Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014

Lowongan Professional Services Engineer

PT. Unisistama Megah is a patner
 of  Unisys corp, We are
 The  leading IT and Networking Solution provider in the
 Must have direct experience in the following areas:
 Windows: good knowledge of NT, Win2K Looking for
 Professional Services Engineer:
 •    , Win2K3. Understand share and
 NTFSsecurity concepts.
 •    Unix: good knowledge of Berkeley,
 Linux, and/or System V Unix system
 administration concepts including disk and network
 administration, NFS and
 NIS/NIS+ administration.
 •    Networking: knowledge of Ethernet, IP,
 DNS and NIS associated daemons.
 Knowledge of network architectures including hubs,
 repeaters, bridges, routers,and switches.
 •    Storage: knowledge of storage
 administration and the concepts of file systems,
 disk partitions, mounts, quotas, mirroring and sizing.
 •    Compute: Cisco UCS, HP Blade system or
 rack mount servers
 •    Virtualization: VMware vSphere, Citrix
 Xenserver, Microsoft Hyper-V
 •    Data Protection: EMC,NetApp, Symantec
 and Commvault
 •    Good knowledge of NAS, DAS, SAN
 (fabric attached architectures).
 •    Experience with NetApp and EMC storage
 Education & Experience:
 •    A minimum of 5 years of experience is
 •    A Bachelor of Science Degree in
 Electrical Engineering or Computer Science, orequivalent
 experience is required.
 •    NetApp/VMware/Cisco Data Center
 Certification is preferred.
 •    MCP and other Microsoft Certifications
 are a plus.
 •    Demonstrated ability to have completed
 multiple, moderately complex technical tasks.
 are invited to send your application with a comprehensive
 resume, details
 key responsibilities and achievements as well as details of
 present and expected
 salary, contact telephone number together with digital
 photograph to: hrd-utama@unisistama.co.id

Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014

Lowongan Professional Services Engineer

PT. Unisistama Megah is a patner of  Unisys corp, We are

the leading IT and Networking Solution provider in the World
Now, we are looking for to fill the position of:

Must have direct experience in the following areas:
Windows: good knowledge of NT, Win2K Looking for Professional Services Engineer:
• , Win2K3. Understand share and NTFSsecurity concepts.
• Unix: good knowledge of Berkeley, Linux, and/or System V Unix system
administration concepts including disk and network administration, NFS and
NIS/NIS+ administration.
• Networking: knowledge of Ethernet, IP, DNS and NIS associated daemons.
Knowledge of network architectures including hubs, repeaters, bridges, routers,and switches.
• Storage: knowledge of storage administration and the concepts of file systems,
disk partitions, mounts, quotas, mirroring and sizing.
• Compute: Cisco UCS, HP Blade system or rack mount servers
• Virtualization: VMware vSphere, Citrix Xenserver, Microsoft Hyper-V
• Data Protection: EMC,NetApp, Symantec and Commvault
• Good knowledge of NAS, DAS, SAN (fabric attached architectures).
• Experience with NetApp and EMC storage fundamentals

Education & Experience:
• A minimum of 5 years of experience is required
• A Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science, orequivalent experience is required.
• NetApp/VMware/Cisco Data Center Certification is preferred.
• MCP and other Microsoft Certifications are a plus.
• Demonstrated ability to have completed multiple, moderately complex technical tasks.

are invited to send your application with a comprehensive resume, details
key responsibilities and achievements as well as details of present and expected
salary, contact telephone number together with digital photograph to: hrd-utama@unisistama.co.id

Senin, 27 Oktober 2014

Lowongan Kerja Trainee Asisten dan Kepala Tata Usaha (KTU) - Kebun & PKS

Kami sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang perkebunan dan pabrik kelapa sawit yang sedang berkembang mencari tenaga kerja Fresh Graduate untuk posisi:

1. Asisten Proses, lulusan min. D3 (Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro)
2. Asisten Laboratorium, lulusan min. D3 (Analis Kimia, Teknik Kimia)
3. Kepala Tata Usaha (KTU), lulusan min. D3 (Ekonomi Akuntansi)

- IP min. 2,75
- Laki-laki usia maks. 24 tahun atau maks. 2 tahun setelah tamat pendidikan terakhir
- Tegas, disiplin, bertanggung jawab, dan mampu bekerja dalam tim

Lamaran bisa dikirim ke:
Office: Jl. Pulau Bawean II No. 180, KIM II, Mabar, Medan - 20242

- Lamaran dikirim dengan kode "RCM-LK"
- Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi kriteria yang akan diproses
- Setiap kandidat yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi bersedia untuk mengikuti Training selama 6 (enam) bulan s.d. 1 (satu) tahun baik di HO (Head Office) maupun di Kebun & PKS yang sudah ditetapkan

Lowongan Kerja sebagai Staf Administrasi Teknik

Kami sebuah perusahaan di bidang perkebunan dan pabrik kelapa sawit yang sedang berkembang sedang mencari tenaga kerja yang handal dan profesional untuk posisi sebagai "Admin Teknik"

Tugas seorang Admin Teknik adalah melaksanakan tugas-tugas yang berhubungan dengan administrasi dan membantu Ka. Teknik.

- Laki-laki/perempuan maks. berusia 27 tahun
- Lulusan min. D3
- Berpengalaman mengoperasikan komputer khususnya Autocad
Mau bekerja keras dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
Fresh graduate are welcome!

Lamaran bisa dikirim ke:
Office: Jl. Pulau Bawean II No. 180, KIM II, Mabar, Medan - 20242

- Lamaran dikirim dengan kode NEWBIE-LK
- Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi kriteria yang akan diproses

Lowongan Pramuniaga

Perusahaan retail, membutuhkan beberapa karyawan untuk mengisi posisi – posisi sebagai berikut :

Syarat – syarat :
-        Pria, Wanita.
-        Umur Maksimal 30 Th.
-        Pendidikan minimal SMK/Sederajat
-        Tinggi badan minimal : 158 cm (SPG), 168 cm (SPB).
-        Berkemauan keras untuk maju dan bertanggung jawab.
-        Pengalaman mengikuti event – event
Fasilitas :
-          Tunjangan Lain – lain
-          Jenjang karir
-          Komisi

Email : hrd.rek@gmail.com  

[Lowongan] Network Engineer dan Transmission Engineer

Sebuah perusahaan service provider yang berkembang pesat membutuhkan posisi sbb:

1. Network Engineer
- S1
- Fresh graduate are welcome
- Networking knowledge (Routing, Switching) is a must
- CCNA certification is a plus

2. Transmission Engineer:
- S1
- Fresh graduate are welcome
- Knowledge about fiber optic technology
- Experience in Transmission Network is a plus

Silahkan kirim CV dan Application Letter nya ke saya (muhammad.reza@gmail.com), disertakan posisi yang di minati dalam email subject.


Kamis, 23 Oktober 2014

FW: Open Vacant - Tesco Indonesia

“We’re hiring, are you the one we’re looking for?”
TESCO INDONESIA is a global leader in the design, manufacture, and service of technology-based solutions for the upstream energy industry. Browse www.tescocorp.com to have more info about us.

Vacant Position:

1. ACCOUNT COORDINATOR (Jakarta based)

Job summary: Act as Tesco representative in maintaining good relationship with customers; creating new opportunities of service or sales for Tesco. Account Coordinator also responsible for managing customer account, such as contracts, payments, following Tesco performances, contract value, etc.

Qualifications: Associate Degree or equivalent with minimum 3 years sales experience in Casing Services

2. LOGISTIC COORDINATOR (Balikpapan based)

Job Summary: In charge of all transportation reports, organizing schedules and mobilization of equipment and goods to the desired location

Qualifications: Associate Degree or equivalent with minimum 2 years in the same field; familiar with standard office software, transportation software systems such as AX, FSA; has high accuracy in all reports

Send your resume in English enclosed with updated photo to Recruitment_Id@TescoCorp.com
Only shortlist candidate will be notified.


This message may be confidential and/or subject to legal privilege. If you have received this message in error, please inform the sender and delete or destroy all copies of this message.

TESCO® is a registered trademark in the United States and Canada. Casing Drive System™, CDS™, Multiple Control Line Running System™ and MCLRS™ are trademarks in the United States and Canada.

- Scanned for viruses by MessageLabs on behalf of Tesco Corporation -

Vacancy as Admin (Urgently Required)

Dear All,
We are currently seeking qualified candidates for the position of:
·         D3 in Secretary, Administration or other required background with related experience
·         Has more than 3 years of experience in admin assistant or secretary
·         Able to operate MS Office (Word, Excel & Power Point)
·         Able to communicate in English (oral & written)                                                                                                                             
·         Ready to be located  and stay around at Salak-Sukabumi

Scope of Work:
·         Record and documentation, Reporting, Minor spreadsheet calculator
·         Assist analyst/Engineers/Leaders in analytical work assignment, Proper, OE, Operation audit
·         Handle other analytical work activities assigned by Leader

Should you meet the above qualification, please send your full resume email to:

Please mention the position applied on the subject of email.

Lowongan : General Administration (Temporary - 3 Bulan)

PT. Daya Kobelco Construction Machinery Indonesia (DKCMI) adalah distributor ekslusif untuk Excavator dengan merek KOBELCO, sedang mencari tenaga professional yang dapat bergabung dalam tim sebagai :

(Temporary Replacement - 3 bulan kontrak)

Lokasi : Jakarta, Pondok Indah

Kualifikasi :
- Pria/Wanita, Minimal lulusan D3 semua jurusan
- Minimal 1 tahun pengalaman sebagai administrasi (fresh graduate dipersilahkan untuk melamar)
- Aktif menggunakan program MS Office

Kirimkan lamaran dan CV dan foto terbaru anda ke :


(tidak lebih dari 2 minggu setelah penayangan iklan ini)

lowker IT Support, Full Time Tutor, Supir

sebuah Yayasan yang bergerak di bidang pendidikan, pemberdayaan masyarakat serta sosial dan budaya. Saat ini sedang membuka lowongan dengan detail sbb :

1. IT support, dengan kualifikasi sbb :
- Pria
- Umur max 35 th
- Pendidikan min S1, jurusan komputer
- Pengalaman min 3 th
- Mengerti IT support, trouble shooting, jaringan, server
- Berinisiatif dan aktif
- Bersedia keluar kota apabila diperlukan

2. Full time tutor, dengan kualifikasi sbb :
- wanita
- umur max 30 th
- pendidikan min s1
- belum menikah
- biasa mengajar bahasa inggris dan matematika

3. Driver, dengan kualifikasi sbb :
- pria
- umur max 35 th
- pendidikan min SMA
- mengerti jalan di Jakarta

Apabila anda merasa telah memenuhi kualifikasi tersebut, segera kirimkan Surat Lamaran dan CV + Pas Photo Terbaru + Gaji Terakhir ke rekrutmen.yayasandel@gmail.com dengan mengisi posisi yang diinginkan pada subject email.

Atas perhatiannya diucapkan terima kasih.



Dear all member,
Selamat sore. Izinkan saya share mengenai adanya lowongan pekerjaan IT Java Development. Jika ada rekan/saudara/kenalan dengan background yang sedang kami cari, dipersilakan untuk applying on this job. Many thanks. Have a great day.
PRADANA SAKTYA ADI, S.Psi., M.Psi., psikolog
Corporate HRD Recruitment Dept. Head
WhatsApp / LINE: 08164272710
e-mail:   adiklaten@yahoo.com

Central Proteinaprima is the fully integrated shrimp producer and processor, as well as Indonesia's market leader in shrimp fry, shrimp feed and fish feed production. Our products include frozen shrimp, shrimp feed, shrimp fry and probiotics
To be the largest and most advanced vertically integrated aquaculture company in the world
Our mission is to continue leveraging our competitive strengths in aquaculture and drive efficiency through innovative management and new technologies to ensure the success of our farmers and the highest quality of our products.  We will continue to consistently evaluate our social contribution and our company performance while adhering to environmentally-friendly practices across all of our operations.

  • Male / Female, Information Technology / Computer Science / Information System alumni with GPA minimal 3.00 of 4.00 scale (fresh graduated are welcome). Specialist in JAVA Development Program.
  • Defines site objectives by analyzing user requirements; envisioning system features and functionality.
  • Designs and develops user interfaces to internet/intranet applications by setting expectations and features priorities throughout development life cycle; determining design methodologies and tool sets; completing programming using languages and software products; designing and conducting tests.
  • Recommends system solutions by comparing advantages and disadvantages of custom development and purchase alternatives.
  • Updates job knowledge by researching new internet/intranet technologies and software products; participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional organizations.
  • Enhances organization reputation by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests; exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments.
sent your complete CV to:
subject:  IT JAVA DEVELOPMENT SUPERVISOR (max. attachment 500KB, before Nov 30th, 2014)

Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014

Lowongan Teknikal Support

PT. Mitra Buana Komputindo, adalah salah satu perusahaan IT yang bergerak di bidang system integrator. Untuk mendukung proyek-proyek bisnis yang ada, kami mengajak para profesional di bidangnya untuk mengisi posisi :
Persyaratan :
  • Laki-laki, maks 30 tahun
  • Pend Min SMK / D1 / D3 jurusan Teknik Informatika / Elektro
  • Terbuka untuk Fresh Graduated (non pengalaman)
  • Memiliki pengalaman mengenai system Piranti Keras & Piranti Lunak, LAN, WAN, WLAN / Sistem Wireless, Windows
  • Memiliki pengalaman mengenai Produk Microsoft, Sistem Email, MS Windows OS dan Product Office Lainnya
  • Memiliki pengalaman untuk Setup, Instalasi dan Sistem Operasi Komputer
  • Memiliki kemampuan untuk Troubleshooting software, hardware Desktop Computer, Notebook, Printer, Scanner dan lainnya
  • Memiliki Kepribadian yang baik, energik, mempunyai inisiatif yang tinggi dan mampu bekerja dalam tim.
Kirim surat lamaran Anda lengkap dengan CV dan foto terbaru ke :
PT. Mitra Buana Komputindo
Gedung Wirausaha Lt 8 Suite 802
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav C5
Jakarta 12940

Atau ke email : recruitment.mbk@mbk.co.id

Dibutuhkan Segera : Accounting Staff

Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang IT Consultant yang sedang berkembang. Untuk menunjang perkembangan perusahaan kami saat ini kami sedang membutuhkan beberapa karyawan baru mendukung project dan kebutuhan internal kami untuk posisi : 
  • Wanita, Usia Maksimal 30 tahun
  • SMK berpengalaman atau S1/D3 Jurusan Accounting
  • Dapat menggunakan MS Office
  • Teliti, Cekatan dan Mempunyai Inisiatif Tinggi
  • Bersedia di tempatkan di Ketapang Raya
  • Bersedia Lembur
  • Menguasai Program SAP merupakan suatu kelebihan
  • Berpengalaman mengenai Penjurnalan, Kas, Aktiva, Piutang, Perpajakan, Laporan Transaksi, SO dan DO
  • Pekerja Keras dan Komunikasi yang baik
Bagi yang memiliki kualifikasi di atas segera kirim surat lamaran dan cv ke :
Gedung Wirausaha Lt 8 Suite 802
Jl. H.R Rasuna Said Kav C5
atau email ke :
recruitment.mbk@mbk.co.id / agung.prabowo@mbk.co.id

Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014

Job Opportunity for Sahabat Utama Group (West Jakarta)

Dear Experts,
Looking for New Opportunity ?

(Sahabat Utama Group). Group Ritel for Stationery(Parker, Rotring, Moleskine, Cote et Ciel, Pheonix, Olfa, Sharpie), Logistic, HR Consultants and IT Consultants.

Now we are looking for :

1. Accounting Executive
2. Personal Assistant
3. Merchandiser Executive
4. Public Relation Executive

Requirements :
*Female, Bachelor Degree in Any Major Related
*at least 1 year working experience in related area. But freshgraduated are welcome to apply.
*Have strong interpersonal and able to work in team or independently.
*Detail Oriented
*English Literature, Mandarin is an advantage
*Willing to be placed in West Jakarta (Slipi).

Contact Us, or Rush your Resume  to : 

Barli Wijayanto
Recruitment Ass.Mngr.
Sahabat Utama Group
Wisma 76 18th Floor
be One of Us, be Sahabat Utama.
Source : Buku Wisuda.
Our Linkedin : Recruitment SU Group
phone / whatsapp : 0857 7658 2020
bbm pin : 7E963347

Selasa, 14 Oktober 2014


Our Client is a Consultant Oil and Gas, Energy, Chemical, Industry (ECI), Infrastructure, Financial Services, Telecommunication & Properties Need 1 position :


Qualification ;
1. Female
2. Good Looking
3. Has experience, Friendly, and easy smile
4. Good Communication Skill
5. Salary UMR
6. Location West Jakarta
7. Status Contract

If you interest please sent your cv to oktrina.angelia@ski-hr.com, cc recruitment@ski-hr.com
Thank You

Lowongan Account Executive (AE)

PT Indah Cipta Utama adalah salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang alat-alat kesehatan, membutuhkan Account Executive untuk bergabung di team kami dengan persyaratan:

1. Male/ Female
2. Pendidikan minimal S1
3. Memiliki pengalaman 3 tahun dalam bidang alat-alat kesehatan
4. Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang sangat baik
5. Memiliki motivasi dan terbiasa dengan target
6. Berpenampilan menarik 

Tugas dan tanggung Jawab

1. Melakukan komunikasi pemasaran dengan dokter-dokter

CV dapat dikirimkan melalui email: hr.indahciptautama@gmail.com

Urgent : Teknikal Support Team Leader

Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang IT Consultant yang sedang berkembang. Untuk menunjang perkembangan perusahaan kami saat ini kami sedang membutuhkan beberapa karyawan baru mendukung project dan kebutuhan internal kami untuk posisi :
  • Teknikal Support Team Leader

Kualifikasi :
  • S1Teknik Informatika atau setara
  • Memiliki pengalaman di Troubleshoot komputer
  • Mengerti dan paham ITIL Operation
  • Bertanggung jawab untuk keseluruhan operasional support di Branch Support
  • Managed SLA report
  • Memastikan tercapainya SLA
  • Mengatur schedule teknisi, helpdesk dan admin
  • Gaji yang kompetitif
  • Proses Cepat
  • Dapat bergabung secepatnya
Bagi yang memiliki kualifikasi di atas segera kirim surat lamaran dan cv ke :
Gedung Wirausaha Lt 8 Suite 802
Jl. H.R Rasuna Said Kav C5
atau email ke :

Senin, 13 Oktober 2014


Hi All,
Our Client for Mining Company (Owner) Looking for Potential Candidates for Short Term (3 months) as HR ADMIN at Kalimantan.
-   Female
-       Min. Diploma from reputable University
-       Experience minimal 3 years in the same position in Multinational Mining Company
-       Familiar with Time sheet, correspondence, payroll, Ms. Office, Internet
-       English Literate
General Information
§  Location Remote Area at Kalimantan
§  Rooster 6 weeks on/ 2 weeks off
§  Salary negotiable
Job Description
§  Assisting to coordinate travel arrangements of staff to and from site
§  Collection of timesheets
§  Leave Administration
§  Medical Administration
§  Coordinating with Camp staff for accommodation
§  Preparation of monthly reports
§  General HR Administration
Please submit your update CV with recent photograph at our email recruitment@ski-hr.com   cc oktrina.angelia@ski-hr.com
Thank you
Best Regards


Sales Engineers Needed

Spotelindo Mitra Utama is trading telecommunication company that has been established since 2004. Our company specializes in providing and supporting the latest technology for our client’s project as well as for the new market in the fiber optic and telecommunication industry. 

The products and services we provide include:
- Fiber Optic, Rack Server, SFP, Cable Tray
- UTP Cabling Services
- Power Meter
- Fusion Splicing
- Etc

- Responsible for development and delivery of product demonstration
- Responsible for representing the product to customers and at field events such as conferences, meeting, etc
- Able to respond to functional and technical elements
- Able to convey customer requirements to Product Management teams
- Able to travel throughout sales territory
- Able to work with target

Ideal candidate must be self-motivated with a proven track record in electronic/telecommunication/automotive sales and knowledge of technology. Comfortable in the dynamic atmosphere of a technical organization with a rapidly expanding customer base. Must possess strong presentation skills and be able to communicate professionally in written responses to emails and when submitting reports.

- Min. age requirement 20 years old, Max. 26 years old (Male and Female are welcome to apply)
- Residents in Jakarta
- 1-3 years relevant experience in vendor sales
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply

Interested and qualified candidates are requested to apply with an updated CV, recent photograph, and cover letter at:jeanny@spotelindo.com / ame_noe@spotelindo.com

vacancy IT Software Development Manager

Dear all,

JAPFA (IDX: JPFA.JK & SGX: UD2) is a leading, industrial agri-food company with a diversified portfolio and core competencies in animal feed production, animal breeding, livestock fattening, and dairy / consumer food products, with over 40 years of operational history in high growth, emerging Asian countries. 

We have operations and market presence in Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, Myanmar, Malaysia, India, Hong Kong, India, and China.  We specialize in producing healthy, quality animal protein products for millions of Asian consumers with the underlying purpose of raising nutritional standards wherever we are.

JAPFA is looking for passionate-high performance individuals with extensive IT experiences to strengthen our fast-growing IT team, domestically and abroad.  You will be immediately exposed to real business/technical challenges with increasing responsibilities in a Company’s culture that values and recognizes individual and team performance, ideas, diversity, collaboration, and growth.     

  • A Bachelor or Master Degree in Information Technology, Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, and/or equivalent with a minimum GPA of 3.00.
  • Willing to relocate internationally to Myanmar for a minimum of 3 years (Periodic home travel is provided).
  • Maximum 35 years of age.
  • 10+ years of increasing IT experiences, consisting of at least:
    • 3+ years of proven Team Leadership and Managerial experiences.
    • 3+ years of proven Project Leadership experiences.  Certified PMP is preferred.
    • 3+ years of hands-on software development or software programming or software design and architecture.
  • Strong skills & experiences in at least two of the followings (IT program planning and budgeting, risks management, organizational behavior, program management, project management, stakeholders management, costs/benefits management, or IT operations management).
  • Strong quality and customer focus.
  • Process and results oriented.
  • Passion for IT Programs and Operational excellences.
  • Excellent communication skills.  Fluent in English and Bahasa.
Please send in your cv in pdf to recruitment.international@japfacomfeed.co.id by quoting the position title.
Thank you and All the Best.

Best Regards,

Jumat, 10 Oktober 2014

Lowongan Network Engineer & IP Transport Performance

Saat ini client/rekan kami membutuhkan beberapa posisi seperti dibawah.

Buat yang tertarik silahkan kirim CV ke hr@enetwoq.com dengan subject sesuai code posisi. 
Buat yang requirementnya sesuai akan kami forward CVnya ke client/rekan kami untuk next process.

1. Code: [SME] Network Engineer
Perusahan: System Integrator di Indonesia
- Pengalaman minimum 3 tahun di system integrator/Cisco Partner dll 
- Berpengalaman setting router/switch dll untuk kebutuhan enterprise
- Paham dan punya pengalaman setting L2, MPLS, OSPF dll
- Minimum CCNA Level  

2. Code: [LTE] Senior Network Engineer
Perusahaan: Penyelenggara LTE Telekomunikasi di Indonesia seperti atau Bolt
- Pengalaman minimum 5 tahun di system integrator/Cisco Partner dll 
- Paham dan punya pengalaman setting L2, BGP, MPLS, IP Services spt DNS, DHCP dll
- Minimum CCNP Level 
- Diutamakan yang berpengalaman setting router/switch dll untuk kebutuhan LTE telekomunikasi

3. Code: [Telco] IP Transport performance
Perusahaan: Salah satu operator Telekomunikasi di Indonesia
Level Manager atau Senior Manager
- Pengalaman bekerja minimum 5 tahun (manager) dan 9 tahun (Senior Manager) di telekomunikasi dan diutamakan yang dari IP Transport Performance/Optimization
- Berpengalaman beberapa teknologi transport seperti Microwave PDH SDH, DWDM, OTN, Layer 2 dan Layer 3 Technology  
- Paham dan punya pengalaman di IP Transport Performance spt G821, G826 and RFC2544 
- Mengerti tentang IP Transport Performance monitoring di interface GSM/WCDMA spt IuB, IuPS, IuCS, Abis, A, Ater, Gb dll
- Bisa mengolah dan memanipulasi data menggunakan beberapa tool spt excel, macro, vb, perl, python dll
- Terbiasa menggunakan tool seperti U2000, M2000, Netact, Netviewer dll
- Diutamakan yang mengerti tentang struktur database seperti sybase, MS SQL Server dan Oracle 
- Diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman di perangkat Huawei dan NSN
- Women encourage to apply

Ditunggu paling lambat 17 October 2014

Terima kasih atas perhatian dan kepercayaannya

Salam Sukses,
Fauzi Yusuf

Kamis, 09 Oktober 2014

Urgently Vacant untuk Posisi Accounting Staff

Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang IT Consultant yang sedang berkembang. Untuk menunjang perkembangan perusahaan kami saat ini kami sedang membutuhkan beberapa karyawan baru mendukung project dan kebutuhan internal kami untuk posisi : 
  • Wanita, Usia Maksimal 30 tahun
  • SMK berpengalaman atau S1/D3 Jurusan Accounting
  • Dapat menggunakan MS Office
  • Teliti, Cekatan dan Mempunyai Inisiatif Tinggi
  • Bersedia di tempatkan di Ketapang Raya
  • Bersedia Lembur
  • Menguasai Program SAP merupakan suatu kelebihan
  • Berpengalaman mengenai Penjurnalan, Kas, Aktiva, Piutang, Perpajakan, Laporan Transaksi, SO dan DO
  • Pekerja Keras dan Komunikasi yang baik
Bagi yang memiliki kualifikasi di atas segera kirim surat lamaran dan cv ke :
Gedung Wirausaha Lt 8 Suite 802
Jl. H.R Rasuna Said Kav C5
atau email ke :
recruitment.mbk@mbk.co.id / agung.prabowo@mbk.co.id

Selasa, 07 Oktober 2014

Vacant : Accounting Staff

Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang IT Consultant yang sedang berkembang. Untuk menunjang perkembangan perusahaan kami saat ini kami sedang membutuhkan beberapa karyawan baru mendukung project dan kebutuhan internal kami untuk posisi : 
  • S1/D3 Jurusan Accounting
  • Mempunyai pengalaman di Accounting
  • Dapat menggunakan MS Office
  • Teliti, Cekatan dan Mempunyai Inisiatif Tinggi
  • Bersedia di tempatkan di Ketapang Raya
  • Bersedia Lembur
  • Menguasai Program SAP merupakan suatu kelebihan
  • Berpengalaman mengenai Penjurnalan, Laporan Transaksi, SO dan DO
  • Pekerja Keras dan Komunikasi yang baik
Bagi yang memiliki kualifikasi di atas segera kirim surat lamaran dan cv ke :
Gedung Wirausaha Lt 8 Suite 802
Jl. H.R Rasuna Said Kav C5
atau email ke :


Vacancy as Admin (Urgently Required)

Dear All,
We are currently seeking qualified candidates for the position of:
·         D3 in Secretary, Administration or other required background with related experience
·         Has more than 3 years of experience in admin assistant or secretary
·         Able to operate MS Office (Word, Excel & Power Point)
·         Able to communicate in English (oral & written)                                                                                                                             
·         Ready to be located  and stay around at Sukabumi

Scope of Work:
·         Record and documentation, Reporting, Minor spreadsheet calculator
·         Assist analyst/Engineers/Leaders in analytical work assignment, Proper, OE, Operation audit
·         Handle other analytical work activities assigned by Leader

Should you meet the above qualification, please send your full resume email to:

Please mention the position applied on the subject of email.


PT. Daya Kobelco Construction Machinery Indonesia (DKCMI) adalah distributor ekslusif untuk Excavator dengan merek KOBELCO, sedang mencari tenaga professional yang dapat bergabung dalam tim sebagai :

Lokasi : Jakarta, Pondok Indah
Kualifikasi :

- Pria/Wanita, Minimal lulusan D3 jurusan akuntansi
- Minimal 1 tahun pengalaman sebagai administrasi keuangan (fresh graduate dipersilahkan untuk melamar)
- Aktif menggunakan program MS Excell, lebih diutamakan memiliki pengalaman dengan SAP

Kirimkan lamaran dan CV dan fot terbaru anda ke :


(tidak lebih dari 2 minggu setelah penayangan iklan ini)

Lowongan Network Enginer Juniper

oh ya ada teman yg lg cari kerja, soalnya tempat ku lg butuh org utk posisi NE.
Kualifikasinya sebagai berikut yah :

- Fast Learner
- Pengalaman min 1 thn dan diutamakan yg pegang Juniper products, karna akan diarahkan ke product tersebut.
- Suka tantangan dan hal-hal baru
- Semangat belajar baik

Mengenai sallary bisa disertakan dalam CV-nya. Kl ada yg mau krm aja yah ke email yahoo ku(Doddy_235@yahoo.com) biar nanti diforward ke managernya lsg.



Senin, 06 Oktober 2014

Lowongan Internet Support

PT Creative PQSP Prima Indonesia, Distributor Power Bank dan Accessories Komputer, butuh SDM untuk posisi :
Internet Support
- Pria/wanita
- Usia max 28th
- Min SMA
- Menyukai internet dan website
- Menguasai microsoft Office
- Menyukai sosial media
- Berbahasa Indonesia dengan baik
bagi yang berminat kirim CV via email ke vacancycreative88@gmail.com

Lowongan Teknik Mesin

Dibutuhkan sarjana tehnik berpengalaman min 35 th ditempatkan di wilayah driyorejo-Gresik
Jawa Timur

Email ke : dewantiyulis@yahoo.co.id

Lowongan HRD Recruitment & Cust Support

Permisi, saya Melia, HRD PT Saksama, mohon izin untuk posting lowongan pekerjaan ya, terima kasih

PT. Saksama Trading Co yang sedang berkembang pesat membuka kesempatan kepada tenaga-tenaga muda yang berpotensi untuk menempati posisi-posisi di Internal di PT. Saksama Trading Co sebagai :

Customer Support (CS)
1. Pria/Wanita, minimal lulusan SMA/SMK
2. Lebih diutamakan lulusan IPA, nilai matematika minimal 7.00
3. Umur maksimal 25 th
4. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
5. Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim
6. Dapat mengoperasikan Ms Office dan Ms Excel dengan baik
7. Dapat berkomunikasi Bahasa Inggris ( Minimal Pasif )

HR-Recruitment (HR)

1. Pria/Wanita, minimal lulusan D3, lebih diutamakan lulusan S1 psikologi/hukum/manajemen
2. Umur maksimal 30 th
3. Lebih disukai mempunyai pengalaman rekrutmen min. 1 tahun
4. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
5. Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim
6. Dapat mengoperasikan Ms Office dan Ms Excel dengan baik
7. Dapat berkomunikasi Bahasa Inggris ( Minimal Pasif )

Dokumen yang diperlukan: Pasfoto 4×6 (1 lbr), CV, Fotokopi KTP, Fotokopi Ijazah, transkrip kuliah, Fotokopi SIM (jika ada)

Cara melamar:

Kirim via pos / email seluruh dokumen ke : recruitment.saksama@gmail.com (judul: CS_nama) / (judul: HR_nama)

HRD Dept. PT. Saksama Trading Co
Jl. Wahid Hasyim Nο. 44, Menteng
Jakarta Pusat 10340

1. Cantumkan No. Telepon/Handphone Anda
2. Tuliskan kode posisi (CS/HR) yang dilamar dipojok kiri atas amplop folio coklat
3. Pelamar akan dihubungi via telepon / di-email

Vacancies of IT Operation Support Staff & IT Network Administrator at PT Singgar Mulia

Dear Admin,

Mohon izin untuk memposting iklan :

PT. Singgar Mulia (Engineering Consultant) are hiring :

1. IT Operation Support Staff
2. IT Network Administrator

Office Location : Pakubuwono - Jakarta Selatan

Bagi yang berminat CV dapat diemail ke :


Urgently for IT Senior Progammer

  • Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology, Computer Science or related field
  • Male, max 35 years old
  • Minimum of 5 years working experience as programmer.
  • Mastering advanced programming such as php, Delphi, Visual Studio 2010
  • Understand the concept of advanced programming such as Web Base , Desktop, . Net (Dot Net)
  • Understand programming with multitiered method
  • Understand the concept of SDLC ( System Development Life Cycle )
  • Good communication skill and good cooperation
  • Strong organizational skill, including the ability to quickly resolve problems and work with a minimum supervision
  • Able to work under pressure and tight schedule, independently and proactively
  • Highly motivated, strong software design and debugging others
  • Strong analytical skill and attention to detail
  • Good command of English both written and spoken
  • Would be able to start immediately
Jobdesk :
  • Accomplishes programming project requirements by coaching programmers.
  • Meets programming standards by following production, productivity, quality, and customer-service standards; identifying work process improvements; implementing new technology.
  • Arranges program specifications by confirming logical sequence and flowcharts; researching and employing established operations.
  • Verifies program operation by confirming tests.
  • Prepares programmers by providing educational opportunities.
  • Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks.
  • Accomplishes department and organization mission by completing related results as needed.

Jika berminat kirimkan CV anda ke

atau dapat datang langsung ke
Gedung Habibie Center
JL.Kemang Selatan No.98
021 78832525

Jumat, 03 Oktober 2014

Vacancy Information in PT. Asaba Computer Centre

PT. ASABA COMPUTER CENTRE was founded in 1990 with the clear mission to create business values for the customers by solving complex systems integration issues behind the state-of-the-art technologies. The company firmly bases its innovative solutions and delivery models in the framework of people, technologies, and business functions, a value added provider of integrated networking, cabling system solution, network operating system, database, desktop applications and Internet-Intranet-Extranet that support business information and IT Infrastructure requirements.
As such, PT. ASABA COMPUTER CENTRE has taken great care and pride to select world class IT companies as technology partners, continue profoundly to invest in human capital, as well as develop specific industry knowledge by mapping the leading technology practices with the local business requirements.
Due to our vast growth, we are looking for ambitious, highly motivated, self driven, and goal oriented candidates to join our team. This is a great opportunity for individuals who seek to develop themselves personally and professionally in the fast paced environment of a young, steadily growing company.


  • Showing the ability to execute as well as deliver infrastructure and system integration project based on Microsoft platforms.
  • Held bachelor degree from Information Technology or any relevant Engineering major of education
  • Male or Female, with maximum 35 years old of age.
  • It is preferred with one or more Microsoft Windows Server, System Center, Exchange Server, Lync Server and SQL Server.
  • Having at least 2 years experience as system Engineer on Microsoft platform.
  • Demonstrated good for problem solving and analytical thinking.
  • Good written and oral communication skills.
  • Good interpersonal and professional skills.
  • Show ability to work in a team–oriented and collaborative environment.
  • Show ability to handle multiple tasks concurrently.


  • Good concept in  C#, .Net, MSC#.
  • Experience as .Net Developer for at least 2 years.
  • Experience in Data warehouse project is preferable.
  • Experience in application development at least for 2 years.
  • Understand SharePoint and ASP.NET will be an advantage.
  • Self starter and self motivator.
  • Fast learner about new technology.
  • Good written and oral communication.
  • Good team player and easy to adapt.


  • Demonstrate the ability to recognize the client's requirements.
  • Having one year experience as Presales / Technical Sales or Project Manager.
  • It is preferred to have one or more certification in Microsoft Windows Server, System Center, Exchange Server, Lync Server or SQL Server.
  • A Bachelor degree from Information Technology or relevant Engineering major of education.
  • Male or Female, with maximum 35 years old of age.
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills.
  • Good knowledge in communication, solutions, and system.
  • Good motivator, good listener and team integrator.


  • The candidate is expected will be able to demonstrate a solid background in project management detailing elements of infrastructure and system integration projects on Microsoft platform ideally.
  • He or She must be a Bachelor Degree from Information Technology or relevant Engineering major of education, with maximum age of 35 years old.
  • It is preferred to have one or more certification in Microsoft Windows Server, System Center, Exchange Server, Lync Server or SQL Server.
  • It is an advantage to have a PMP cerification.
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills.
  • Good planning and organization skills.
  • Highly driven, an active listener and communicator who can discuss project activity ideally.


  • Understand PL SQL (Microsoft), C# >net (Microsoft), Dundas Dasboard/Sharepoint BI.    
  • Had experience as Business Intelligence developer more than 2 years.
  • Good understanding in SharePoint will be an advantage.
  • Good understanding in ASP.NET will be an advantage.
  • Highly motivated to learn new technologies.
  • Good analytical thinking and critical thinking
  • Proactive and full of initiative


  • D3 or S1 from Information Technology, System Information or Computer Science.
  • Understand PL SQL Microsoft (min. 2 years)
  • Understand SSIS Microsoft (min. 2 years)
  • Understand SSAS Microsoft (min. 2 years).  
  • Experience as ETL Developer for at least 2 years. 
  • Fast learner, passionate to learn new technologies.
  • Easy to adapt with collaborative environment, good team work.
  • Self-driven and full of initiative.


  • Male/Female
  • Minimum a bachelor degree majoring in Computer Science.
  • Good selling track record and experience in Sales of IT Product is preferable.
  • Excellent at prospect hunting & Sales strategy.
  • Good understanding of Sales with strong analytical ability.
  • Experience and good knowledge in FSI Industries (Banking and Finance Industry).
  • Self-driven and highly motivated person.
  • Love the challange and target-oriented person.


  • Male/ Female, Bachelor or Master Degree majoring in Business or IT.
  • Experiences with good track record in sales of IT product with the same area/industry of previous involvement.
  • Great in product knowledge.
  • Excellent in prospect hunting and sales strategy.
  • Have broad network.
  • Good organization skill and planning skill.
  • Good knowledge of sales with strong analytical ability, project management & budgeting skill.
  • Proven track record in sales experience with potential leadership quality.
  • Proficiency in English, presentation skill, and communication skill.
  • Having strong negotiation skill.

If you met the requirements, to apply this role, please send your CV to:
