We are a leading IT company established in
1998 with main business in SharePoint Technology implementation &
integration. We are Microsoft Partner specialized in Portals and Collaboration,
and Web Development.
We need the most brilliant IT people in Indonesia to create solutions for our
outstanding customers. Will you dare to accept our challenge? Are you the one
for us? Show us how talented you are!
· Male/Female
· Fresh graduates or have at
least 2 years experience in ASP.NET C#
· D3 or S1 from reputable
· Will be stationed in Balikpapan – East
Kalimantan for temporary (during project).
· Willing to be placed permanently in
Balikpapan is an advantage.
Interpersonal Skill
· Good communication skill and negotiation
skill both in Indonesia and English.
· Very
high attention to detail.
· Able to work in team, under pressure and
tight deadline.
· Good
interpersonal skill, self motivated, creative, independent, quick learner, and
result oriented.
· Have good skills using project related
tools (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Project, and MS PowerPoint).
· Able
to write clean and well-documented code.
· Good
understanding of .NET C# language.
· Good
understanding of Use Case, and Class Diagram.
· Able
to write clean and well-documented code.
· Experienced
in .NET application development (C# language):
o Experienced
in .NET Framework 3.0/3.5, ASP.NET 2.0,
o Experienced
in ASP.NET Web
Services, Desktop/Windows Application, or Windows Services is a plus.
o Knowledge
on SharePoint technology (MSF2010/MSS2010) will be an advantage.
o Knowledge
on Silverlight technology is a plus.
o Knowledge
on Crystal Report is a plus.
· Good understanding of MS SQL Server
o Database design using MS SQL Server 2008 or
o Understands query, view, store procedure,
and user defined function.
o Understands MS Reporting Services 2008 or
· Good
understanding of Oracle Database.
How to
Send your résumé/CV and recent
photograph to
Write the position code: ASPNETDEV in the Subject line.
· Only
apply if you meet above requirements.
· Only
shortlisted candidates will be notified.
· Directly attach CV in doc or pdf format.
Zip file is unacceptable.
· Max attachment
size: 200KB.
Thanks moderator
Lowongan - IT Staff
PR, Asia’s Best Network Agency (Public
Relations Consultant Firm) in South Jakarta and we are focusing on corporate
clients such as property, consumers, banking and finance, mining/oil and gas,
infrastructure, IT/Technology. We are
looking for the candidates to join our company’s expansion in year 2013.
IT Staff
- Male, Max 30
years old
- Diploma
or Bachelor Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology
- 3
years of relevant experience, Fresh graduate welcome to apply
- Having
strong knowledge and hands-on experience in application development, manage
website & WEB design
- Having
the ability to work well as a member of a team & independently
- Proficiency
in both written and spoken English.
Rabu, 10 Juli 2013
Lowongan Kerja Network Engineer
Dibutuhkan Senior dan Junior Network Engineer: 1. Senior Network Engineer Min. S1 Mengerti konsep dasar Jaringan OSI 7 Layer, TCP/IP Mengerti IPv4 Address Subnetting Mengerti dasar routing (Static / Dynamic) Min. berpengalaman Nilai plus (+) bersertifikasi CCNP, mengerti Wireless, Voice, IP Telephony, Security Mau belajar, rajin dan tekun 2. Junior Network Engineer Fresh Graduate Mengerti konsep dasar Jaringan OSI 7 Layer, TCP/IP Mengerti IPv4 Address Subnetting Mengerti dasar routing (Static / Dynamic) Min. pernah mengikuti CNAP Nilai plus (+) bersertifikasi CCNA Mau belajar, rajin dan tekun Yang berminat silahkan langsung email ke
Selasa, 09 Juli 2013
Lowongan CISCO Engineer
To respond back directly to the Employer, please click on Reply button, or send an email to (Please don't delete or modify while replying to this email) *For Internal Use of Employer* - Monster Resume ID: 42826639 Personal Folder ID: 13582690 Dear Eko , This is Ram with Orangepro Solutions. We are looking for the following job location is Jakarta, Indonesia Administering and troubleshooting of VOIP, LAN, WAN, IPv4, IPv6, DHCP, Knowledge of wireless network routing and switching devices in production datacenter environments Supporting web hosting components and infrastructure, including web servers, application servers, load balancers, mail and DNS servers Deploying and supporting IP-based voice and video systems, including QoS on both LAN and WAN infrastructure The candidate must have: 3-6 years of experience with Cisco Network and Voice administration and support. Individual MUST HAVE strong Cisco Network background and Voice (ideally Cisco) Exposure from a multi-nation environment with regional experience. Excellent analytical skills and stakeholder engagement skills. Please share your updated resume to Thanks Ram Accounts & Recruitment Manager - APAC HP : +65 92709501
Lowongan MPLS Engineer - ZTE Indonesia
Dear rekan, yang mau jadi MPLS Engineer di ZTE, silahkan dicoba. itu syarat CCIE preferablenya cuma buat nakut2in doank , so silahkan apply. *MPLS Engineer* ( ZTE Indonesia ) Advertised: 2013-07-08 | Closing: 2013-07-16 *Description:* Our client is looking for MPLS Engineer. *Requirements:* 1. Bachelor degree in IT engineering or equivalent 2. Minimum 2 years experience in telecom communication 3. Acquainted with basic knowledge of IP network / network communicate protocol (e.g. OSPF/BGP/ISIS/MPLS) 4. CCIE certificate gainer is preferable 5. Willing to work in data communication chnical domain 6. Available for different working location assigned by company 7. Good communication in English Contact: * PT. ELABRAM SYSTEMS* Gedung Thamrin City Pusat Bisnis Thamrin City Lt. 7 Unit OS 01 A,B and OS 02 A,B,C Jl.Thamrin Boulevard (Kebon Kacang Raya) Jakarta Pusat 10340 Indonesia *Tel:* +62 21 29558688 *Fax:* - *Email:* sumber :
Senin, 08 Juli 2013
Lowongan Web Programmer
Selamat pagi,
Client kami Perusahaan Baru membutuhkan 3-4 orang tenaga profesional pada posisi web Programmer
Tanggung jawab:
• Mengembangkan & mengintegrasikan custom theme untuk Prestashop/Oscommerce/Joomla/Wordpress
Persyaratan Umum:
• SMKI/D3/S1 Tekhnologi informasi, Telekomunikasi, Manajemen Informasi
• Mampu bekerja secara mandiri maupun bekerjasama dalam tim.
• Berpengalaman minimal 2 tahun atau 2 full project web desain
• Disiplin, sanggup bekerja dengan target, mempunyai struktur koding yang baik
• Senang belajar & mengikuti perkembangan pemrograman & teknologi website terbaru
• Senang mengikuti perkembangan Web 2.0 yang baru seperti Google,Yahoo,Facebook API (Nilai plus untuk yang berpengalaman membangun API)
Persyaratan Teknis:
• Skill : PHP, MYSQL, CSS, HTML, JavaScript
• Pengalaman bekerja di Joomla, Prestashop, Wordpress, Oscommerce, Drupal
• Menguasai dengan baik query dan struktur database (MySQL, SQL Server)
• Mengerti sistem dasar LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySql dan PHP) dengan baik (Nilai plus untuk yang berpengalaman)
• Harus berpengalaman dalam membangun dan mengadiministrasi sebuah website
Lokasi : Bandung
Status : Kontrak 1 tahun to permanent
Bagi kandidat yang serius dan memenuhi kriteria tersebut, silahkan kirim lamaran dengan detail sebagai berikut:
- surat lamaran
- resume lengkap,
- portfolio pekerjaan,
- gaji yang diharapkan
- foto terbaru
Harap dituliskan "Web Programmer" pada subject emai, lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 14 Agustus 2013.
Kirim ke:
HRD Tribima
Hanya candidat yang memenuhi syarat yang akan kami panggil untuk melakukan proses selanjutnya
Terima kasih atas waktunya
Client kami Perusahaan Baru membutuhkan 3-4 orang tenaga profesional pada posisi web Programmer
Tanggung jawab:
• Mengembangkan & mengintegrasikan custom theme untuk Prestashop/Oscommerce/Joomla/Wordpress
Persyaratan Umum:
• SMKI/D3/S1 Tekhnologi informasi, Telekomunikasi, Manajemen Informasi
• Mampu bekerja secara mandiri maupun bekerjasama dalam tim.
• Berpengalaman minimal 2 tahun atau 2 full project web desain
• Disiplin, sanggup bekerja dengan target, mempunyai struktur koding yang baik
• Senang belajar & mengikuti perkembangan pemrograman & teknologi website terbaru
• Senang mengikuti perkembangan Web 2.0 yang baru seperti Google,Yahoo,Facebook API (Nilai plus untuk yang berpengalaman membangun API)
Persyaratan Teknis:
• Skill : PHP, MYSQL, CSS, HTML, JavaScript
• Pengalaman bekerja di Joomla, Prestashop, Wordpress, Oscommerce, Drupal
• Menguasai dengan baik query dan struktur database (MySQL, SQL Server)
• Mengerti sistem dasar LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySql dan PHP) dengan baik (Nilai plus untuk yang berpengalaman)
• Harus berpengalaman dalam membangun dan mengadiministrasi sebuah website
Lokasi : Bandung
Status : Kontrak 1 tahun to permanent
Bagi kandidat yang serius dan memenuhi kriteria tersebut, silahkan kirim lamaran dengan detail sebagai berikut:
- surat lamaran
- resume lengkap,
- portfolio pekerjaan,
- gaji yang diharapkan
- foto terbaru
Harap dituliskan "Web Programmer" pada subject emai, lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 14 Agustus 2013.
Kirim ke:
HRD Tribima
Hanya candidat yang memenuhi syarat yang akan kami panggil untuk melakukan proses selanjutnya
Terima kasih atas waktunya
Vacancy: UI/UX Designer dan Software Engineer (Senior Php)
Mohon ijin buat momod, Dibutuhkan pegawai sesuai kriteria di bawah ini: UI/UX Designer requirements: * able to show and proof their creativity and innovative ideas * 1 year or more experience in designing websites/ web apps and mobile apps * strong knowledge of HTML, CSS, and jQuery (HTML 5 is a plus) * fluent in slicing images to web code * knowledgable with photoshop and illustrator (Flash is a plus) * good communication skill, strong self management skill and able to work under pressure * quick and keen to learn new things * fresh graduates with the right attitudes are welcome * able to work full time in jakarta Software Engineer (Senior Php) requirements: * 1 year or more of experience in Php and MySQL with good knowledge of OOP programing, MVC design patern and database design architecture * experienced in using Php framework (Code Igniter would be an advantage) * strong knowledge of HTML, CSS and jQuery * fluent in writing well documented code and being able to explain the methods to various types of people * good communication skill, strong self management skill and able to work under pressure * quick and keen to learn new things * fresh graduates with the right attitudes are welcome * able to work full timee in jakarta Benefits: * flexible 8 hours workday environment * get more experiences in developing scalable applications * focused and rapid team development * medical insurance * Jamsostek * yearly appraisal bonus Mohon disebarkan kepada siapa saja yang membutuhkan pekerjaan dan sesuai kriterianya: Terimakasih. Untuk yang memenuhi kriteria dan berminat, silakan kirimkan CV ke: atau
Jumat, 05 Juli 2013
Ice House is recruiting: Mobile Software Engineer
Dear All,
Please be informed for the vacancy opened in Ice House:
Fearless Team Can Do Anything
We are a world-class
software engineering shop focused purely on the mobile experience. We
leverage over 50 years of experience in software architecture, development, and
project management across North America, Indonesia, Japan, and Singapore.
build movie application, which incorporates cutting edge technologies, City
maps application with location-based search, street-level imagery, routing and
seamless integration with leading 3rd party apps. We also build could-based
enterprise mobile application fully integrated with latest GPS technology with
social media CRM capability, and Mobile & website development with
customizable content management systems, backend platform integration, html5
mobile app design and database management. All delivered on great platforms
including but not limited to: iOS, Android and Windows Phone.
Excellent Collaborative
pair program, every day because it delivers remarkable results. We practice and
teach an approach to mobile development that applies across industries and
organizations, so you’ll experience all types of teams, products, and
Silicon Valley Environment
We provide work-life
balance, where you’ll work in flexible working hours, even you can work at your
home and you will still get paid. To make you energize all day, unlimited
snacks, coffee and soda are available all day. You can entertain your self with
PS3 breaks. And on top of that, premium health care benefits
for you (and your spouse and kids), access to international hackathons, and
classes taught by Silicon Valley's best. It is our commitment to build a
supportive, ambitious culture focused on making sure that awesome people like
you are able to do your best work.
Fluency in one or more of: C/C++,
Java and familiarity with one or more of Ruby, Phyton, Perl and Shell. You also
need to have strong Object Oriented skill.
Create your own mobile apps?
We would love to see them. Interested in becoming a mobile software engineer?
We’re looking for even more excellent mobile software engineers to joining our
team. Apply by send your CV to
Erna Yuliana
Please be informed for the vacancy opened in Ice House:
Fearless Team Can Do Anything
We are a world-class
software engineering shop focused purely on the mobile experience. We
leverage over 50 years of experience in software architecture, development, and
project management across North America, Indonesia, Japan, and Singapore.
build movie application, which incorporates cutting edge technologies, City
maps application with location-based search, street-level imagery, routing and
seamless integration with leading 3rd party apps. We also build could-based
enterprise mobile application fully integrated with latest GPS technology with
social media CRM capability, and Mobile & website development with
customizable content management systems, backend platform integration, html5
mobile app design and database management. All delivered on great platforms
including but not limited to: iOS, Android and Windows Phone.
Excellent Collaborative
pair program, every day because it delivers remarkable results. We practice and
teach an approach to mobile development that applies across industries and
organizations, so you’ll experience all types of teams, products, and
Silicon Valley Environment
We provide work-life
balance, where you’ll work in flexible working hours, even you can work at your
home and you will still get paid. To make you energize all day, unlimited
snacks, coffee and soda are available all day. You can entertain your self with
PS3 breaks. And on top of that, premium health care benefits
for you (and your spouse and kids), access to international hackathons, and
classes taught by Silicon Valley's best. It is our commitment to build a
supportive, ambitious culture focused on making sure that awesome people like
you are able to do your best work.
Fluency in one or more of: C/C++,
Java and familiarity with one or more of Ruby, Phyton, Perl and Shell. You also
need to have strong Object Oriented skill.
Create your own mobile apps?
We would love to see them. Interested in becoming a mobile software engineer?
We’re looking for even more excellent mobile software engineers to joining our
team. Apply by send your CV to
Erna Yuliana
Vacancy: Web App Maintenance Support (WAMS)
We are a leading IT company in
Jakarta, Indonesia. We have built and serve enterprise clients since 1998,
using cutting-edge technologies in a wide range of solutions. We require the
right team members. Are you the one?
Web App Maintenance Support (WAMS)
§ D3 or S1 from reputable
§ Fresh graduate or have at
least 1 years experience in application maintenance support (web-based/desktop).
§ Have good skills using project
related tools (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Project, and MS PowerPoint).
§ Good interpersonal skill, self
motivated, creative, independent, quick learner, and result oriented.
§ Able to work in team with
under pressure and tight deadline.
§ Good communication skill and
negotiation skill both in Indonesia and English.
§ Experienced in 24/7
application maintenance support (web-based/desktop) with 3 job shifts is an
§ Contract based.
§ Have knowledge in TCP/IP
networking, AD/DNS, and AD Synchronization.
§ Have knowledges in MS Failover Cluster configuration &
§ Have knowledges in MS SQL Failover Cluster configuration &
§ Good understanding in MS SQL
Server 2005 or later configuration.
§ Good understanding in ASP.NET deployment,
and ClickOnce deployment.
§ Have knowledges in MS
SharePoint 2007/2010 configuration & deployment is a plus.
§ Good understanding of MS SQL
Server backup maintenance plan, and database file truncation.
How to
Send your résumé/CV
and recent photograph to
Write the position code: WAMS in the Subject line.
Only apply if you meet above requirements.
Only shortlisted candidates will be
Directly attach your résumé/CV in MS Word
(.doc or .docx) or .pdf format. Compressed file (zip, rar, etc.) is not
Max attachment
size: 200KB.
Thanks moderator.
We are a leading IT company in
Jakarta, Indonesia. We have built and serve enterprise clients since 1998,
using cutting-edge technologies in a wide range of solutions. We require the
right team members. Are you the one?
Web App Maintenance Support (WAMS)
§ D3 or S1 from reputable
§ Fresh graduate or have at
least 1 years experience in application maintenance support (web-based/desktop).
§ Have good skills using project
related tools (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Project, and MS PowerPoint).
§ Good interpersonal skill, self
motivated, creative, independent, quick learner, and result oriented.
§ Able to work in team with
under pressure and tight deadline.
§ Good communication skill and
negotiation skill both in Indonesia and English.
§ Experienced in 24/7
application maintenance support (web-based/desktop) with 3 job shifts is an
§ Contract based.
§ Have knowledge in TCP/IP
networking, AD/DNS, and AD Synchronization.
§ Have knowledges in MS Failover Cluster configuration &
§ Have knowledges in MS SQL Failover Cluster configuration &
§ Good understanding in MS SQL
Server 2005 or later configuration.
§ Good understanding in ASP.NET deployment,
and ClickOnce deployment.
§ Have knowledges in MS
SharePoint 2007/2010 configuration & deployment is a plus.
§ Good understanding of MS SQL
Server backup maintenance plan, and database file truncation.
How to
Send your résumé/CV
and recent photograph to
Write the position code: WAMS in the Subject line.
Only apply if you meet above requirements.
Only shortlisted candidates will be
Directly attach your résumé/CV in MS Word
(.doc or .docx) or .pdf format. Compressed file (zip, rar, etc.) is not
Max attachment
size: 200KB.
Thanks moderator.
Kamis, 04 Juli 2013
Lowongan Drafter
Perusahaan Furniture di Narogong Bekasi membutuhkan:
1. Drafter
2. Engineering
1. Pria atau Wanita
2. Minimal lulusan STM Teknik Gambar Bangunan
3. Mempunyai kemampuan Auto Cad, dan MS Office
4. Kepribadian menarik, cepat tanggap, teliti, tanggung jawab
Kirim lamaran, CV, dan foto ke
1. Drafter
2. Engineering
1. Pria atau Wanita
2. Minimal lulusan STM Teknik Gambar Bangunan
3. Mempunyai kemampuan Auto Cad, dan MS Office
4. Kepribadian menarik, cepat tanggap, teliti, tanggung jawab
Kirim lamaran, CV, dan foto ke
Rabu, 03 Juli 2013
vacancy: IT Helpdesk software - IT QA - IT Tester Application
Mohon ijin di infokan ke teman2 yang lain, mungkin ada yang membutuhkan informasi ini.
semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih - salam :)
Dibutuhkan segera :
- IT Helpdesk Software (HDS)
- IT Quality Assurance (QA)
- IT Tester Application (TA)
Kualifikasi :
- Minimum D3 (fresh graduated are welcome to apply)
- Lebih disukai dari jurusan Teknologi informasi, Telekomunikasi, Manajemen Informasi or equivalent.
- Pria/wanita
- Memiliki kemampuan dan pengalaman sebagai IT QA / IT Tester Application/ IT Helpdesk Software
- Lebih disukai mengerti PLSQL, database Oracle
- Memiliki kemampuan yang sangat baik dalam mengoperasikan Ms. Office
- Memikili attitude yang baik/positif.
- Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan inisiatif yang baik.
- Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik (Good written and verbal communication skills)
- Available to work full time in Jakarta
Note :
- Status : Project/Contract based with minimum Contract Length 6-12 month (extendable)
- Placement : Jakarta – Indonesia
Bagi kandidat yang berminat dan memenuhi kriteria tersebut, silahkan kirim lamaran dan cv lengkap, di sertai gaji yang diinginkan.
Tuliskan subject email dengan format sesuai kode di atas : HDS_nama lengkap
contoh : HDS_Sherly
email :;
semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih - salam :)
Dibutuhkan segera :
- IT Helpdesk Software (HDS)
- IT Quality Assurance (QA)
- IT Tester Application (TA)
Kualifikasi :
- Minimum D3 (fresh graduated are welcome to apply)
- Lebih disukai dari jurusan Teknologi informasi, Telekomunikasi, Manajemen Informasi or equivalent.
- Pria/wanita
- Memiliki kemampuan dan pengalaman sebagai IT QA / IT Tester Application/ IT Helpdesk Software
- Lebih disukai mengerti PLSQL, database Oracle
- Memiliki kemampuan yang sangat baik dalam mengoperasikan Ms. Office
- Memikili attitude yang baik/positif.
- Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan inisiatif yang baik.
- Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik (Good written and verbal communication skills)
- Available to work full time in Jakarta
Note :
- Status : Project/Contract based with minimum Contract Length 6-12 month (extendable)
- Placement : Jakarta – Indonesia
Bagi kandidat yang berminat dan memenuhi kriteria tersebut, silahkan kirim lamaran dan cv lengkap, di sertai gaji yang diinginkan.
Tuliskan subject email dengan format sesuai kode di atas : HDS_nama lengkap
contoh : HDS_Sherly
email :;
vacancy: Oracle Programmer
Dibutuhkan segera :
Oracle Programmer (junior/senior)
Kualifikasi :
- Fresh Graduate with excellent Oracle Programming Skill are welcome.
- S1 Tekhnologi informasi, Telekomunikasi, Manajemen Informasi or equivalent.
- Pria/wanita
- Menguasai FORM & REPORT Oracle, PL/SQL. SQL script.
- Lebih di sukai familiar Programming JAVA
- Memikili attitude yang baik/positif.
- Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan inisiatif yang baik.
- Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik (Good written and verbal communication skills)
- Available to work full time in Jakarta
Note :
- Status : Project/Contract based with minimum Contract Length 6-12 month (extendable)
- Placement : Jakarta – Indonesia
Bagi kandidat yang berminat dan memenuhi kriteria tersebut, silahkan kirim lamaran dan cv lengkap, di sertai gaji yang diinginkan.
Tuliskan subject email dengan format : Oracle_nama lengkap
contoh : Oracle_Adrian Wijaya
email :;
Dibutuhkan segera :
Oracle Programmer (junior/senior)
Kualifikasi :
- Fresh Graduate with excellent Oracle Programming Skill are welcome.
- S1 Tekhnologi informasi, Telekomunikasi, Manajemen Informasi or equivalent.
- Pria/wanita
- Menguasai FORM & REPORT Oracle, PL/SQL. SQL script.
- Lebih di sukai familiar Programming JAVA
- Memikili attitude yang baik/positif.
- Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan inisiatif yang baik.
- Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik (Good written and verbal communication skills)
- Available to work full time in Jakarta
Note :
- Status : Project/Contract based with minimum Contract Length 6-12 month (extendable)
- Placement : Jakarta – Indonesia
Bagi kandidat yang berminat dan memenuhi kriteria tersebut, silahkan kirim lamaran dan cv lengkap, di sertai gaji yang diinginkan.
Tuliskan subject email dengan format : Oracle_nama lengkap
contoh : Oracle_Adrian Wijaya
email :;
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